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Deep State: Exposed


Active member

I did. The State Department has 75,000 people working there. To have a few bad apples in there isn't a surprise to me. Maybe to you. So because one scum was hired there it's Hillary's fault? Yet you can't link him to Hillary other then he was employed at the state department.

Here's the article about his brother turning him in in 2019.
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Active member
Look up Hillary's relation to her mentor Robert Byrd of the KKK...

Old news bro. Everybody knows who Byrd is. You just learn about him? Now that your story hasn't panned out about your false flag non sense Byrd gets brought up. Ever read what MLK's wife said about Byrd? Some real positive stuff about his change in life.

Mr D

Oh snap :joint:

Bad News For Coup Crew – Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months…

Merry Christmas. The intercept is reporting that former NSA Director, Admiral Mike Rogers, has been working with U.S. Attorney John Durham for several months during his investigation into the origin of the 2016 intelligence operation against candidate Trump.

This is particularly important because NSA Director Mike Rogers’ knowledge is at the epicenter of the origination of almost everything related to the FBI data-surveillance that was happening in 2015 and 2016....


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Old news bro. Everybody knows who Byrd is. You just learn about him? Now that your story hasn't panned out about your false flag non sense Byrd gets brought up. Ever read what MLK's wife said about Byrd? Some real positive stuff about his change in life.

You haven't said anything substantive to discredit the documented false flag aspects of White supremacy (dnc). In fact I could keep piling it on, but I don't want to waste my time right now.


Active member
You haven't said anything substantive to discredit the documented false flag aspects of White supremacy (dnc). In fact I could keep piling it on, but I don't want to waste my time right now.

Pile what on? An accustation you made with nothing to back it up? I gave real names of white nationalists who promote whites over all other races and you defend them.

Or the link of the white nationalist who worked at the State Department with 75,000 other people. So you blame Hillary.

Have a good time with you white nationalism that has nothing to do with race...........So you say

Hint: You can't prove a negative. I can't claim their is an invisible spaceship that goes around the earth daily then say prove me wrong.

That's what you did with your false flag non sense.


Active member
Naw, PapaD just dropped a hint... https://twitter.com/GeorgePapa19/status/1208166035360104448

Sara Carter and John Solomon can't hold a candle to Morning Joe and Mika said no one ever.

Hello all,

Even Faux news knows better.....buahahaha

Hannity defiant after Fox News execs ask him to stop calling Sara Carter ‘investigative reporter’

Its an old article, but still informative.


PS...What is the function of Mika anyway?


Well-known member
Just a link to the Washington State House report from h.h.'s post above.

A little lengthy, but an informative read.

Report of Investigation Regarding Representative Matt Shea | Washington State House of Representatives | December 1, 2019




Well-known member
Lol. Your red state blog cites The Epoch Times Chinese propaganda and podcasts. Along with Mike Huckabee and Joe DiGenova.

Good stuff.


Well-known member
Dec. 20, 2019

Facebook says a pro-Trump media outlet used artificial intelligence to create fake people and push conspiracies
Facebook took down more than 600 accounts tied to The Epoch Times, a media outlet that has spent heavily on digital ads to push pro-Trump conspiracy theories.​

The accounts pushed anti-impeachment and pro-Trump messages while otherwise posing as everyday Americans. Sometimes the accounts featured obvious errors. One moderator of a popular “BL” page was named “Ellen Dancey,” but featured an AI-generated face of a man. Dancey’s sole post to his profile page read “Hello, wellcom to my face book.”


Active member
I would have to analyze his position better. But I feel that the militaries changes regarding this terminology is appropriate. I prefer general terms such 'political extremism' rather than specific and ambiguous terms such as 'white nationalists.'

Stephen Miller does not deny that the emails between Katie McHugh and himself are real.

I’ve never heard a trump supporter have any problem with Miller though, he’s obviously a large, or the largest reason people
voted for trump in the first place.

Lot of people defend him on this site