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Deep State: Exposed


Mr D

I was expecting that after Horowitz outlined how the FISA system was abused the judge in Fylnn's case would do the right thing and dismiss. When he didn't dismiss I expected Barr or Trump to declassify the FISA applications. Or at a minimum for Barr to speak out on behalf of Flynn.

Mr D

I don’t really speak legalese so I can’t give you a definitive answer. I would postulate 1 of 2 reasons. 1. Horowitz is an Obama era lackey who went soft on Corney and brought flimsy charges against him which left HUGE holes in prosecution giving wiggle room for defense attorneys (documents WERENT classified at time he took them) 2. He doesn’t trust FuckBoisInc from the top down. Wray is a fucking dunce at best as highlighted by classifying steele’s meeting with kovalek at state Department. There have been ZERO leaks that have come from Barr/Durham investigation... coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidences. But by all means, drop the black pills by the hand full. Hopefully you’ll be pleasantly surprised. And yes, if nothing happens, civil war is coming and tptb know this

That what the pundits say which is great for the echo chambers.

I'm looking for action, real justice, but now I know it's not coming.

Oh and BTW Huber didn't leak either if you think a lack of leaks actually means something other than Barr and Durham will be part of the cover up of wide spread corruption.


Active member
I was expecting that after Horowitz outlined how the FISA system was abused the judge in Fylnn's case would do the right thing and dismiss. When he didn't dismiss I expected Barr or Trump to declassify the FISA applications. Or at a minimum for Barr to speak out on behalf of Flynn.

Flynn case has nothing to do with FISA application....

Mr D

Flynn case has nothing to do with FISA application....

I don't have time to lay it all out, you'll just have believe or not believe what I'm telling you. I certainly understand it's not what any of us wanted to hear. But I'm not going to lie to you, it's over. Best thing that can happen is I'm wrong.


Active member
That what the pundits say which is great for the echo chambers.

I'm looking for action, real justice, but now I know it's not coming.

Whether pundits say it or not is moot. So basically you want prosecution brought quickly by bringing charges with huge holes in them over a well planned bulletproof case just to fit your timeline? Seems a bit counterproductive and selfish if honest, but to each their own

Mr D

Whether pundits say it or not is moot. So basically you want prosecution brought quickly by bringing charges with huge holes in them over a well planned bulletproof case just to fit your timeline? Seems a bit counterproductive and selfish if honest, but to each their own

You are not understanding and again repeating what I've heard from pundits about "building a solid case".

Fine we can agree to disagree.


Active member
You are not understanding and again repeating what I've heard from pundits about "building a solid case".

Fine we can agree to disagree.

No, obviously I don’t understand how a case with obvious holes in it is better than an air tight case. But sure we can agree to disagree


Active member
You are not understanding and again repeating what I've heard from pundits about "building a solid case".

Fine we can agree to disagree.

The problem with Flynn is he simply waived his rights....once he does that he literally has no rights to argue anything regardless depending on what he told to Mueller he could be pardoned by trump easily....the fact he has not already may indicate he turned under pressure or they may wait till after sentencing....never ever give up your rights,they may be your saving grace
He wont be doin to much time but his life was fucked....sounds prime for a book deal..so he'll come out in end,but how fucked up these assholes were up in the deep state is gobsmacking


Active member
Words from Trump's appointed FBI director.


FBI director Christopher Wray told Congress on Tuesday that the majority of domestic-terrorism arrests since last October have been linked to white supremacy.

“I will say that a majority of the domestic-terrorism cases that we’ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white-supremacist violence, but it does include other things as well,” the FBI chief said in testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Wray explained that since October, the FBI has arrested about 100 people on international-terrorism charges and about the same number of individuals on charges related to domestic extremism.


Active member
The problem with Flynn is he simply waived his rights....once he does that he literally has no rights to argue anything regardless depending on what he told to Mueller he could be pardoned by trump easily....the fact he has not already may indicate he turned under pressure or they may wait till after sentencing....never ever give up your rights,they may be your saving grace
He wont be doin to much time but his life was fucked....sounds prime for a book deal..so he'll come out in end,but how fucked up these assholes were up in the deep state is gobsmacking


Mr D

The problem with Flynn is he simply waived his rights....once he does that he literally has no rights to argue anything regardless depending on what he told to Mueller he could be pardoned by trump easily....the fact he has not already may indicate he turned under pressure or they may wait till after sentencing....never ever give up your rights,they may be your saving grace
He wont be doin to much time but his life was fucked....sounds prime for a book deal..so he'll come out in end,but how fucked up these assholes were up in the deep state is gobsmacking

He waived his rights under duress and should be granted the opportunity to withdraw his guilty plea in light of Horowitz's findings.


Active member
He waived his rights under duress and should be granted the opportunity to withdraw his guilty plea in light of Horowitz's findings.

The diversity hire judge was begging him to withdraw his guilty plea months ago and he refused. Something is whack about the whole situation. A well respected General intentionally called muh Russia knowing he was tapped, then knowingly lied to fuckboisInc then willingly admitted guilt and waved rights? Yeah something doesn’t add up. As for the last part, I’m sure he fell on sword for family as any man would. But the reason for calling Russians 4-5x in one day to set the ball in motion I cannot wrap my head around. And the fact the people interviewing him even said they didn’t think he was lying makes shit even more preposterous

Mr D

The diversity hire judge was begging him to withdraw his guilty plea months ago and he refused. Something is whack about the whole situation. A well respected General intentionally called muh Russia knowing he was tapped, then knowingly lied to fuckboisInc then willingly admitted guilt and waved rights? Yeah something doesn’t add up. As for the last part, I’m sure he fell on sword for family as any man would. But the reason for calling Russians 4-5x in one day to set the ball in motion I cannot wrap my head around. And the fact the people interviewing him even said they didn’t think he was lying makes shit even more preposterous

Rudy found evidence that the "black ledger" they used against Manafort is a total fraud.

Part 2


Active member
Rudy’s going to be the hero in the Ukraine saga, at least according to him.

Probably only a hero to trump, but a hero nonetheless

Likely saving a few dollars by outsourcing domestic investigations and election help to foreign countries.

Mr D

Rudy’s going to be the hero in the Ukraine saga, at least according to him.

Probably only a hero to trump, but a hero nonetheless

Likely saving a few dollars by outsourcing domestic investigations and election help to foreign countries.

In other words it's just fine if democrats steal billions and elicit foreign interference in US elections.

Or maybe Rudy found a bunch of Ukrainian conspiracy theorist willing to manufacture evidence in support of Trump.

They even managed to find a guy who fought against Russia for Ukraine and was jailed for speaking out against Russia.


Well-known member
Rudy’s going to be the hero in the Ukraine saga, at least according to him.

Probably only a hero to trump, but a hero nonetheless

Likely saving a few dollars by outsourcing domestic investigations and election help to foreign countries.

if Rudy keeps going like he has been, the whole damn crew will end up in jail, including Rudy. :biggrin:


Active member
In other words it's just fine if democrats steal billions and elicit foreign interference in US elections.

Or maybe Rudy found a bunch of Ukrainian conspiracy theorist willing to manufacture evidence in support of Trump.

They even managed to find a guy who fought against Russia for Ukraine and was jailed for speaking out against Russia.

I think if Rudy would wear his superhero cape he would get more respect.
Probably get mistaken for a vampire, but still recommended


Well-known member
This is how I imagine Trump will 'drain the swamp'.

what, he'll dive into the drain & pull his bunch that can't shoot straight down with him? you may well be right. be interesting to watch this unfold & see how many still hold loyalty to trump when he holds none for anyone, ever. he would throw his wife & kids (well, they are supposed to be his. i don't think he has EVER done anything himself if he could get a lackey to do it for him) under the bus to keep his 32% core happy, i believe...:tiphat:

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