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Deep State: Exposed

White Beard

Active member
You touch on a subject I'd like to expand on here. You correct with your statement but the irony is that masses of people that've always considered themselves to be moral rebels and many involved in illegal endeavors..... well they all now appear to be in locked step with the surveillance state, the military industrial complex.

That’s not a window: it’s a mirror

The Dems hoodwinked the dims into doing a complete ideological 180°! And I'm alive to witness the screaming and flailing.... it's a wonderful time!!

That’s not a window: it’s a mirror

Trump's gonna win in 2020 (likely with a super majority...again) and he's gonna appoint at least 2 more supreme court justices! And they know it.

Enjoy your afternoon
Supermajority? AGAIN?

Thanks for bringing the fresh crazy!

And IF he gets re-elected by ANY means, that’s it for the US of A: de facto one-party rule, de facto unquestionable autocrat dictator. Only the shell, the statuary, and the symbols remaining of a once-great nation, presided over by a government unbound by any rules but those it chooses for expediency. No one held accountable, the usual suspects take the blame.

Voters voted for Trump in ‘16...and changed their minds: they gave Dems the House in ‘18 and Dems are applying the brakes. You can’t just wave that away, although I know you’ll try. THE VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN. You can’t just invalidate an election because you didn’t win - isn’t that what y’all say? But you only believe it SOMETIMES?

Or you’re mostly opportunistic liars with a self-important fan base.

Mr D

Who can forget.....


Mr D

Explain to me how the FBI lying to the FISA Court isn’t a crime, but people who lied to the FBI after the FBI lied to the FISA Court to spy on those people is a crime?

Mr D

I can always count on your unabashed support of tyrannical law enforcement tactics if they are against someone you dislike.

knucklehead bob

Explain to me how the FBI lying to the FISA Court isn’t a crime, but people who lied to the FBI after the FBI lied to the FISA Court to spy on those people is a crime?
The 1st Amendment is a crime. Just ask Julian Assange , Bradley Manning & Edward Snowden . You can't go around exposing Democrat/Republican Party crimes


Well-known member
Explain to me how the FBI lying to the FISA Court isn’t a crime, but people who lied to the FBI after the FBI lied to the FISA Court to spy on those people is a crime?
It's how the wee folk keep score...

Mr D

The horror of widespread FBI, DOJ and FISA abuse being made public in a big way.

The horror of the media's propaganda and lies being exposed in a big way.

The horror of USMCA raising wages for Mexican workers.

The horror of moving manufacturing to countries with tighter environmental regulations.

The horror of the UK rejecting liberal policies.

And coming soon....

The horror of Durham indicting the Russia hoax conspirators.


Well-known member
The horror of widespread FBI, DOJ and FISA abuse being made public in a big way.

The horror of the media's propaganda and lies being exposed in a big way.

The horror of USMCA raising wages for Mexican workers.

The horror of moving manufacturing to countries with tighter environmental regulations.

The horror of the UK rejecting liberal policies.

And coming soon....

The horror of Durham indicting the Russia hoax conspirators.
You do, know better than that.

Mr D

What I know is that it's taken a criminal to expose government criminals. Well spoken liars full of empty promises has not worked.

Bottom line.... Much has been exposed that many Americans were unaware of because some loud mouth crude con man occupies the white house. Like him or not the shit is coming to the surface for everyone to see.

Now maybe we could spend some time getting those silver tongued devils to address the surveillance state or at least do away with FISA secret courts.


Active member
I can always count on your unabashed support of tyrannical law enforcement tactics if they are against someone you dislike.

Carter Page could possibly get off on a technicality.

This isn’t a fight against police corruption.
This is trump getting his ass caught in a wringer and crying his way out.

He don’t give a fuck how the man treats you.
Just him.
It’s his excuse.
He’s been treated with kid gloves.


Well-known member
Weed forums have always been full of misguided liberals.

As a weed growing liberal I miss when the proportion of kind loving weed growing hippies to narcissist money growing conservatives was way higher.

It blows my mind that someone can enjoy such a wise and wonderful plant and still support so much of what is wrong with our species.

Mr. J

Well-known member
As a weed growing liberal I miss when the proportion of kind loving weed growing hippies to narcissist money growing conservatives was way higher.

It blows my mind that someone can enjoy such a wise and wonderful plant and still support so much of what is wrong with our species.
Cue the misguided liberals.


Active member
i think hes referring back to the old days when the feds were kicking down doors and locking hippies up for ridiculous amounts of time for the love of this wonderful plant....thanx to the repubs for sending these decisions back down to the states where it should of always been
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Well-known member

Although it was explained on many posts that the young men were playing the Circle Game, the digital lynch mob refused to listen to reason. The jackals are out for blood, and they hope to destroy the lives of our nation’s heroes.

The Circle Game is described by Dictionary.com as follows:

The Circle Game is an activity where one person makes a “circle” with their fingers and holds it below their waist, convincing a second person to look at it. If the second person looks, they receive a punch to the shoulder.

Lol. Circle game.
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The 1st Amendment is a crime. Just ask Julian Assange , Bradley Manning & Edward Snowden . You can't go around exposing Democrat/Republican Party crimes

Dude goes on WORLDWIDE tele and says those devices you love are being monitored by your govt, Like daily! Yet the sheep keep passing their time in the grassland away.......only dimly aware of the certain unease in the air...........YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! there may be dogs around......well ive looked over to jordan and ive seen....things aint quite what they seem. Pink floyd animals...they knew back then!


St. Phatty

Active member
As a weed growing liberal I miss when the proportion of kind loving weed growing hippies to narcissist money growing conservatives was way higher.

It blows my mind that someone can enjoy such a wise and wonderful plant and still support so much of what is wrong with our species.


That's how I felt when an engineer co-worker married the daughter of a Texas banker.

Instant Republican ! He subsequently told me that Bill O'Reilly was "middle of the road". They also gave me "Atlas Shrugged", I guess hoping I would learn to be more - selfish ?

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