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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
Carter Page could possibly get off on a technicality.

This isn’t a fight against police corruption.
This is trump getting his ass caught in a wringer and crying his way out.

He don’t give a fuck how the man treats you.
Just him.
It’s his excuse.
He’s been treated with kid gloves.

Carter Page is going to be incredibly wealthy when he's done suing the 3 letter agencies. The FBI was willing to set him up to get Trump. Again, the lunatic leftist have no problem with police state tactics, that would make Stalin proud. If Trump hadn't won we would have never known, how fucked our law-enforcement really are.

Trump got caught in a ringer, that's a fantasy at best. Don't remember that Muller report, or Horowitz report? Short memory kid. Hard to remember shit when your head is buried in the sand.

Again, you are wrong. Nothing new there.


Active member
quiet room is down the hall on the left...please dont chew on the crayons

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Mr D

Carter Page could possibly get off on a technicality.

This isn’t a fight against police corruption.
This is trump getting his ass caught in a wringer and crying his way out.

He don’t give a fuck how the man treats you.
Just him.
It’s his excuse.
He’s been treated with kid gloves.

Yes indeed using his work for the CIA as a basis of potential probable cause and then lying 7 times to get the first FISA warrant is a technicality.

Dude either you are being intellectually dishonest, really confused or you have the best weed on the forum.

Seriously...did you really say that?


Active member
Carter page get off of what? He has not been charged with a fucking crime to ‘get off’ of. Do you even google before posting bruh? Also, if you believe it’s a mere ‘coincidence’ a CIA spook enters drumpf campaign and HE is the one the FBI uses as FISA target, there is literally no hope for you

Mr D

Big fuckin deal... Like it's the first time they pulled this shit....NOT

Collyer could have just used the same bunch words they used in 2002 and then did nothing. Collyer has known about this for 2 years and we just now get this big bag of nothing burgers from Collyer.


Nothing will happen to the law breakers, so move along nothing to see here.

Mr D

FISC has the ability to assign a special prosecutor yet the did nothing but issue a fuckin letter.

Mr D

Indictments are coming.

Don't kid yourself. other than possibly Clinesmith no one is going to answer for this.

Did you pay attention to what happened recently to Flynn? That's all the proof you need that nothing is going to happen and it will continue.

If Durham comes back with nothing or no one ends up in jail you can bet the house a civil war is coming.


Active member
FISC has the ability to assign a special prosecutor yet the did nothing but issue a fuckin letter.

Lest we forget Barr/ Durham? And for the rest of the blackpilled, anybody seen the FOIA applications regarding Awan? Doesn’t seem to be the end for DWS. And speaking of FOIA... there seems to be some fuckery going on with certain names in IG report and other documents where James B. Comey is changed to James 8. Corney along with Avvan and obarna

Mr D

Lest we forget Barr/ Durham? And for the rest of the blackpilled, anybody seen the FOIA applications regarding Awan? Doesn’t seem to be the end for DWS. And speaking of FOIA... there seems to be some fuckery going on with certain names in IG report and other documents where James B. Comey is changed to James 8. Corney along with Avvan and obarna

Tell me why Barr is not doing anything about Flynn since Trump gave him the ability to declassify. Why did Barr refuse to indict Comey after Horowitz recommenced indictments last time around?

Your wrong brother, game is over.


Active member
Don't kid yourself. other than possibly Clinesmith no one is going to answer for this.

Did you pay attention to what happened recently to Flynn? That's all the proof you need that nothing is going to happen and it will continue.

If Durham comes back with nothing or no one ends up in jail you can bet the house a civil war is coming.

Not really sure what you expected from a diversity hire Clinton appointee...

Mr D

Try not to forget Barr is corrupt, and Sessions appointed Huber like Barr appointed Durham.

I heard how Huber was going to send people to jail. Now tell me where the fuck Huber is.


Active member
Tell me why Barr is not doing anything about Flynn since Trump gave him the ability to declassify. Why did Barr refuse to indict Comey after Horowitz recommenced indictments last time around?

Your wrong brother, game is over.

I don’t really speak legalese so I can’t give you a definitive answer. I would postulate 1 of 2 reasons. 1. Horowitz is an Obama era lackey who went soft on Corney and brought flimsy charges against him which left HUGE holes in prosecution giving wiggle room for defense attorneys (documents WERENT classified at time he took them) 2. He doesn’t trust FuckBoisInc from the top down. Wray is a fucking dunce at best as highlighted by classifying steele’s meeting with kovalek at state Department. There have been ZERO leaks that have come from Barr/Durham investigation... coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidences. But by all means, drop the black pills by the hand full. Hopefully you’ll be pleasantly surprised. And yes, if nothing happens, civil war is coming and tptb know this