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Deep State: Exposed


Well-known member
Or you could watch the live footage of the hearing and then turn it off when the talking heads come on.

I'm not sure why you folks like to single out FOX after they joined lockstep with CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo and the rest to sell us lies about WMD's?

FOX is no different from CNN or any of the other military industrial complex propaganda outlets.

Most of the networks are guilty of trying to influence the audience. Fox is the network I see that takes actual news and twist it into something completely incorrect.

But agreed. Lots of crap. But fox is barely better than the enquirer.


Active member
Yeah man I know...I mean after our intelligence agencies stellar job on Iraq's WMD's I'm fuckin shocked he wouldn't take there word.

Your saying that because our intelligence community doesn’t have a 100% success rate in preventing everything Putin’s word is a viable option?

Seems like an un American type thing to say if so.

Mr D

Your saying that because our intelligence community doesn’t have a 100% success rate in preventing everything Putin’s word is a viable option?

Seems like an un American type thing to say if so.

No I'm saying they do the bidding of military industrial complex which is not in Americans best interest.

I guess you believe that WMD assessment was a mistake instead of intentional propaganda to sell a war no one wanted.

Mr D

Trump is a big old Fuck You from the voters to the two party system

A system that threw your ass overboard 30 years ago.

No one is coming from either faction of the uniparty to make things right for the American people.

Every 4 years you have to lie to yourself to believe the lies of politicians who don't give a fuck about you. Reduced to the lie of the lesser of two evils.......

Ocasio-Cortez Skeptical Warren and Sanders Wealth Tax Could Pass

AOC is actually being honest here and anyone who's been paying attention knows she's right. The lobbyist controlled rich people in congress are not going to pass this pipe dream. However it won't stop you and others from repeating these campaign promises/lies.


Active member
Hello all,

Aw snap!


DOJ IG reportedly debunks some of Trump's claims against FBI leadership
The Justice Department inspector general has reportedly concluded that the FBI’s senior leadership did not act out of anti-Trump bias in its handling of the Russia investigation, although the IG criticiczed some lower-level officials’ actions at the onset of the probe.

The New York Times reports:

Investigators for the inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, uncovered errors and omissions in documents related to the wiretapping of a former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page — including that a low-level lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, altered an email that officials used to prepare to seek court approval to renew the wiretap, the people said. ...

More broadly, Mr. Horowitz’s report, to be made public on Dec. 9, portrays the overall effort to seek the wiretap order and its renewals as sloppy and unprofessional, according to the people familiar with it. He will also sharply criticize as careless one of the F.B.I. case agents in New York handling the matter, they said.

At the same time, however, the report debunks a series of conspiracy theories and insinuations about the F.B.I. that Mr. Trump and his allies have put forward over the past two years, the people said, though they cautioned that the report is not complete. The New York Times has not reviewed the draft, which could contain other significant findings.

In particular, while Mr. Horowitz criticizes F.B.I. leadership for its handling of the highly fraught Russia investigation in some ways, he made no finding of politically biased actions by top officials Mr. Trump has vilified like the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey; Andrew G. McCabe, the former deputy who temporarily ran the bureau after the president fired Mr. Comey in 2017; and Peter Strzok, a former top counterintelligence agent.

Trump will likely latch on to some of the IG’s findings to again claim the existence of a “deep state” working against his presidency. However, if history is any indication, Trump is unlikely to abandon his accusation that top FBI officials were acting out of bias against him, despite the IG’s conclusions.


Mr D

Yeah we know...Horowitz is going to come out and name FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith as the guilty party and people are going to say... Who?

Horowitz has no power to indict so to believe Trump's people were waiting with bated breath for his report is laughable.

Come on back when the guardian reports no indictments from Durham.


Active member
trump is giving up and jumping into the fire.The politicians politician.
You’re too busy throwing out fuck you’s to the man to realize trump is the problem.
He is the two party systems love child.

Trump is a big old Fuck You from the voters to the two party system

A system that threw your ass overboard 30 years ago.

No one is coming from either faction of the uniparty to make things right for the American people.

Every 4 years you have to lie to yourself to believe the lies of politicians who don't give a fuck about you. Reduced to the lie of the lesser of two evils.......

Ocasio-Cortez Skeptical Warren and Sanders Wealth Tax Could Pass

AOC is actually being honest here and anyone who's been paying attention knows she's right. The lobbyist controlled rich people in congress are not going to pass this pipe dream. However it won't stop you and others from repeating these campaign promises/lies.

Mr D

trump is giving up and jumping into the fire.The politicians politician.
You’re too busy throwing out fuck you’s to the man to realize trump is the problem.
He is the two party systems love child.

I guess you think he was going to be different? The Clinton's buddy and donor?

I said he was a fuck you from the voters. I didn't say the voters made a wise choice handing a guy like Trump the message to pass along.

What I'm saying is that the left never understood that at least some % of Trump voters don't like him and never will. However his crude used car salesman style makes them believe he is the perfect fuck you after they gave up on the lesser of two evils bullshit.


Active member
It was perfectly obvious who trump was when you voted for him.You all just didn’t care and it’s been a long line of excuses and coverups.


Active member
I guess you think he was going to be different? The Clinton's buddy and donor?

I said he was a fuck you from the voters. I didn't say the voters made a wise choice handing a guy like Trump the message to pass along.

What I'm saying is that the left never understood that at least some % of Trump voters don't like him and never will. However his crude used car salesman style makes them believe he is the perfect fuck you after they gave up on the lesser of two evils bullshit.
He was a fuck you to America.

Mr D

You over estimate the soundbyte educated masses.

I don't vote for any uniparty candidate, for the 100th time.

I voted for Gary Johnson because he had the best chance of getting enough votes to put a 3rd party on the radar. Besides no one's vote in my state counted towards Trump's victory. Clinton got the electoral college votes. I'm deep in the heart of a highly corrupt Blue State.


Active member
You over estimate the soundbyte educated masses.

I don't vote for any uniparty candidate, for the 100th time.

I voted for Gary Johnson because he had the best chance of getting enough votes to put a 3rd party on the radar. Besides no one's vote in my state counted towards Trump's victory. Clinton got the electoral college votes. I'm deep in the heart of a highly corrupt Blue State.

I respect Gary Johnson.

Why do you repeat their excuse though?
Trump was a racist when they voted him in.
A racist of opportunity.
A leach that preys on the weakest and runs from the strong.
And they defend him.
I understand not wanting Hillary, but he’s the dirtiest of them all.

I vote for Dr. Hill.

Mr D

I believe in fairness, even for assholes.

I also have said Trump is guilty of plenty of crimes... however the Russian and Ukraine bullshit are seriously lacking evidence. You guys want to put him on trial for those two things, fine, but I want it to be fair.

Mr D

Yeah we know...Horowitz is going to come out and name FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith as the guilty party and people are going to say... Who?

Horowitz has no power to indict so to believe Trump's people were waiting with bated breath for his report is laughable.

Come on back when the guardian reports no indictments from Durham.

Like I said.....

Investigators for the inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, uncovered errors and omissions in documents related to the wiretapping of a former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page — including that a low-level lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, altered an email that officials used to prepare to seek court approval to renew the wiretap, the people said.



Active member
I believe in fairness, even for assholes.

I also have said Trump is guilty of plenty of crimes... however the Russian and Ukraine bullshit are seriously lacking evidence. You guys want to put him on trial for those two things, fine, but I want it to be fair.
He’s not on trial.It’s an impeachment hearing.
More like just getting fired.
No jail time.
No fines.
May even keep his job.
Some fine people have testified. Honorable people.
GOP has made a mockery of it.
It was fair.

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