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Deep State: Exposed

knucklehead bob



Well-known member
You back someone who supports racism.In return for the promise of money.
I respect you.
But I don’t respect that.
Complacency is racism.

That is bullshit though, many people support Trump because your party has gone crazy.

Mr D

That is bullshit though, many people support Trump because your party has gone crazy.

They will never understand that most people voted against there sham of a 2 party system which stopped serving the people decades ago.

Did you notice how they are silent on Hill's testimony that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as to not upset Putin.

That's pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin's pocket.

Mr D

Here's a few things that Obama did that really helped Putin:

1. Obama "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.

2. Obama let a Russian company get control of 20% of U.S. uranium reserves.

3. Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe, which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the E.U. because Putin didn't like it.

4. Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.

5. When the Russian client running Syria used chemical weapons against civilians, Obama did nothing despite having proclaimed that to be a red line. Instead, he turned the problem over to the Russians, who we now know allowed their client to retain some chemical weapons.

Mr D

Was under the impression photovoltaics were the result of early satellite
tech financed by ...

The military industrial complex for war purposes.

I guess if I ignore all the people killed using this technology I should be in favor of giving more money to a totally corrupt government?

Or maybe I should believe taxpayer money was used to create the technology for the benefit of mankind?


Well-known member
Here's a few things that Obama did that really helped Putin:

1. Obama "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.

2. Obama let a Russian company get control of 20% of U.S. uranium reserves.

3. Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe, which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the E.U. because Putin didn't like it.

4. Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.

5. When the Russian client running Syria used chemical weapons against civilians, Obama did nothing despite having proclaimed that to be a red line. Instead, he turned the problem over to the Russians, who we now know allowed their client to retain some chemical weapons.

And the sad part is these lefties actually believe Trump is in with Putin while ignoring anything that proves otherwise. I remember Trump accidentally bombed Russian troops in the middle east, you can bet Obama would never do that. It's why I really don't listen to any of them, I just chalk it up to TDS.

Mr D

And the sad part is these lefties actually believe Trump is in with Putin while ignoring anything that proves otherwise. I remember Trump accidentally bombed Russian troops in the middle east, you can bet Obama would never do that. It's why I really don't listen to any of them, I just chalk it up to TDS.

Trump's list of "conspiring" with Putin...

1. Got Germany to cancel a massive natural gas deal with Russia which cost Putin billions.
2. Got NATO to significantly increase defense spending.
3. Increased sanctions on Iran to get them to stop nuclear weapon development.
4. Bombed the Russian client's air base in Syria in response to the Syrian government using chemical weapons against civilians.
5. Significantly increased U.S. defense spending.
6. Provided lethal aid to the Ukrainians to help them fight off the Russian invasion.
7. Has told Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela.
8. Has increased sanctions on Russian entities.


Active member
trump takes Putin’s word over U.S intelligence, in Helsinki, with the whole world watching.

How stupid do you have to be to overlook that?

Mr D

trump takes Putin’s word over U.S intelligence, in Helsinki, with the whole world watching.

How stupid do you have to be to overlook that?

Yeah man I know...I mean after our intelligence agencies stellar job on Iraq's WMD's I'm fuckin shocked he wouldn't take there word.

Mr D

And the sad part is these lefties actually believe Trump is in with Putin while ignoring anything that proves otherwise. I remember Trump accidentally bombed Russian troops in the middle east, you can bet Obama would never do that. It's why I really don't listen to any of them, I just chalk it up to TDS.

Boogie I remember in the lead up and aftermath of 911 coming to the understanding that whatever the media tells us the opposite is true. Since then it's only gotten worse.

Take a look at Mr. Buhahaha 2 years of posting links to media reports that support his programming that Mueller had the walls closing in on conald. Talk about a media tool bag.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Boogie I remember in the lead up and aftermath of 911 coming to the understanding that whatever the media tells us the opposite is true. Since then it's only gotten worse.

Take a look at Mr. Buhahaha 2 years of posting links to media reports that support his programming that Mueller had the walls closing in on conald. Talk about a media tool bag.

Soon after the 2016 election, the US media approval rating reached its all time record low. The next day, Trump said the news is the 'enemy of the people' and suddenly the approval rating rose to a record high (if my memory serves me correctly). It's funny and sad to see that popular opinion can be based on such frivolous emotional triggers.


Well-known member
You can watch a live hearing on one network. Then turn on Fox and see them intentionally lie or distort the truth. I am appalled they are allowed to operate.

Mr D

Or you could watch the live footage of the hearing and then turn it off when the talking heads come on.

I'm not sure why you folks like to single out FOX after they joined lockstep with CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo and the rest to sell us lies about WMD's?

FOX is no different from CNN or any of the other military industrial complex propaganda outlets.

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