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Deep State: Exposed


Well-known member
The Cult of Trump is based on the naive and absurd view that somehow voting for "their guy" puts them in power. Trump takes your vote, and Trump takes your support, but Trump will betray like he always has.

And how has Trump betrayed me? I voted for less taxes and regulations on businesses, pro second ammendment Supreme court justices and federal judges, leaving the Paris climate accord, leaving the Iran nuclear agreement, reversing many Obama era policies, and despite the economy my 401k is still the highest it has ever been in my lifetime. I'm pretty satisfied with Trump as my president.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Presidency ..........Controlled by the GOP.
Senate...............Controlled by the GOP. The senate has the power to investigate.

Record number of confirmed judges under Trump.

Indictments or convictions against former Obama administration officials.......ZERO.

The GOP has all the cards and can't win a hand. They can't even stack the deck in their favor correctly.

Strategically, the admin wanted to wait until the Mueller investigation was over and impeachment was over. Otherwise, the deepstate would cry about Russia being behind bringing these cronies to justice. Or, they would say, He is just trying to offset his impeachment. By waiting until now, the world has learned that the deep state lied about all of that in order to obstruct justice against them. It seems to have paid off very well.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Trump hasn't betrayed me. I didn't vote for him because I hated him. So, what is the opposite of betrayal? "I am pleasantly surprised," would be a huge understatement.


Active member
Presidency ..........Controlled by the GOP.
Senate...............Controlled by the GOP. The senate has the power to investigate.

Record number of confirmed judges under Trump.

Indictments or convictions against former Obama administration officials.......ZERO.

The GOP has all the cards and can't win a hand. They can't even stack the deck in their favor correctly.

They aren't going after Hillary or Obama because they're all on the same team. Fools are so blinded by team loyalty that they actually think these are enemies. Their aristocrats who fight a bit over who gets to rob us more


Active member
And how has Trump betrayed me? I voted for less taxes and regulations on businesses, pro second ammendment Supreme court justices and federal judges, leaving the Paris climate accord, leaving the Iran nuclear agreement, reversing many Obama era policies, and despite the economy my 401k is still the highest it has ever been in my lifetime. I'm pretty satisfied with Trump as my president.

How in the hell do businesses not have enough free rein in this country? I swear people like you won't be happy until we're literally paying for air. As long as your 401k goes up, fuck 90% of America.

Why on Earth would you want the Iran nuclear agreement shredded? Have you actually even read it? What precisely is your problem with it other than Fox New says its bad?

Also, Trump has jack shit to do with your 401K. Presidents claim credit for the economy, but do you seriously think that Trump made your 401K more valuable?


Active member
I doubt Comey the coward is going to fall on this sword. Most cops will snitch, it's in their DNA. I am sure Comey will be called shortly.

Just 2 factions of the same tribe pushing blame on each other. Fbi blames DOJ, DOJ blames fbi. Just like the bootlickers here, neither can see the long game. There will be few (those that have already taken deals) who survive the shitshow. Durham doesn’t NEED to call anybody.


Active member
How in the hell do businesses not have enough free rein in this country? I swear people like you won't be happy until we're literally paying for air. As long as your 401k goes up, fuck 90% of America.

Why on Earth would you want the Iran nuclear agreement shredded? Have you actually even read it? What precisely is your problem with it other than Fox New says its bad?

Also, Trump has jack shit to do with your 401K. Presidents claim credit for the economy, but do you seriously think that Trump made your 401K more valuable?

Imagine being a poor boy and seething about somebody financially planning for their future instead of sucking fed govt tip and relying on social security which will be gone before you hit retirement age. Lmao, but hey I’m sure you have the newest iPhone and your 5 fan only accts... lol simp


Active member
It's always fun watching a toddler learn new words. This months word for our resident toddler is "seething".


Active member
Imagine being a poor boy and seething about somebody financially planning for their future instead of sucking fed govt tip and relying on social security which will be gone before you hit retirement age. Lmao, but hey I’m sure you have the newest iPhone and your 5 fan only accts... lol simp

I don't imagine being poor; I live it every day. I'm living the bootstraps meme in a way you could never relate to. I don't have the newest iPhone, and in fact I don't own any kind of phone.

As for social security: It will only be "gone" if regressive idiots who don't understand how money actually works decide to declare it gone. I am sure you have it in your head that the Federal government uses a bank account and our tax money builds up in that account and they can only spend what they "have money for". I'm sure that idea makes sense to you, but it not how money actually works on a federal level.


Active member
I don't imagine being poor; I live it every day. I'm living the bootstraps meme in a way you could never relate to. I don't have the newest iPhone, and in fact I don't own any kind of phone.

As for social security: It will only be "gone" if regressive idiots who don't understand how money actually works decide to declare it gone. I am sure you have it in your head that the Federal government uses a bank account and our tax money builds up in that account and they can only spend what they "have money for". I'm sure that idea makes sense to you, but it not how money actually works on a federal level.

Bruh the boomers put in pennies on the dollar to which they draw. Your elementary economics degree is showing

Deep State

It's always fun watching a toddler learn new words. This months word for our resident toddler is "seething".

I have noticed the excessive use of that same word by fishman for quite a while.

Maybe it's 2020 word of the year for him? :woohoo:


Active member
Bruh the boomers put in pennies on the dollar to which they draw. Your elementary economics degree is showing

No, they only do in the sense that inflation on that money would have increased its value over that time(all that also assuming that they saved that money and didn't spend it on beer or whatever).

The government doesn't take all that tax money it collects and put it in an account from which the budget must draw. Instead its all basically digital at that stage and they can just shift numbers around as they see fit. In fact, the government can always print more currency, merge inflated currency, or otherwise shore up the economy. Regressive thinkers are terrified of giving people money for things like food, housing, basic welfare, and whatnot; yet they fail to see how much that money would build up the grass-roots economy(an economy long-neglected here in the USA). Instead of the current way of getting money into the economy(sweetheart deals for bankers, who then get to make tons of money off of basically doing nothing productive for society), the idea is to instead "green the dollar" by introducing money through the grass roots up. Stop making people beg bankers for their share of the cash flow of society, and instead channel that money into small business startups, energy projects to break our dependence on foreign oil(even if you don't believe in climate change, that alone should be worth it for you), and put money into the hands of people who will revitalize all the struggling businesses hit so hard by the Covid-19 crisis.

There's all this bullshit about handouts, but really that's what the big corporations and military contractors are getting; the average person isn't getting much out of the giant treasure chest of American industry and plunder(because honestly we do plunder a lot, and the rich just sort of horde it all). Assuming you could care less about the massive pile of brown bodies left in the wake of our foreign policy, its still just a huge drain on our economy with basically nothing to show for it. In the old days when the Vikings or whomever went out to plunder they at least enriched their home towns and nations. Now we send out warriors to kill for oil or rare earth minerals or whatever, and it all channels back to a very small bunch of rich assholes. Even if you can't give a crap about the people we plunder, at least you could be mad that they're not sharing the bounty. Either way this entire economy system is a mess.

Deep State

I saw a clip somewhere on youtube from CNBC (i think?) or some 'business' show and they said 'you've got to have empathy for Jeff Bezos if he has to sell some of his shares to pay taxes' :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

Oh really??


Active member
August 8th:

Be alert President Trump has vacated the White House and may not be seen for some time he announced. Will this be the Q-Ten Days of Darkness. Are indictments set to be released or arrests made? Will it be a major name and shocking as Q has predicted. Photo Link of the entire White House staff saying goodbye as Trump Leaves on August 6th. Watch for a cell phone text from the President, recall Trump tested the cellular system back in 2018.

General Michael Flynn writes this article August 5th, stating that ANTIFA and BLM are Marxist Fronts and attempting to over-throw America. Flynn suggests Americans Get Active in resistance. We would remind people in both the cities and suburbs to be alert and armed.

There is a theory that WASH DC is destroyed. Over the last twenty years or so, parts of the US Government have been relocated to Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona. Remember the Denver Airport and the plaque that says NEW WORLD AIRPORT COMMISSION. Some feel the recent attack on Beirut Lebanon was a testing of a High Powered Energy Weapon, will the White House be the next targeted explosion.


Well-known member
"General Michael Flynn writes this article August 5th, stating that ANTIFA and BLM are Marxist Fronts"

That's just so absurd it's amazing :biglaugh:
Does he feel more secure in his position as an insider
having told those in power what they wished to hear ?


Well-known member
August 8th:

Be alert President Trump has vacated the White House and may not be seen for some time he announced. Will this be the Q-Ten Days of Darkness. Are indictments set to be released or arrests made? Will it be a major name and shocking as Q has predicted. Photo Link of the entire White House staff saying goodbye as Trump Leaves on August 6th. Watch for a cell phone text from the President, recall Trump tested the cellular system back in 2018.

General Michael Flynn writes this article August 5th, stating that ANTIFA and BLM are Marxist Fronts and attempting to over-throw America. Flynn suggests Americans Get Active in resistance. We would remind people in both the cities and suburbs to be alert and armed.

There is a theory that WASH DC is destroyed. Over the last twenty years or so, parts of the US Government have been relocated to Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona. Remember the Denver Airport and the plaque that says NEW WORLD AIRPORT COMMISSION. Some feel the recent attack on Beirut Lebanon was a testing of a High Powered Energy Weapon, will the White House be the next targeted explosion.

Is this the hill you are choosing to die on, gladysvjubb? I'm going to be watching for that "cell phone text".:watchplant:


Active member
Um... why would any major world power test some sort of new energy weapon on Beirut when they already have weapons way more powerful than that?

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