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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
The same brookings, who at the time was run by strobe Talbot who was United States deputy Secretary of State under slick Willy? Of all the DNC thinktanks to drum up bullshit for a russian collision dossier for Christopher Steele was a Clinton lackey? When talking about being worst than watergate, I fully agree. You could not have picked a lower iq set of individuals to run this shitshow


Active member
Pretty sure Dr. Fiona Hill is. You know the dems star witness, who didn't witness anything. Lol.

Ayo, gonna have to slow down a little bit. Need to give our resident CCP shills/ bootlickers a little time to digest the information. Can’t have them overdose on facts too soon, this is just the beginning. But yes she swore under oath about not remembering how she knew Steele. Ahhhh good ol’ perjury trap sprung.


Active member
I'd definitely like to know the answer to the questions starting with number 5.

Honestly impressed somebody actually read and responded to post with something of value. If this ACTUALLY takes place, would be a huge moment in history. There are 2 results from the testimony. Yes, it was SR or it wasn’t. No matter what the answer is, a lot of people will be eating shit after 4 years of shilling for both sides.


Well-known member
Honestly impressed somebody actually read and responded to post with something of value. If this ACTUALLY takes place, would be a huge moment in history. There are 2 results from the testimony. Yes, it was SR or it wasn’t. No matter what the answer is, a lot of people will be eating shit after 4 years of shilling for both sides.
My current thinking is that it was SR that leaked the emails (timestamps indicate a jump drive file transfer rather than a internet hack transfer), he was murdered for it, and that the russia thing is a diversion to keep a murder covered up. But you never know until someone like JA divulges info...until then, its all a bunch of conspiracy theories swirling in a big pot of bs. And even if the truth comes out (SR either did it or didn't), there are many people that won't believe it because it goes against what they believe.


Active member

Until Barr indicts and convicts somebody from the Obama administration it's just of a bunch of Trump groupies thinking they are on to something.

They feed off themselves. The tales grow..................

Until Barr indicts and convicts somebody from the Obama administration it's just of a bunch of Trump groupies thinking they are on to something.

They feed off themselves. The tales grow..................

There is no question there was plenty of dirty potentially illegal thing that were done by the Obama administration against Trump but the chances of anyone substantial actually being indicted is zero ...This is just 2 dogs barking across the fence to put on a show.

Trump supporters have a right to be angry too, you can't blame them.

Deep State

There is no question there was plenty of dirty potentially illegal thing that were done by the Obama administration against Trump but the chances of anyone substantial actually being indicted is zero ...This is just 2 dogs barking across the fence to put on a show.

Trump supporters have a right to be angry too, you can't blame them.

The difference between Trump supporters and basically anyone else, is that 'anyone else' could care less if Hillary or Bill or Obama or Bush or whoever have to face up to misdeeds.... being a president basically guarantees that you will HAVE TO do *SOME* shady things.

Trump supporters are just that, Trump supporters, who will twist and turn until they are blue in the face to prop him up and explain away the crap he pulls or tries to pull.
They call everyone sheep while they are the poster children of being a sheep.


Active member
There is no question there was plenty of dirty potentially illegal thing that were done by the Obama administration against Trump but the chances of anyone substantial actually being indicted is zero ...This is just 2 dogs barking across the fence to put on a show.

Trump supporters have a right to be angry too, you can't blame them.

Badfishy for years in this thread has been claiming Obama, Comey, Clapper, and several others were go to be "fucked" and locked up.

Should have heard him pumping his chest over IG Michael Horowitz and how he was going to expose the Obama administration. When that didn't work Badfishy folded on Horowitz like a cheap suit.

Can't wait to see Durham let the fish man down when nothing comes from him as well. Poor gullible sap.


Active member
Fed posters are gonna fed post. Hope all is well my little 3 letter agency cyber stalker. Cyber stalking is so 2014. You act like my ex, a scorned seething bitch was that cant get the taste of fishy out of your mouth


Active member
No problem bro. Always a pleasure pointing out how your claims never come true.



Active member
No problem bro. Always a pleasure pointing out how your claims never come true.


:laughing: good old, pro police corruption Absoldumb is at it again. Your a pretty good far leftist, I am sure your parents must be so proud. Better get you black block mask on and go fire bomb some shit. Unless you're scared to actually get in the fight. You basement dwelling Antifa losers are God's gift to Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. Now get out there and alienate more normal Americans.

Thank you for contribution to the Trump campaign.


Active member
The Cult of Trump is based on the naive and absurd view that somehow voting for "their guy" puts them in power. Trump takes your vote, and Trump takes your support, but Trump will betray like he always has. You're not gaining power any more than people who vote for Democrats gain power. You're just picking between aristocrats. Its all sports team bullshit. Its "my team" versus "your team" and both teams are lying and stealing while the country falls apart. You think cities are burning now? Just wait until the tens of millions of evictions finish going through. This whole thing is being used as a power play for the rich, and we still have people spouting Cold War anti-leftist rhetoric. The power and efficiency of Right-Wing propaganda is fascinating. It can take otherwise kind and decent people and fill them with views that lack empathy and often don't even make sense. Left-Wing rhetoric, on the other hand, tends to be more about promising the moon and then basically doing the exact opposite. Among those in power, right-wingers are openly-right-wing, and left-wingers are secretly-right-wing. Both are absolutely obedient to the agenda of authoritarianism. Its deeply frustrating that most Americans think that political views only exist on a Left-versus-Right axis, while completely ignoring the authoritarianism-versus-libertarianism axis. Not every left-wing view is the same as Stalin or Mao. In fact, those guys were barely Marxist anyway.


Active member
Presidency ..........Controlled by the GOP.
Senate...............Controlled by the GOP. The senate has the power to investigate.

Record number of confirmed judges under Trump.

Indictments or convictions against former Obama administration officials.......ZERO.

The GOP has all the cards and can't win a hand. They can't even stack the deck in their favor correctly.