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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
One does not have to pretend.
In our own history is the most prosperous middle class the world has ever seen.
Pay rates good enough that normal people were raising families and even buying second homes off of a single salary.
Our politicians are damned effective, it's just that they no longer ours.

These things happen in spite of politicians. This is the most statist statement, I have ever

Our politicians certainly are effective, at enriching themselves. Again, Beijing Biden.

Again, opinions.


Well-known member
Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that every lefty was gussssssshhhhhhiiiiinnnnnggggg, over John Bolton?

Maybe it was just my imagination .

Fuck China, the world's most disgusting regime, so loved by the left. So loved by the mindless sheep.

Free Hong Kong, fuck China.
Spent several years in Hong Kong on behalf of our mutual uncle.
Interesting place to spend time.
Was where I learned to use a bong.


Active member
the corruption from the leftist establishment is insane... Yet the under 95 club still supports them blindly


CtR and ShareBlue and all the rest of their different shell organizations are the reason for this. These firms are responsible for bringing ‘social justice’ and ‘gender identity’ into existence. Both of those ‘causes’ are the brainchild of David Brock. This propaganda machine is bought and paid for by the DNC. To the point somebody is taking the shit to court. Pure propaganda meant to control emotion.

Horselover Fat

I wondered what the heck a lefty is, but I guess it means a right wing nutter who's not quite as far right as some.


It's funny where the trumpy's far left is.


Active member
I wondered what the heck a lefty is, but I guess it means a right wing nutter who's not quite as far right as some.

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It's funny where the trumpy's far left is.

This is a joke, or gaslighting.
I have taken this test. 1 right, 4 libertarian. No one in their right mind would believe this garbage.

Communist Deblasio is center right, that's laughable.


Well-known member

And it continues to drip. I’m sure the bootlickers will somehow clutch their sandy clams with ‘well he pleaded therefore wasn’t prosecuted’, but fuck your Hussein had no scandals. The 9th of sept should be fun
One would expect the strongest material to be put out just in front of the election. Timing calculated so that one will not be able to separate wheat from chaff until the election has passed.


Active member
I imagine gladys as a guy sitting in a room with fox TV playing on one screen, Alex Jones on another, Q on another, all with the volume turned up high and a cache of high powered firearms by his side.

This scene is framed with a large stash of paranoia inducing Zamaldelica and a 'FREEDOM' poster on the wall.

You forgot the piles of gold and silver, but yeah.:groupwave:


Active member
One would expect the strongest material to be put out just in front of the election. Timing calculated so that one will not be able to separate wheat from chaff until the election has passed.

Absolutely. Politics are a dirty game. The local congress races are an absolute shit show. The worst part is the majority of commercials are all funded by DC PACs, not even local campaigns


Active member
I must have missed something.
How exactly is China interfering in our elections?

The report that had everyone screaming about Russian collusion again, also reported that China, and Iran were working to get Biden elected. But, of course the lame-stream media failed to tell you that part. It's really convenient that t he mistakes always flow away from the democrats. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, I guess the media is less reliable than a broken clock.


Active member
The report that had everyone screaming about Russian collusion again, also reported that China, and Iran were working to get Biden elected. But, of course the lame-stream media failed to tell you that part. It's really convenient that t he mistakes always flow away from the democrats. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, I guess the media is less reliable than a broken clock.

Sorry, but you didn’t answer the question.
So, how exactly is China interfering in our election?


Active member
Ok if you say so have a good one

The NCSC issued a statement regarding election interference that included a statement saying that China preferred that trump lost the election.
The report did not state that China was interfering in our election. Trump stated that China was interfering in our election and he supplied no proof.


Well-known member
Trump stated that China was interfering in our election and he supplied no proof.

he never has evidence much less proof. he claims something to be so (or that "important others" claim something which he personally disavows "not me, you understand, but many people are saying this") and that "makes it so" ...:bigeye:

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