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Deep State: Exposed


Deep State

I imagine gladys as a guy sitting in a room with fox TV playing on one screen, Alex Jones on another, Q on another, all with the volume turned up high and a cache of high powered firearms by his side.

This scene is framed with a large stash of paranoia inducing Zamaldelica and a 'FREEDOM' poster on the wall.


I imagine gladys as a guy sitting in a room with fox TV playing on one screen, Alex Jones on another, Q on another, all with the volume turned up high and a cache of high powered firearms by his side.

This scene is framed with a large stash of paranoia inducing Zamaldelica and a 'FREEDOM' poster on the wall.

I dont think the library has that sort of setup?


Well-known member


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No, they only do in the sense that inflation on that money would have increased its value over that time(all that also assuming that they saved that money and didn't spend it on beer or whatever).

The government doesn't take all that tax money it collects and put it in an account from which the budget must draw. Instead its all basically digital at that stage and they can just shift numbers around as they see fit. In fact, the government can always print more currency, merge inflated currency, or otherwise shore up the economy. Regressive thinkers are terrified of giving people money for things like food, housing, basic welfare, and whatnot; yet they fail to see how much that money would build up the grass-roots economy(an economy long-neglected here in the USA). Instead of the current way of getting money into the economy(sweetheart deals for bankers, who then get to make tons of money off of basically doing nothing productive for society), the idea is to instead "green the dollar" by introducing money through the grass roots up. Stop making people beg bankers for their share of the cash flow of society, and instead channel that money into small business startups, energy projects to break our dependence on foreign oil(even if you don't believe in climate change, that alone should be worth it for you), and put money into the hands of people who will revitalize all the struggling businesses hit so hard by the Covid-19 crisis.

There's all this bullshit about handouts, but really that's what the big corporations and military contractors are getting; the average person isn't getting much out of the giant treasure chest of American industry and plunder(because honestly we do plunder a lot, and the rich just sort of horde it all). Assuming you could care less about the massive pile of brown bodies left in the wake of our foreign policy, its still just a huge drain on our economy with basically nothing to show for it. In the old days when the Vikings or whomever went out to plunder they at least enriched their home towns and nations. Now we send out warriors to kill for oil or rare earth minerals or whatever, and it all channels back to a very small bunch of rich assholes. Even if you can't give a crap about the people we plunder, at least you could be mad that they're not sharing the bounty. Either way this entire economy system is a mess.

Ahhhh the good ol’ assumption game... i assume you beat your wife and sleep with your neighbor’s horse. Fun game right? Anyhow as far as your ‘assumption’, you would be 100 wrong. I have spoken out multiple times against the Zionist industrial military complex as well as promoted pulling out of ALL foreign conflict. Fuck doing Israel’s bidding for ever expanding borders and fuck war hawks like Bolton and no name. Oh and fuck your assumptions too.


Well-known member

Have to love the circular nature of what passes for information.
Trained by Eric Mann.
Known Eric for the past 20 years, met him though Pacifia were he has a
labor program. Hard to think of a more
decent down to earth caring worth while human being.
Few people have worked as diligently as he to improve the
quality of life for the average working American.

From his wiki page :

Eric Mann was born December 4, 1942 in Brooklyn, New York, into a Jewish home rooted in “anti-fascist, working class, pro-union, pro-‘Negro’, internationalist, and socialist traditions.” Both sides of his family were Jews who fled the Russian Empire during the anti-Semitic pogroms of the early 1900s.
His grandmother, Sarah Mandell, a garment worker and member of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, was a role model. His father, Howard Mann, was a field organizer for the Textile Workers Union of America and went south to organize black and white sharecroppers. His mother, Libby, was a department store worker, an early feminist, and shaped his ethical worldview. The decisive experience of his early life was antisemitism; within the context of the United States he observed virulent racism and developed a lifelong commitment to the black liberation movement.[11]

Here is Eric , the banner behind him is for the bus riders union, which was how I first learned of him.
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Well-known member
Ahhhh the good ol’ assumption game... i assume you beat your wife and sleep with your neighbor’s horse. Fun game right? Anyhow as far as your ‘assumption’, you would be 100 wrong. I have spoken out multiple times against the Zionist industrial military complex as well as promoted pulling out of ALL foreign conflict. Fuck doing Israel’s bidding for ever expanding borders and fuck war hawks like Bolton and no name. Oh and fuck your assumptions too.
Was John Bolton who terminated the NSC team who should have managed a national response to the pandemic.
To shut down a long planned response in the face of a international epidemic meets my definition of treacherous behavior.

Had those people be allowed to do their job, we likely would be back to normal now.
We would not be looking at one hundred and sixty seven thousand dead.
Which is I fear may be mere preamble.


Well-known member
Was John Bolton who terminated the NSC team who should have managed a national response to the pandemic.
To shut down a long planned response in the face of a international epidemic meets my definition of treacherous behavior.

Had those people be allowed to do their job, we likely would be back to normal now.

We would not be looking at one hundred and sixty seven thousand dead.

Which is I expect mere preamble.

The virus is spreading in every country, it's a global epidemic and there was no stopping this. Were in America, not all free people are not going to lock down or wear a mask. You can blame whoever you want but nobody can control 325 million people. China needs to pay for what they did.


Active member
The virus is spreading in every country, it's a global epidemic and there was no stopping this. Were in America, not all free people are not going to lock down or wear a mask. You can blame whoever you want but nobody can control 325 million people. China needs to pay for what they did.

Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that every lefty was gussssssshhhhhhiiiiinnnnnggggg, over John Bolton?

Maybe it was just my imagination .

Fuck China, the world's most disgusting regime, so loved by the left. So loved by the mindless sheep.

Free Hong Kong, fuck China.


Well-known member
I don't image that Fox would share with you that it was the US which pioneered the concept of public health. They were embraced by the civilized world, and they have served every one who has ever used them well. They have worked everywhere they have ever been used.
Every country which used them has been successful. They have already returned to normal.
I can imagine why Fox would like to leave you with an impression that nothing can be done.
It we had not had politicians who shipped our jobs over to China, we would not need to be
using China as a foil for our own failings.


Well-known member
I don't image that Fox would share with you that it was the US which pioneered the concept of public health. They were embraced by the civilized world, and they have served every one who has ever used them well. They have worked everywhere they have ever been used.
Every country which used them has been successful. They have already returned to normal.
I can imagine why Fox would like to leave you with an impression that nothing can be done.
It we had not had politicians who shipped our jobs over to China, we would not need to be
using China as a foil for our own failings.

You don't know if the virus is under control in China or not, they sure can't be trusted. Get China's cock out your mouth already.


Active member
I don't image that Fox would share with you that it was the US which pioneered the concept of public health. They were embraced by the civilized world, and they have served every one who has ever used them well. They have worked everywhere they have ever been used.
Every country which used them has been successful. They have already returned to normal.
I can imagine why Fox would like to leave you with an impression that nothing can be done.
It we had not had politicians who shipped our jobs over to China, we would not need to be
using China as a foil for our own failings.

If we didn't have politicians most of our problems would disappear. The GOP has opened their eyes to the damage globalist economic policies, not the dems. Beijing Biden is a shining example of this.

The fact that China is interfering in our election is a great example.


Well-known member
If we didn't have politicians most of our problems would disappear. The GOP has opened their eyes to the damage globalist economic policies, not the dems. Being Biden is a shining example of this.

The fact that China is interfering in our election is a great example.
You are mistaken, if we did have politicians, many of our problems could be dealt with properly and well. Unfortunately ours were bought out from under us. You may continue to pretend otherwise as you wish.


Active member
You are mistaken, if we did have politicians, many of our problems could be dealt with properly and well. Unfortunately ours were bought out from under us. You may continue to pretend otherwise as you wish.

You know what they say about opinions. Politicians don't solve problems, it negates the need for them.

Unsolved problems = job security for politicians

I don't pretend that politicians are capable, or willing to solve our problems, but be my guest.


Well-known member
You know what they say about opinions. Politicians don't solve problems, it negates the need for them.

Unsolved problems = job security for politicians

I don't pretend that politicians are capable, or willing to solve our problems, but be my guest.
One does not have to pretend.
In our own history is the most prosperous middle class the world has ever seen.
Pay rates good enough that normal people were raising families and even buying second homes off of a single salary.
Our politicians are damned effective, it's just that they no longer ours.


Active member
One does not have to pretend.
In our own history is the most prosperous middle class the world has ever seen.
Pay rates good enough that normal people were raising families and even buying second homes off of a single salary.
Our politicians are damned effective, it's just that they no longer ours.

Of course the majority of politicians are bought, propped up or comp’d. Why else would Kamala protect Catholic Church pedophiles? Now the king pedo I mean pope will step up to the pulpit and shill for Kamala about what a ‘great person of principle’ Kamala is... pretty cool system


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