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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
Hello all,

With his plea deal, Flynn became a major cooperator with Mueller, telling investigators about key moments before Trump became President and about potential attempts by Trump and those around him to obstruct the Russia investigation.

So given that, do you think that fat donnie will pardon flynn after turning states evidence?

I don't think so.

Luke, I sense a weakening on the dark side. buahahahaha


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hello all,

Then there is this, ay?

National security expert drops truth bomb on Trump supporters convinced Trump is about to ‘clear’ Michael Flynn.



Here is the pdf of the federal charges flynn plead to.


flynn is guilty, they got him on tape for phuques sake, yet he lied to fbi, pence and tRump's* cos.


"He also avoided his son’s prosecution.”

Sounds like Flynn was blackmailed into confessing.
Watch what's about to happen:smoker:


Active member
Hello all,

With his plea deal, Flynn became a major cooperator with Mueller, telling investigators about key moments before Trump became President and about potential attempts by Trump and those around him to obstruct the Russia investigation.

So given that, do you think that fat donnie will pardon flynn after turning states evidence?

I don't think so.

Luke, I sense a weakening on the dark side. buahahahaha


What could Flynn have told them. Did you forget about the Muller investigation, and it's failure to produce a crime. Even with fraudulent FISA warrants, they couldn't pull anything. Keep grasping at straws and watching propaganda CNN. Lol, it's almost funny, if it weren't so sad.

Yeah, I am sure the Obama FBI,DOJ, and CIA aren't the heroes in this story. The dark side is the Obama administration. It was known Flynn was going to clean out the political hacks in the intelligence and Law Enforcement communities. Flynn was the target from the beginning, Trump was just a convenient bonus.

Keep spouting your bullshit. It gives the normal people some pretty good laughs.


What could Flynn have told them. Did you forget about the Muller investigation, and it's failure to produce a crime. Even with fraudulent FISA warrants, they couldn't pull anything. Keep grasping at straws and watching propaganda CNN. Lol, it's almost funny, if it weren't so sad.

Yeah, I am sure the Obama FBI,DOJ, and CIA aren't the heroes in this story. The dark side is the Obama administration. It was known Flynn was going to clean out the political hacks in the intelligence and Law Enforcement communities. Flynn was the target from the beginning, Trump was just a convenient bonus.

Keep spouting your bullshit. It gives the normal people some pretty good laughs.
What an extraordinary sense of humor you and the normal folks have....... I heard that Flynn was canned because he was a fiasco as a clown at children's birthday parties, not enough laughing..... Have you heard that too?


Another thing I've heard...... Roger the second, king of Sicily and no stranger to a plot or two, came up with the plan to weaponize the normal folks.... Make them laugh and spread hayhem.... The more the merrier..... They are excellent soldiers of fortune, easily fooled and will fight for fun and no pay :tiphat:


Active member
"He also avoided his son’s prosecution.”

Sounds like Flynn was blackmailed into confessing.
Watch what's about to happen:smoker:

Hello all,

Flynn's son was a business partner with his dad. When daddy was influencing foreign policy (Flynn Intel Group) that put jr under in jeopardy of also violating the Logan act.

As I understand it, the fbi had him on tape dead to rights but he choose to lie about it.

In retrospect, pleading to violating the Logan act probably would have been a better option, ay?

He also lied to VP and trump's* CoS two day before the fbi interview.

DID you read the charges? Did you read the fbi notes released today?

Are you paying attention, ay?

The note also states that they have a case on flynn + russia
So there is that ay?

What could Flynn have told them. Did you forget about the Muller investigation, and it's failure to produce a crime. Even with fraudulent FISA warrants, they couldn't pull anything. Keep grasping at straws and watching propaganda CNN. Lol, it's almost funny, if it weren't so sad.

Yeah, I am sure the Obama FBI,DOJ, and CIA aren't the heroes in this story. The dark side is the Obama administration. It was known Flynn was going to clean out the political hacks in the intelligence and Law Enforcement communities. Flynn was the target from the beginning, Trump was just a convenient bonus.

Keep spouting your bullshit. It gives the normal people some pretty good laughs.

As was stated in the post, information on obstruction of justice.

Did you forget that Mueller did find boku evidense of obstruction of multiple attempts (11)? Did not bring charges because of OLC memo.

Mueller had nothing to do with fisa warrents.

You keep drinking koolaid that hannity, dobbs, tucker, limbaugh and et al. serve up to you daily.

If flynn was a target, he gave them the ammo, ay?



Active member
Flynn will walk...and will become an extremely wealthy individual tween the lawsuits and book/TV deals...
All the while exposing multiple deep state kunts...
The buffoonery of the obammy Intel
Cabal is stunning and this brings it one step closer to his head on a pike

Glory days indeed


Active member
Flynn will walk...and will become an extremely wealthy individual tween the lawsuits and book/TV deals...
All the while exposing multiple deep state kunts...
The buffoonery of the obammy Intel
Cabal is stunning and this brings it one step closer to his head on a pike

Glory days indeed

Don't forget the durham report....yeah, that is gonna break things wide open....it is gonna shake the foundations of consciousness.

Yup, any day now...

Still waiting on that grand jury to be impaneled though, no GJ, no indictments, ay?

Did notice faux news is trying to quell expectations...but yeah, any day now...and if the great pumpkin comes.....buahahahahahaha



Active member
Hello all,

With his plea deal, Flynn became a major cooperator with Mueller, telling investigators about key moments before Trump became President and about potential attempts by Trump and those around him to obstruct the Russia investigation.

So given that, do you think that fat donnie will pardon flynn after turning states evidence?

I don't think so.

Luke, I sense a weakening on the dark side. buahahahaha


He’d pardon Charlie Mason if it meant votes.


Active member
Image being from holland explaining what is going on in American politics/ current affairs. Not sure what is worse. Licking corrupt fed boots or shitposting from overseas. What a timeline.


Active member
Flynn will walk...and will become an extremely wealthy individual tween the lawsuits and book/TV deals...
All the while exposing multiple deep state kunts...
The buffoonery of the obammy Intel
Cabal is stunning and this brings it one step closer to his head on a pike

Glory days indeed

Hopefully he gets that 4th star for being a political prisoner. Jesus the salt mines would be glorious. Sell all Morton stock ASAP!


Image being from holland explaining what is going on in American politics/ current affairs. Not sure what is worse. Licking corrupt fed boots or shitposting from overseas. What a timeline.
You got geographical issues too .... As in Holland, Texas...... You really need to get an education, perhaps evening school.... :tiphat:


Active member
Hello all,

Flynn's son was a business partner with his dad. When daddy was influencing foreign policy (Flynn Intel Group) that put jr under in jeopardy of also violating the Logan act.

As I understand it, the fbi had him on tape dead to rights but he choose to lie about it.

In retrospect, pleading to violating the Logan act probably would have been a better option, ay?

He also lied to VP and trump's* CoS two day before the fbi interview.

DID you read the charges? Did you read the fbi notes released today?

Are you paying attention, ay?

The note also states that they have a case on flynn + russia
So there is that ay?

As was stated in the post, information on obstruction of justice.

Did you forget that Mueller did find boku evidense of obstruction of multiple attempts (11)? Did not bring charges because of OLC memo.

Mueller had nothing to do with fisa warrents.

You keep drinking koolaid that hannity, dobbs, tucker, limbaugh and et al. serve up to you daily.

If flynn was a target, he gave them the ammo, ay?


Obstruction of justice on a crime that never happened, and was a complete setup. Did you forget about the fraudulent FISAs. Did you forget Carter Page was a CIA asset, while being the subject of a fraudulent FISA. Nothing to see here.

Apparently you are incapable of reading, keep sucking that CNN crackpipe. Way to support law enforcement corruption. You certainly have a great moral compass. The only crime committed was committed by the FBI, and DOJ. Even the FBI agents didn't believe he lied. They sure didn't have a problem liying.gotta love pot growers who support law enforcement corruption.

Funny of you to criticize me for something I don't watch, after you post an idiotic CNN article. Who's really drinking the cool aid?maybe some day you will get one right, after 3 plus years you have failed to one single time. But hey, even a broken clock is right 2 times a day, not you though.


Hopefully he gets that 4th star for being a political prisoner. Jesus the salt mines would be glorious. Sell all Morton stock ASAP!
Aye, getting oneself into the slammer is indeed star material.... When not a 5th, 6th and s seventh too...... Don't be so modest, after all, you're speaking about one of the leading locking up experts in the galaxy..... Lol..... What goes around...... :laughing:


Active member
Trumps got all the failed jailhouse lawyers fired up. Never mind the thousands of citizens who have actually been railroaded by our legal system. Stand up for the traitorous good ol’ boys. Never meant any harm as they fucked over America.


Active member
Don't forget the durham report....yeah, that is gonna break things wide open....it is gonna shake the foundations of consciousness.

Yup, any day now...

Still waiting on that grand jury to be impaneled though, no GJ, no indictments, ay?

Did notice faux news is trying to quell expectations...but yeah, any day now...and if the great pumpkin comes.....buahahahahahaha


Their is a grand jury, and Durham has hired more staff. Keep sucking that cop cock.


Active member
Another interesting study in psychology in these threads. In the free gn thread, these same bootlickers talk about how bad and unfair the alphabet agencies are. This thread alphabet agencies good. Shows one of 2 things. The muh bad alphabet agency posts are for upvotes. Personally, it’s more along the lines of conservatives care about the RIGHTS of everyone. The liberals (although all here will claim ‘lolbertarian’ in this thread) worry about THEIR rights and only those that agree with their gender bender views/ talking points. Pretty pathetic honestly


Active member
Prove it.

I think you're wrong again.

In fact you don't THINK which would explain why you are always wrong. Well to be fair, I can only attest to you being wrong for the last 3 years. Their is a slight possibility you were once right, long ago.

Prove the FBI did nothing wrong. I'll wait. Been waiting 3 plus years.

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