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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
Aye, getting oneself into the slammer is indeed star material.... When not a 5th, 6th and s seventh too...... Don't be so modest, after all, you're speaking about one of the leading locking up experts in the galaxy..... Lol..... What goes around...... :laughing:

The salt starts! The next 4 years will be amazing. Bruh you are sucking the cock of the gubbament. Aren’t you and you liberal/ lolbertarian buddies all worried about the POC in lock up? Yet you suck the tip of a corrupt fed gov. Lmao


Well-known member
In fact you don't THINK which would explain why you are always wrong. Well to be fair, I can only attest to you being wrong for the last 3 years. Their is a slight possibility you were once right, long ago.

Prove the FBI did nothing wrong. I'll wait. Been waiting 3 plus years.

Can't find any actual proof of a Durham grand jury, huh? That's what I thought.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hello all,

Flynn's son was a business partner with his dad. When daddy was influencing foreign policy (Flynn Intel Group) that put jr under in jeopardy of also violating the Logan act.

As I understand it, the fbi had him on tape dead to rights but he choose to lie about it.

In retrospect, pleading to violating the Logan act probably would have been a better option, ay?

He also lied to VP and trump's* CoS two day before the fbi interview.

DID you read the charges? Did you read the fbi notes released today?

Are you paying attention, ay?

The note also states that they have a case on flynn + russia
So there is that ay?

As was stated in the post, information on obstruction of justice.

Did you forget that Mueller did find boku evidense of obstruction of multiple attempts (11)? Did not bring charges because of OLC memo.

Mueller had nothing to do with fisa warrents.

You keep drinking koolaid that hannity, dobbs, tucker, limbaugh and et al. serve up to you daily.

If flynn was a target, he gave them the ammo, ay?


I've heard of plea deals to reduce ones own sentence, but to say plea guilty and we'll leave your family alone is very unusual. I don't think things are supposed to work that way. The reason we don't do things that way is because it could lead to false admissions of guilt.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Don't forget the durham report....yeah, that is gonna break things wide open....it is gonna shake the foundations of consciousness.

Yup, any day now...

Still waiting on that grand jury to be impaneled though, no GJ, no indictments, ay?

Did notice faux news is trying to quell expectations...but yeah, any day now...and if the great pumpkin comes.....buahahahahahaha


Grand jury had already been empaneled and the New Flynn declass is what will lead to the unsealing of Durham indictments. Flynn declass shows 'intent' regarding the FISA abuses.

Arrests are likely imminent.


Active member
Funny of you to criticize me for something I don't watch, after you post an idiotic CNN article.

In another thread you defend Hannitty, “he was raising the alarm while left was saying not to take it seriously” is a paraphrase from you.

Sounds like viewer information, although proven incorrect. “Hero’s of the Pandumbic” shows differently.

Lots of closet Fox fans here, trump supporters and their tales of cock sucking that they like to frequently discuss.


Active member
In another thread you defend Hannitty, “he was raising the alarm while left was saying not to take it seriously” is a paraphrase from you.

Sounds like viewer information, although proven incorrect. “Hero’s of the Pandumbic” shows differently.

Lots of closet Fox fans here, trump supporters and their tales of cock sucking that they like to frequently discuss.

I can post the truth, without being a fan of someone. You defend CNN at every turn. That makes you a hypocrite ideaolog. Don't forget you are in the been wrong consistently for 3 years crowd. It must suck to be you.

Nice try, swallow that CNN load.


Active member
I can post the truth, without being a fan of someone. You defend CNN at every turn. That makes you a hypocrite ideaolog. Don't forget you are in the been wrong consistently for 3 years crowd. It must suck to be you.

Nice try, swallow that CNN load.

I have not seen any truth posted by yourself to date,

but have noticed your preference for the inclusion of male genitalia references

Any thoughts on “heroes of the Pandumbic”, or keeping your head in the sand on that one?


Active member
I have not seen any truth posted by yourself to date,

but have noticed your preference for the inclusion of male genitalia references

Any thoughts on “heroes of the Pandumbic”, or keeping your head in the sand on that one?

The daily show?


Your a fucking joke. Try posting actual journalism, not late night comedy hour, minus the comedy.

MRC has a right wing version of the same shit. Remember the no-ban act?

Remember travel shutdowns are xenophobic?

Remember slow Joe saying bring the chinese here.

Pelosi encouraging her constituents to come to Chinatown.


Active member
The daily show?


Your a fucking joke. Try posting actual journalism, not late night comedy hour, minus the comedy.

MRC has a right wing version of the same shit. Remember the no-ban act?

Remember travel shutdowns are xenophobic?

Remember slow Joe saying bring the chinese here.

Pelosi encouraging her constituents to come to Chinatown.

Hero’s of the Pandumbic is 100% video clips of fox and trump.

Talk about putting your head in the sand on that one.

Nobody from the daily show speaks to offend your delicate sensibilities.


Active member
The daily show has more journalistic integrity then either John Solomon or Tammy Bruce.

Fox won't even put Tammy or John on their "news" cycles. They only hang out with Hannity and other Fox propagandist scum.


Active member
The daily show has more journalistic integrity then either John Solomon or Tammy Bruce.

Fox won't even put Tammy or John on their "news" cycles. They only hang out with Hannity and other Fox propagandist scum.


Thanks for the laughs. Not sure who Tammy Bruce is but John Solomon has more journalists integrity than any of the TDS crowd journalfist/activists combined. So, far Solomon has been dead on with the Spygate fiasco. While you and your clown show journalists have spouted propaganda. Don't forget your in the consistently wrong for 3 years crowd, too.


Active member
#FireChrisHayes begins trending after Hayes covers Biden's sexual assault accusation on his show


Blue MAGA strikes again.

Hey , MAGA is copyrighted. Blue nomatterwho is more accurate. Can't use the word great when referring to Democrats, unless you are talking great corruption, or hypocrisy. They only intend to make their bank accounts great.

Krystal and Saagar were talking about it this morning. No dissent is allowed. Lol. I love it when they eat their own.


Active member
Their is a grand jury, and Durham has hired more staff. Keep sucking that cop cock.

Hello all,

No GJ as of yet....you got a link, I can not find one...hell no you have no link because none exist.

Do try and get your shit together young son, makes you look like a petulant, snot nosed ignorant child whom has issues with facts he does not like.



Active member
Hello all,

No GJ as of yet....you got a link, I can not find one...hell no you have no link because none exist.

Do try and get your shit together young son, makes you look like a petulant, snot nosed ignorant child whom has issues with facts he does not like.


Back for more hum. When investigations are run by competent people, constant leaks don't happen.

Grand Juries are done in secret. Only political hacks like Muller,Weizmann, Comey etc leak constantly.

Since Durham has been hiring new people for his team greatly suggest their is a grand jury empaneled.

I have issues with facts? Pretty comical. Post 1 fact, been waiting 3 plus years. I won't hold my breath.

Go back and play with your consistently wrong for 3 years buddies.


Active member

Thanks for the laughs. Not sure who Tammy Bruce is but John Solomon has more journalists integrity than any of the TDS crowd journalfist/activists combined. So, far Solomon has been dead on with the Spygate fiasco. While you and your clown show journalists have spouted propaganda. Don't forget your in the consistently wrong for 3 years crowd, too.

I bet you believe big time wrestling is real too?

John Solomon used to work for The Hill. The Hill had to review all of Solomon's OPINION pieces on Ukraine for telling half truths and complete fabrication.

Pretty sad you believe opinion pieces are news. On top of that The Hill had to make corrections to Solomon's OPINION pieces because they were that poorly written.

Packer. You fell for it and are neck deep in Solomon's slop. But keep mocking people for "fake news" when you fall for outright lies.


"The Hill established working panels for each of 14 relevant pieces that appeared on TheHill.com. These working groups analyzed and discussed the columns at length, looking at possible corrections and/or context that could have been added at the time of the writings. In addition, The Hill reviewed congressional testimony and other public documentation related to Solomon's columns, as well as related media reports, to add editor's notes to the columns regarding what has been learned since the columns were posted by The Hill. The Hill also reviewed its editorial policies and processes."

"While Solomon's columns on Ukraine were labeled as opinion, they largely read like news stories. Adding to the potential confusion between opinion and news, Solomon was identified as "an award-winning journalist" in his column tagline. When appearing on television to discuss his Ukraine columns, Solomon was not typically labeled an opinion writer by the broadcast programs. The Hill did not contact television producers to label Solomon as an opinion columnist. It should have. "

What The Hill found

"The Hill has added editor's notes to Solomon's work on Ukraine. In some columns, there was context and/or disclosure that should have been included at the time of his writings. In other cases, these editor's notes highlight what has been learned since Solomon's columns were initially published."


Active member
I bet you believe big time wrestling is real too?

John Solomon used to work for The Hill. The Hill had to review all of Solomon's OPINION pieces on Ukraine for telling half truths and complete fabrication.

Pretty sad you believe opinion pieces are news. On top of that The Hill had to make corrections to Solomon's OPINION pieces because they were that poorly written.

Packer. You fell for it and are neck deep in Solomon's slop. But keep mocking people for "fake news" when you fall for outright lies.


"The Hill established working panels for each of 14 relevant pieces that appeared on TheHill.com. These working groups analyzed and discussed the columns at length, looking at possible corrections and/or context that could have been added at the time of the writings. In addition, The Hill reviewed congressional testimony and other public documentation related to Solomon's columns, as well as related media reports, to add editor's notes to the columns regarding what has been learned since the columns were posted by The Hill. The Hill also reviewed its editorial policies and processes."

"While Solomon's columns on Ukraine were labeled as opinion, they largely read like news stories. Adding to the potential confusion between opinion and news, Solomon was identified as "an award-winning journalist" in his column tagline. When appearing on television to discuss his Ukraine columns, Solomon was not typically labeled an opinion writer by the broadcast programs. The Hill did not contact television producers to label Solomon as an opinion columnist. It should have. "

What The Hill found

"The Hill has added editor's notes to Solomon's work on Ukraine. In some columns, there was context and/or disclosure that should have been included at the time of his writings. In other cases, these editor's notes highlight what has been learned since Solomon's columns were initially published."

I will just say this. So, far Solomon, has been consistently right, and you and the clowns you parrot have been wrong. It's pretty simple. Sorry you have a problem with it.

I generally like the hill, but this is a joke. Has any journalitic organization ever, post publish editorial additions to undermine a journalist. Fucking incredibly unethical. Especially since it's purely political. Your posting of this, only establishes you as an idealog. No search for truth, just political posturing.

As the saying goes "you can't fix, stupid "


Active member
I will just say this. So, far Solomon, has been consistently right, and you and the clowns you parrot have been wrong. It's pretty simple. Sorry you have a problem with it.

I generally like the hill, but this is a joke. Has any journalitic organization ever, post publish editorial additions to undermine a journalist
. Fucking incredibly unethical. Especially since it's purely political. Your posting of this, only establishes you as an idealog. No search for truth, just political posturing.

As the saying goes "you can't fix, stupid "

No Packer they usually don't. That's just how shitty of a column writer he is. He can't even get an opinion passed without fucking it up. You look like a fool for buying into him.

Keep buying the Solomon Slop. All you can eat. HAHAHA

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