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Deep State: Exposed

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
No Hempy. I already told you. He was pissed because he thought Kerry dropped out and was given orders to by the S&B to do so.

He wasn't given orders. That was the plan all along. And, if by some freak accident, the rigging of the election for Bush failed, Kerry would be in place as a fellow Bonesman. You are mad at a kid for asking a question that the gatekeepers in the fakenews media refused to ask.



Active member
Would anyone have any reason to sabotage HydroxyChloroqiune research? WHO?



Active member
He wasn't given orders. That was the plan all along. And, if by some freak accident, the rigging of the election for Bush failed, Kerry would be in place as a fellow Bonesman. You are mad at a kid for asking a question that the gatekeepers in the fakenews media refused to ask.


Why didn't he ask the Skull and Bones question as his first question? It was that simple. Do you think everybody just has unlimited questions they can ask at those type of events?

Get over it. The kid fucked up and you continue to make every excuse for him.


Well-known member
He asked about five questions before that and was asked to leave so others could ask their question. He kept asking more questions and got tased. Get over it. The kid was a fucking asshole looking to make a name and pick a fight. He lost.

Just like the left leaning reporters at every Trump briefing. They keep asking stupid questions. They should be tasered too. See we can agree on some things absoleum.

I would taser Acosta without any guilt. And many, many more reporters.


I laughed a bunch when they tazed that bro. Idk, I can see how it could be interpreted how you guys are, but can you also see how "sigh..dammit, we are trying to have this event and some dude is yelling about conspiracies disrupting it for everyone, kick him out" is also a reasonable response?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Who would want to waste their time being Donald 'knows more about everything than everyone' Trump's b*tch?

Trump wouldn't listen to anything anyway, if you aren't subservient 'you're fired'.

Well, if you legitimately cared about science, logically you would want to be able to be in the most influential position possible. He said it isn't a good use of his time.

Interestingly, Trump asked Bill Gates what his thoughts are on a proposed vaccine safety investigative body, which would have been run by Robert F Kennedy Jr, Gates told Trump, "Oh, you don't wanna do that."
Trump followed Gates's advice, but also may have been helping to build a case against Gates. When Trump announced that he was pulling funding from the World Health Organization (WHO) and would be investigating it's actions which helped to spread the virus and its connection to the Wuhan lab. Bill Gates said that's a bad idea. Gates is tied to both. This could lead to an investigation into the US vaccination program.

Some of the things that will likely be looked at are:
Evidence of genetic engineering or weaponization of COVID-19 (gain of function)
US ties to the Wuhan Lab including funding from Barrack Obama
Hoarding of millions of masks by US companies associated with the WHO, Bill Gates, the Wuhan lab, and others. And the release of hoarded supplies following DOJ announcement of intent to prosecute. And whether that hoarding was associated with any foreknowledge of the biowarfare attack.
And of coarse media propaganda which used pseudoscientific fraud to 'debunk' the notion the covid19 came from the Wuhan lab and erroneously claimed that the virus came from exotic meat. And these peoples ties and connections to the Wuhan lab.

Capra ibex

Yeah, yeah Hempy.... me and you are never going to be on the same page....

I don't know Bill Gates' life work, all i know is trying to work with Trump is a waste of their time, unless you want to coddle him all the time.... and then get abused and mocked whenever you don't.

All of his staff's first, second and third job is to try and make Trump look good. He's a man-child.

Capra ibex

Anything Obama did Trump wants to undo.... not because Trump is good and Obama is bad, but because Obama made fun of Trump and thus Trump's life goal is to erase anything Obama did.... which goes down well with Republicans.... which is why Trump ran as a republican.

Capra ibex

Yes, a war with China would be great.... fantastic, the likes of which people haven't seen before.

*plays invisible accordion*