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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
Never claimed that champ. Just claimed I'm not trusting one professor and two assistants who ran computer models to get their conclusion over 1000 scientists who claim different. Provide the mountain of data instead of a mole hill.

Nope never claimed it, always implied it...LOL
And where is your reference?


Active member
Hey man try and get some fact correct.
You think you know but you may not.
He is a medical doctor jackass.

Medical Doctor Blows CV-9Teen Scamdemic Wide Open | Andrew Kaufman M.D.


Most folks are afraid to post that they work at a hospital.
This guy put his whole life on the line to make this statement.

But of course you know better, right...LOL


Well-known member
Is what you are currently doing what you can classify as "taking advice" or following orders ?

I guess I will wait for them to finish & be one of the few that watches it because the people that do what they're told to do by their masters as they are doing right now , believe what they are programmed to believe . You're certainly special if you believe any of the conspirators are ever going to come forward .

When the State tells you it's safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it's dangerous, but allows in person lottery ticket sales, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State tells you it's dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, but the Governor can get his/her stage make up done, and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous but let’s criminals OUT of jail cells for their health- It’s not about your health or saving lives .

When the State tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor of chiropractic or physical therapy treatments yet deems an abortion is essential- It’s not about your health or saving lives .

When the State graciously allows you go to the grocery store or hardware store but deems what is/isn't ESSENTIAL - it's not about health & saving lives

You can buy all the liquor & cigarettes you want , it's not about your health or saving lives .

Control the narrative , control the mind



Exactly !!! Nice post :good: :respect:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You brain dead fools will not even believe a MIT doctor that has put his job on the line to bring you the truth.


I want to say first that I only watched this video to the 25 minute mark. Virtually all the information given to that point is conjecture, misleading and anecdotal. If there is some relevant data relayed later on in the video, please point it out.

Whether the particles are exosomes or viruses has no bearing. The function of exosomes is hypothetical and NOT proven. He conveniently left out the genome sequencing of the covid virus which has taken place. No small wonder that he is concerned for his credentials.

Under the scope, we still cannot tell the difference between archaea and bacteria. For years scientists labeled actinobacteria as fungi. So what!

BTW, live moving organisms cannot be viewed with an electron microscope. Funny, how he failed to mention that. [to 25 minutes anyway]

The SUPPOSED experiments mentioned regarding the Spanish flu is anecdotal hearsay. Let's see the published study! Besides that who would volunteer to be infected with a deadly disease. Of course this does not stop the brain dead interviewer from citing the study as proven data a short time later. This is how brainwashing occurs.

The interviewer begins the whole thing with a leading and political question/statement.

The crap up to 25 minutes was enough to make me stop wasting my time watching the whole thing. If there is a logical hypothesis presented, then fill me in.


Active member
I want to say first that I only watched this video to the 25 minute mark. Virtually all the information given to that point is conjecture, misleading and anecdotal. If there is some relevant data relayed later on in the video, please point it out.

Whether the particles are exosomes or viruses has no bearing. The function of exosomes is hypothetical and NOT proven. He conveniently left out the genome sequencing of the covid virus which has taken place. No small wonder that he is concerned for his credentials.

Under the scope, we still cannot tell the difference between archaea and bacteria. For years scientists labeled actinobacteria as fungi. So what!

BTW, live moving organisms cannot be viewed with an electron microscope. Funny, how he failed to mention that. [to 25 minutes anyway]

The SUPPOSED experiments mentioned regarding the Spanish flu is anecdotal hearsay. Let's see the published study! Besides that who would volunteer to be infected with a deadly disease. Of course this does not stop the brain dead interviewer from citing the study as proven data a short time later. This is how brainwashing occurs.

The interviewer begins the whole thing with a leading and political question/statement.

The crap up to 25 minutes was enough to make me stop wasting my time watching the whole thing. If there is a logical hypothesis presented, then fill me in.

Could you provide references for why you feel this way.

Other wise I feel your statement and all the information provided by you is conjecture, misleading and anecdotal.

I am only holding you to the standard expected of me.
Did not mean that with any disrespect.
This has been a pretty heated debate thus far, so let us play fair here.


knucklehead bob

A person in Michigan can buy seeds.

Have fun going to another "spread the covid death" Trump rally.

Not sure what in the constitutions gives you the right to infect others just so can keep your greedy ways.

View Image

"Not sure what in the constitutions gives you the right to infect others just so can keep your greedy ways."

The same thing that allows you to believe everything your told and be very very scared .

It's called FREEDOM & the Constitution , I don't care how scared you are of an invisible boogie-man .

Another fun fact , there's nothing in the Constitution that allows anyone that swears an oath to same that allows the type of action being seen today that Im aware of .

The fact remains that the Emergency Powers statute exercised by Governor Whitmer is subordinate to the provisions of our Constitution. It does NOT supplant these provisions.

How comfortable most people are with what these people are doing and how they're acting is really scary .

They in fact , lied about Viet Nam , Iraq , Afghanistan , Libya , Syria & the last Bank Bail-out ............................ But they're telling the truth about the CORONA BAIL-OUT because they gave me $1,200 Dollars

So the entire stimulus package was 2 trillion dollars. Let’s do some math:

1,200 times 220 million working age people equals 260 billion dollars.
Where did the other 1.736 Trillion go ?

You're entitled to believe what you want about vaccines , 9/11 , Viet Nam and all the other horse hockey they want you to believe . I knew I was being lied to about this CORONA DEATH on it's first reports of death . It's your right to believe what you want to .

It is NOT your right to force me to take your vaccine . I know you may not want to but "they" do .

I stopped believing/trusting my Government in 1964 after this work of FICTION on my way to 10 years old . Warren Commission Report . I saw Lee Harvey get shot by Jack Rubenstein , aka Jack Ruby on live T V . I also saw a live interview before he was shot exclaiming "I'm just a Patsy" as he was handcuffed with the flashbulbs flashing and all the cameras rolling .

They knew who killed Kennedy as fast as they new who was responsible for crashing them there jet planes . Single bullet and all that jazz & razamatz . If ya can't dazzle 'em with brilliance , baffle 'em with bullshit

Table of Contents https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/warren-commission-report

You believe "them" , that's cool .

I did not believe "them" then & I do NOT believe "them" now .



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Could you provide references for why you feel this way.

Other wise I feel your statement and all the information provided by you is conjecture, misleading and anecdotal.

I am only holding you to the standard expected of me.
Did not mean that with any disrespect.
This has been a pretty heated debate thus far, so let us play fair here.


Perhaps you misunderstood. These were comments regarding the video to the 25 minute mark and do not refer to you at all. My comments are based upon knowledge gained over time.

If you have watched the entire video and you think there is a logical conclusive point made, then please tell me what it is. If it makes any sense, then I'll consider watching the rest.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Could you provide references for why you feel this way.

Other wise I feel your statement and all the information provided by you is conjecture, misleading and anecdotal.

I am only holding you to the standard expected of me.
Did not mean that with any disrespect.
This has been a pretty heated debate thus far, so let us play fair here.


Shag; Because of what you stated, I looked back through the thread to find where you debated this. It is just not there. Why did you say something untrue? [at least that I could find]


Active member
Perhaps you misunderstood. These were comments regarding the video to the 25 minute mark and do not refer to you at all. My comments are based upon knowledge gained over time.

If you have watched the entire video and you think there is a logical conclusive point made, then please tell me what it is. If it makes any sense, then I'll consider watching the rest.

Your good dude, you don't have to watch nuttin'
I see what is going on here.

You and other folks here don't want to take my word for anything.
I provide eye witness evidence with links for reference.

You folks say naaa, I ain't buying it.....

But you say to me, just take my word for it.
Well even though you have more knowledge that I do on this subject.

May I suggest you are not an expert on the subject, therefore I would like to see something that sways my opinion.

Not just, "take my word for it bro"!

I hope you can understand my reasoning here.
Let us hold each other to the same standard.

That is fair play .....no?


Active member
Shag; Because of what you stated, I looked back through the thread to find where you debated this. It is just not there. Why did you say something untrue? [at least that I could find]

I am not sure what exactly you are asking here, please clarify?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Your good dude, you don't have to watch nuttin'
I see what is going on here.

You and other folks here don't want to take my word for anything.
I provide eye witness evidence with links for reference.

You folks say naaa, I ain't buying it.....

But you say to me, just take my word for it.
Well even though you have more knowledge that I do on this subject.

May I suggest you are not an expert on the subject, therefore I would like to see something that sways my opinion.

Not just, "take my word for it bro"!

I hope you can understand my reasoning here.
Let us hold each other to the same standard.

That is fair play .....no?

What is unfair, is that you apparently cannot provide a simple statement concluding what a video is about, which you expect me to waste over an hour of my time watching.

The information provided to the point I shut it off is so rambling and inaccurate that I jump to the conclusion that there may be no logical hypothesis presented.

Suppose I give you a couple of examples;

Hey Shag, watch this video wherein Jane Goodall shows how chimpanzes communicate better than humans.

or; here is a video albeit very long concludes with the completion of cell division


Active member
You said;

in regards to my points.

I looked for you debating this specific video, which is all I was talking about.

Ok lets start with this for my side.

You say this guy is making shit up.

Why what will he gain?

What does he stand a chance of losing?
He is a MD that attended MIT.

Why would he throw it all away just for a fake story?

It is not my duty to provide proof of anything.
You are trying to refute a MD from MIT.
So I think the burden of proof that the MD form MIT is lying.
So let us play fair here.

I provide as my side of the debate a MD for MIT you say baaaa.
Now I need more proof?
I think not sir.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Ok lets start with this for my side.

You say this guy is making shit up.

Why what will he gain?

What does he stand a chance of losing?
He is a MD that attended MIT.

Why would he throw it all away just for a fake story?

It is not my duty to provide proof of anything.
You are trying to refute a MD from MIT.
So I think the burden of proof that the MD form MIT is lying.
So let us play fair here.

I provide as my side of the debate a MD for MIT you say baaaa.
Now I need more proof?
I think not sir.

So then you did not watch the whole thing because you cannot even tell me what it is about. I pointed out salient points. You presented nothing.

Where did I say he was making shit up?


Active member
What is unfair, is that you apparently cannot provide a simple statement concluding what a video is about, which you expect me to waste over an hour of my time watching.
I do not need to say a word my point is made by an MD from MIT.

If you looks back i said you ain't gotta watch nuttin'.
So you got that wrong.

The information provided to the point I shut it off is so rambling and inaccurate that I jump to the conclusion that there may be no logical hypothesis presented.

Suppose I give you a couple of examples;

Hey Shag, watch this video wherein Jane Goodall shows how chimpanzes communicate better than humans.

or; here is a video albeit very long concludes with the completion of cell division

Oh, I see what is going on here you are challenging me to a battle of whits!

Just happens to be a subject you spent your life doing....
Huh, yea, that sound fair.:biggrin:

Why do you folks always make it personal?
I hate to say it brother, your actions are staring to resemble the nasty trolls round here.

Personal attacks should not diminish the message. ya know?
Try and keep the topic off me personally if you could, please!


Active member
He is a medical doctor .

Medical Doctor Blows CV-9Teen Scamdemic Wide Open | Andrew Kaufman M.D.


Most folks are afraid to post that they work at a hospital.
This guy put his whole life on the line to make this statement.

But of course you know better, right...LOL


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Oh, I see what is going on here you are challenging me to a battle of whits!

Just happens to be a subject you spent your life doing....
Huh, yea, that sound fair.:biggrin:

Why do you folks always make it personal?
I hate to say it brother, your actions are staring to resemble the nasty trolls round here.

Personal attacks should not diminish the message. ya know?
Try and keep the topic off me personally if you could, please!

No. nothing personal at all. I just want you to tell what is the conclusion of the video. What is it leading up to after I stopped watching? Wits have nothing to do with it.


Active member
So then you did not watch the whole thing because you cannot even tell me what it is about. I pointed out salient points. You presented nothing.

Where did I say he was making shit up?

I am sorry this conversation is going no where fast.
I do not wish to engage in irrational debate.

I am sure you know how to debate properly, you are just not showing it here.

Please stop making this about me.
That is childish and beneath you.
So I ask nicely please stop.

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