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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
That was me in that video. I was dressed up like a nurse and having a good time.

That guy never even asked for my nurses ID and you bought it!


I told you I went to the hospital and talked with a nurse myself.
You say I lied.
Why would I lie.

I told you I have several nurses in my life that say the same thing.
I told you the hospitals where they work too.
You say they lied.

Dude nurses are under a gag order, they get fired just for saying the name of their hospital.
And you expect ID on camera?
Are you fuckin' nuts.

But that is what your going with, huh?
And you expect intelligent folks to side with you?

It is all a scam to trick you.

Hey, look the news is on, gotta go.:biggrin:

Exactly what would convince you?
Not even a first hand eyewitness account is good enough.
I don't get it.

I think with you....
Even if he showed ID, you would just say it is fake.
So your theory is just not flyin' here!

Here is the video about he gag order.


Happy 420


Active member
Do you think the MIT doctor in the video was friends with the MIT doctors Seth Lloyd, Joi Ito, and Suh Nam-pyo?

You know... the ones who were hiding the money they were taking from Epstein?

Blindly follow MIT doctors much?

Don't care?

And hell no jackass, do you?
It was one source, do you even see more than one post about his world?

So I will assume from your comment that what ever you post..
That is what you blindly follow.
Since you assumed I did, it is a natural thought....no?


Active member
All sorts of groups proposing one oddball thing or another. None of which will ever see the light of day other than the ones promoted by shock journalism.

Truth is shock journalism????

I think you need more shock therapy.

Quit the trolling jackass!


Active member
Sure, we need more humour here.

How about a rational comment?

Does this describe you, be honest with yourself now.

My definition of a troll:
A being without the intellectual power to respond in a rational manner.
But lonely enough that they still want to participate in the thread.


Active member

While we’re all distracted by news about the coronavirus, lawmakers in Washington are attempting to sneak in one of the most draconian antigun bills that the country has ever seen.

Titled the “Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020,” this bill would require all Americans to obtain a license before purchasing a firearm, treating our constitutional right to keep and bear arms as a privilege in which we must first get permission for from the federal government.



Any rational comments on topic?


Active member
Feds Quietly Seek to Remove Leading Cause of Vaccine Injuries From Federal Payout Program

While much of the federal government is focused on fighting the coronavirus pandemic, a small program is quietly proposing a giant change that could affect thousands of injured people.

A division of the Department of Health and Human Services is proposing to remove the leading cause of vaccine injuries from the federal program that compensates victims.

"We think this is highly unfair in a time where the country and everyone is so concerned about how do we prevent illness," said Leah Durant, an attorney who devotes most of her D.C. law practice to those cases after suffering the injury herself.



This is a good on topic discussion.

My definition of a troll:
A being without the intellectual power to respond in a rational manner.
But lonely enough that they still want to participate in the thread.

Lets try and keep things on topic folks....please!


Active member
That was me in that video. I was dressed up like a nurse and having a good time.

That guy never even asked for my nurses ID and you bought it!


LOL. I was laughing at that video too. Not sure why Lincoln Karim had to loop it 3 times. Kinda thought once was enough.

Many of these video's posted by Shag come from a person named Lincoln Karim. This loser rides his moped around the hospitals in New York just waiting for a worker to stand outside so he can pester them.

Here's a link to his You Tube channel.

Another video Shag posted showed a FEMA van drive around a hospital and because of that we are to conclude something nefarious is going on. Because moped guy told us so.

Another video that's no longer on here was about two hours long and the last half hour was hilarious. It had to do with "Pizzagate" and Satan. It was like Tipper Gore on steroids.

I've never seen such garbage taken so seriously since the days of Advanced Nutrients conning so many people.


Active member
LOL. I was laughing at that video too. Not sure why Lincoln Karim had to loop it 3 times. Kinda thought once was enough.

Many of these video's posted by Shag come from a person named Lincoln Karim. This loser rides his moped around the hospitals in New York just waiting for a worker to stand outside so he can pester them.

Here's a link to his You Tube channel.

Wow laughing at a guy because he rides a moped???
Calling him a loser, why is he a loser?
Can you explain why you fell this way about someone you don't even know?
Naw, your not judgmental at all, are you?

Another video Shag posted showed a FEMA van drive around a hospital and because of that we are to conclude something nefarious is going on. Because moped guy told us so.

Another video that's no longer on here was about two hours long and the last half hour was hilarious. It had to do with "Pizzagate" and Satan. It was like Tipper Gore on steroids.

I've never seen such garbage taken so seriously since the days of Advanced Nutrients conning so many people.

You are all about attacking people.
Take your personal attacks somewhere else.
Good folks ain't got time for childish bullshit.

They guy gets no credit cause of what he rides?
What kind of schoolyard shit are you trying to pass here.

Another thing if you are just too dense to realize pizza gate is real.
People are being charge with real crimes.
But according to you they go to pretend prison.:biggrin:

The eyewitness account of the nurse was made up too, right.
He did not show his ID, give me a fuckin' break.

If you don't want to believe in satanism, well that is on you.
That is real too, whatever it is.
But you cry lies, without ever doing any research.
You must realize how silly you look stating what is obviously real, is just a conspiracy theory.

Make sure you watch the video below, don't miss it, you will be sorry.:)

But if you think a FEMA ambulance riding around NYC turning the siren on here and there for no reason at all, is a normal thing???
I must question what you feel is normal...

How about you give me an explanation....you can do that right?

This is for you Absolem...


Active member
You are all about attacking people.
Take your personal attacks somewhere else.
Good folks ain't got time for childish bullshit.

They guy gets no credit cause of what he rides?
What kind of schoolyard shit are you trying to pass here.

Another thing if you are just too dense to realize pizza gate is real.
Bull fucking shit. Comet Pizza had nothing to do with housing kids for sex like the claim. Edgar Maddison Welch thought he was smart like you but found out the hard way it was a lie after bringing a gun to free the kids in the basement when no basement even exits at the Pizza place. Now he's sitting in jail looking like a fruit for believing the shit he read online and acting on it.
People are being charge with real crimes.
But according to you they go to pretend prison.:biggrin:

The eyewitness account of the nurse was made up too, right.
He did not show his ID, give me a fuckin' break.

You mean the one eyewitness Lincoln?

If you don't want to believe in satanism, well that is on you.
That is real too, whatever it is.
But you cry lies, without ever doing any research.
You must realize how silly you look stating what is obviously real, is just a conspiracy theory.
I'm hanging with Satan now.

Make sure you watch the video below, don't miss it, you will be sorry.:)

But if you think a FEMA ambulance riding around NYC turning the siren on here and there for no reason at all, is a normal thing???
I must question what you feel is normal...
Did it ever occur you that the FEMA people were simply showing the hospital staff how to work one of those vans if needed? Fuck no you didn't. That would make too much sense. Always have to look for the conspiracy.

How about you give me an explanation....you can do that right?

This is for you Absolem...

You post bullshit and in return the bullshit comes back.

I've seen enough of the video's you post to show me who you are. Don't really need to see anymore. Enjoy your mind dungeon in conspiracy land.


Active member
You post bullshit and in return the bullshit comes back.

I've seen enough of the video's you post to show me who you are. Don't really need to see anymore. Enjoy your mind dungeon in conspiracy land.

This is true you post a lot of bullshit.

I have gotten several email messages about you too.
These folks are telling me you like to stalk folks on there facebook page.
What kind of freak are you exactly?

You kinda just showed how you investigated me with your statement.

I never mentioned comet it pizza, jackass.
Pizza is a code word for pussy, hot dogs for dick.
Any fool can see this, ooops, not you.:biggrin:
Get your facts straight.

There was one guy in the ambulance driving around by himself training himself during a pandemic, and exactly why is he doing this?

They do not need more ambulances, they are lined up everywhere.
Did that thought ever occur to you mr. know it all?
You think you have all the answers, maybe rethink this stand you have.

I asked a simple question.
And you see that as a conspiracy theory?
To ask the public what they think about something suddenly its a conspiracy theory.

So if you look at this properly it is you always crying conspiracy not me.

Oh ya, you are the guy that thinks nanobot are some kind of conspiracy theory too.

Tell it to someone who wants to buy your bullshit.
I don't have time for school yard tactics.
Go play on the monkey bars.


Active member
I have gotten several email messages about you too.
These folks are telling me you like to stalk folks on there facebook page.
What kind of freak are you exactly?

Not true.
I did google one members profile on here and saw they had a twitter account under the same username as here. It was shut down by Twitter and I made fun of him for that. That was the extent of my "stalking". Poor little guy got all riled about that.


Active member
Oh ya, you are the guy that thinks nanobot are some kind of conspiracy theory too.


Could you please cite the post I made this claim?

I think nanobot technology is awesome. I believe it's the next medical breakthrough and our answers to solar technology to power ones house.


Active member
Could you please cite the post I made this claim?

I think nanobot technology is awesome. I believe it's the next medical breakthrough and our answers to solar technology to power ones house.

Ok, maybe it was not you, I guess I was wrong.

I had 2 threads about nanobots did you contribute to it?
You had them removed remember.:biggrin:
Seems you were not that interested in the subject.
Or was that because I was talking about it.:)

Why is it so hard to talk about things we agree upon.

If we are going to fight, lets fight for each other.

Ok, it is 420.
Let us put our differences aside for a few and have a laugh.

This is a video about how the virus has made us all a bit crazy.
Not to make a point, hope to make some laughs here.

Take a look, you may even laugh.
Happy 420



Active member
Feds Quietly Seek to Remove Leading Cause of Vaccine Injuries From Federal Payout Program

While much of the federal government is focused on fighting the coronavirus pandemic, a small program is quietly proposing a giant change that could affect thousands of injured people.

A division of the Department of Health and Human Services is proposing to remove the leading cause of vaccine injuries from the federal program that compensates victims.

"We think this is highly unfair in a time where the country and everyone is so concerned about how do we prevent illness," said Leah Durant, an attorney who devotes most of her D.C. law practice to those cases after suffering the injury herself.



So is everyone good with this?

Medical center overflow.


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