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Deep State: Exposed


No one has ever fought corruption in our country, arguably one of the most corrupt countries in the world, better than Donald Trump.

the president represents the interests of the United States.

had to put these statements up to re-read them...

you actually believe this crap?

i guess fighting corruption is like fighting fire... with fire cause the man has been surrounding himself with crooks and liars... putting up some of the worst people in key positions.

"drain the swamp"? more like invite all your swamp monster buddies to pillage and plunder the locals... he even admitted "drain the swamp" was merely a catchy phrase and wasn't behind it fundamentally.

the only thing the drumpster believes in is cashing-in on other ppls tab.

pretty sure this is his attitude toward working class ppl like myself: :moon:


Active member
nah Drain the swamp came from a book written in ‘98 then revised in 05. Book has to do with resetting fiat debt based economy and returning to a gold, silver and platinum based economy. Removing power from the chosen ones who have built an economic system set for failure. Pretty interesting watching these hippie bootlickers seethe over drumpf and how everything is his fault, yet like fucking sheep gave their hard earned money away to fund Israel and all the bullshit they have started world wide since WW2. And then shirk their irresponsible spending habits in the name of convenience and not living in their means. Now wanting somebody else to pick up their medical bills because instead of saving money they bought Chinese made Knick knacks. Now they look at the bullshit fridge magnets and snow globes they bought on their credit based vacations to flex at their AARP/ bridge club meetings to impress their other broke ass over extended friends all while crying about how it’s Drumpf and the millennials fault. But yeah carry on crying and enjoy your fridge magnets

NESARA is the ‘act’ the book is based on. If anybody is interested here’s the link.



Well-known member
nah Drain the swamp came from a book written in ‘98 then revised in 05. Book has to do with resetting fiat debt based economy and returning to a gold, silver and platinum based economy. Removing power from the chosen ones who have built an economic system set for failure. Pretty interesting watching these hippie bootlickers seethe over drumpf and how everything is his fault, yet like fucking sheep gave their hard earned money away to fund Israel and all the bullshit they have started world wide since WW2. And then shirk their irresponsible spending habits in the name of convenience and not living in their means. Now wanting somebody else to pick up their medical bills because instead of saving money they bought Chinese made Knick knacks. Now they look at the bullshit fridge magnets and snow globes they bought on their credit based vacations to flex at their AARP/ bridge club meetings to impress their other broke ass over extended friends all while crying about how it’s Drumpf and the millennials fault. But yeah carry on crying and enjoy your fridge magnets

NESARA is the ‘act’ the book is based on. If anybody is interested here’s the link.


I know they've told you that, but in actuality, the idiomatic phrase is much older than '98.

Drain the swamp is a phrase which since the 1980s has frequently been used by American politicians. The phrase alludes to the physical draining of swamps to keep mosquito populations low to combat malaria, and Washington D.C. being founded on a supposed swampy ground. It has been used as a metaphor by:

* Helen Hunt Jackson (1830–1885) who wrote that to "clear the swamp" (the first obvious step to reclaiming "poisonous and swampy wilderness") was an apt metaphor for how to start addressing "the disgrace to us of the present condition of our Indians."

* Winfield R. Gaylord (1870–1943) to describe the socialist desire to "drain" the "capitalist swamp".

* Victor L. Berger (1860–1929), who in his book Broadsides referred to changing the capitalist system as "drain[ing] the swamp".

* A. Philip Randolph (1889–1979) and Bayard Rustin (1912-1987) in A Freedom Budget for All Americans (1966), argued that "The breeding grounds of crime and discontent will be diminished in the same way that draining a swamp cuts down the breeding of mosquitoes, and the causes of discrimination will be considerably reduced."

* Ronald Reagan, who called to "drain the swamp" of bureaucracy in the federal government in 1983 when commissioning The Grace Commission.

* Jessica Stern in "Preparing for a War on Terrorism" (November 2001), where she calls on the U.S. to see failing and failed states as sources and sanctuaries for terrorists and terrorism (the swamp) and to use foreign aid and soft power to combat them (the draining).

* Pat Buchanan during his 2000 presidential campaign, when he invoked the saying in opposition to the dominant political parties: "Neither Beltway party is going to drain this swamp: it's a protected wetland; they breed in it, they spawn in it".

* Nancy Pelosi in 2006 while announcing her 100-Hour Plan in response to more than a decade of Republican rule.

* Donald Trump to describe his plan to fix problems in the federal government. Subsequent protests against the role of Goldman Sachs alumni in his administration also used the metaphor.

* Traditional Unionist Voice on the front cover of their manifesto for the 2017 Northern Ireland Assembly election


Active member
Cool story has no relevance to topic at hand. But I’m sure your fellow bootlickers will give you a few likes and upvotes (your whole purpose in life)


Active member
Cool story has no relevance to topic at hand. But I’m sure your fellow bootlickers will give you a few likes and upvotes (your whole purpose in life)

Why so bitter all the time Bro?

Read some blog with a few new catch phrases you want to try out?

Your constant tough guy talk on here is clear to everybody it's just a facade for a scared little boy who covers his fears by lashing out.


Well-known member
What exactly is the 'topic at hand'?
I love simple questions , and often
wonder why we don't see more offered.
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Active member
Why so bitter all the time Bro?

Read some blog with a few new catch phrases you want to try out?

Your constant tough guy talk on here is clear to everybody it's just a facade for a scared little boy who covers his fears by lashing out.

My ‘tough guy’ talk has you so shook you fucking started iStalking me and googling my handle like a fed... hell hath no fury as a woman scorned unless it’s absolem


Active member
My ‘tough guy’ talk has you so shook you fucking started iStalking me and googling my handle like a fed...

Not even close. Just seeing what a douche you were and how simple minded you were when posting on various sites. If you don't like it then don't post or use the same username on every site you bitch on.


Active member
Not even close. Just was seeing what a douche you were and how simple minded you were when posting on various sites.

You spent time out of your short existence on earth to iCreep somebody on a fucking plant growing forum. Joke is on you kiddo. When I close the tab, it’s over. I come, shitpost and move along in life. Basically, you are my chew toy. You come, get btfo, then proceed to continue wallowing in your butthurt. Move along


Active member
You spent time out of your short existence on earth to iCreep somebody on a fucking plant growing forum. Joke is on you kiddo. When I close the tab, it’s over. I come, shitpost and move along in life. Basically, you are my chew toy. You come, get btfo, then proceed to continue wallowing in your butthurt. Move along

Spoken like a scared little boy who lashes out to cover his own inadequacies.


Active member
Spoken like a scared little boy who lashes out to cover his own inadequacies.

And you keep on responding... I’ll let you in on a protip: the shitposting will continue as long as you keep responding or until I’m tired of this toy. I’d suggest using the little power that you have. Would you like to point on the doll where Fishy hurt you? Let The record show Absolem pointed to the booty on the doll


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Cool story has no relevance to topic at hand. But I’m sure your fellow bootlickers will give you a few likes and upvotes (your whole purpose in life)

Your previous post was almost good until you began the derisive comments. I was almost impressed. As far as your criticism of the present post I think if you read through it you will see the relevance.


Active member
Your previous post was almost good until you began the derisive comments. I was almost impressed. As far as your criticism of the present post I think if you read through it you will see the relevance.

And there is the difference. You are under the impression I give a flying fuck or 2 what you or anybody else that I will never meet feels about me or my thoughts. That couldn’t be any farther from the truth. I don’t make posts to check back every 15 minutes as to who gave me likes and upvotes as some sort of an ego stroke. I saw on the curse of oak island they said ‘drain the swamp’ too. Does that have any relevancy to the topic being discussed? No. Building up a straw man is basic logical fallacy.


Chemon 91
In the opinion of Don Trump...

President Trump. “I think that there’s no question when you have eight years of one party in office that there are people who stay in government—affiliated with, joined—and continue to espouse the agenda of the previous administration, so I don’t think it should come to any surprise that there are people that burrowed into government during the eight years of the last administration and may have believed in that agenda and want to continue to seek it.” Asked whether the CIA plans to “purge” such “deep state” actors from within the administration, Spicer said it’s not a part of the agency’s purview.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
And there is the difference. You are under the impression I give a flying fuck or 2 what you or anybody else that I will never meet feels about me or my thoughts. That couldn’t be any farther from the truth. I don’t make posts to check back every 15 minutes as to who gave me likes and upvotes as some sort of an ego stroke. I saw on the curse of oak island they said ‘drain the swamp’ too. Does that have any relevancy to the topic being discussed? No. Building up a straw man is basic logical fallacy.

Audio's examples were mostly political in nature. That you, apparently, did not notice this seems to indicate a lack of attention exacerbated by your comment concerning oak island [which I assume is a TV show].

If you did not care, nor reflect on other's opinions of your statements you simply would not post. You simply would not even reply to my comments. Psych 101.