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Deep State: Exposed


Well-known member
That's exactly what the US does to it's own citizens. This is done every time you hit 'Like' on the internet. And also through political surveys. Particularly associated with the DNC. This is how they craft candidates for you. The news helps create issues of concern, then they survey, then your candidate is created and marketed to you.

Except we are talking about Russians.

Sucks that our country does it to itself.

Still undeniable that Russia interfered in the election.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Worst case scenario is that they may have attempted to interfere. But, when you compare it to US election meddling, both foreign and domestic, it would be miniscule and not really worthy of anything close to the attention the subject has received.


Active member

Another shining star for the FBI. Also amazing a 4chan meme made its way all the way to the intelligence community. Rick Wilson has to be the biggest mental midget of our times. He was the first politician to publicly suffer from TDS


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
So you believe in the authoritarian value of knowingly using known false information to commit criminal acts (this is what Comey did).
(You support this?)

And, yet you believe that positive and actionable intelligence from the highest military commander in our nation (Commander in Chief) is just a 'theory?'

Everyone wanted Comey fired after he botched Hillary Clintons Campaign right before the election. Trump fired him for basically egregious misconduct and subversion. I don't know or care if he said is was over the 'russia thing.' If he did, then good. He would have been well within his right to do so and that would be bad ass. In fact it was bad ass. No one has ever fought corruption in our country, arguably one of the most corrupt countries in the world, better than Donald Trump. So, I'm sorry if fighting corruption is against your personal interest, but the president represents the interests of the United States.

So you believe in the authoritarian value of knowingly using known false information to commit criminal acts (this is what Trump did).
(You support this?)


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
If you want to fight long-standing corruption in the United States, one would be wise to start with the head of the FBI.

If you want to fight long-standing corruption in the United States, one would be wise to start with the head of the White House.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
If you want to fight long-standing corruption in the United States, one would be wise to start with the head of the White House.

But, the POTUS is a relatively short term position and corrupt POTUS's are easily interchangeable.
So, you go after a corrupt POTUS to fight short term corruption, not long term. Watch how this all unfolds.

knucklehead bob

But, the POTUS is a relatively short term position and corrupt POTUS's are easily interchangeable.
So, you go after a corrupt POTUS to fight short term corruption, not long term. Watch how this all unfolds.
Once upon a time , there was a President that was going to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces . He was not allowed to succeed ...............

Here we are today



Boreal Curing
Elon Musk is Dr. No with his own underground tube system.



Active member
I don't know or care if he said is was over the 'russia thing.' If he did, then good. He would have been well within his right to do so and that would be bad ass. In fact it was bad ass.

Your original post was about wondering if anyone still bought into this “Russian conspiracy theory “ thing.
And the answer is you have to look no farther than trump himself as a subscriber.

Fired Comey over “this Russia thing “.
Watch the interview to understand the context.

If you want to pretend trump is a corruption fighter you could probably format it as a comic book and sell it to supporters.