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David Grusch - Real Deal UFOs In Gov Possession?


Well-known member
According to the church there is only humans,aliens don't exist,that's why churches will collapse,shit all the aliens need to do is fly into orbit,grab as many humans with transporters/tractor beams,we're that stupid u would hav us lineing up with all the religious nuts shouting its the rapture!,76
The god story is so old, that what was written, used very basic language. It will just be a misunderstanding. One religion switched a translation from furthest to largest, when a city was found elsewhere. These are believers. They want to believe. Blind faith knows no reason. Thinking logically about disproving religion, is not an effective approach. They just need to believe a way around your facts. Requiring no proof.

Nothing can break mans willingness to believe in stuff that doesn't exist. God. Aliens. FTL drives. We have to believe in things that don't exist, to make them happen.

If you think that an alien beaming into church, will stop people believing it was gods work, you might be madder than they are. Some are waiting for a messenger from god, with new stories. It fits the narrative already.


Well-known member
Nothing can break mans willingness to believe in stuff that doesn't exist. God. Aliens. FTL drives. We have to believe in things that don't exist, to make them happen.
that does put you in the military camp, the old military camp
they've become more progressive with tacitly acknowledging there are things they're seeing that are difficult to explain
just saying you'd get on quite well with old time military/intelligence


Well-known member
seeing some movement on the 'BIG' meeting
GOP house investigation will be happening end of July
I'm a cautious skeptic but some major players with the top clearances have been talking about classified materials they've been reviewing

and they're saying it's far beyond what has been revealed to the public



Well-known member
anyone that thinks we will ever get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from any government agency, please e-mail me. i have several Nigerian princes needing help getting their money out of a Russian bank and they will reward you most lavishly for your help. or maybe you'd rather invest in beachfront property outside of Las Vegas...well, it will be someday after the Big One hits Cali.


Well-known member
just a few musing on the kickoff meeting today
Grusch was a guest of honor and pilots who had witnessed some of the more notable sightings
no new proof, but Grusch has laid down the claim that he is restricted in what he can reveal in the public meetings
the implication being in a close door meeting he may have some hard new data - names, misappropriation of funds to shield clandestine UFO programs, ...
this won't be quick, but we're a patient lot


Kiss My Ring
The god story is so old, that what was written, used very basic language. It will just be a misunderstanding. One religion switched a translation from furthest to largest, when a city was found elsewhere. These are believers. They want to believe. Blind faith knows no reason. Thinking logically about disproving religion, is not an effective approach. They just need to believe a way around your facts. Requiring no proof.

Nothing can break mans willingness to believe in stuff that doesn't exist. God. Aliens. FTL drives. We have to believe in things that don't exist, to make them happen.

If you think that an alien beaming into church, will stop people believing it was gods work, you might be madder than they are. Some are waiting for a messenger from god, with new stories. It fits the narrative already.
one could actually argue Faster Than Light vehicles are a possibility with Ion Propulsion.
light is limited by frequency and wave so it can travel no faster. an Ion drive would provide propulsion continuously accelerating the vehicle past light speed...theoretically.


Well-known member
one could actually argue Faster Than Light vehicles are a possibility with Ion Propulsion.
light is limited by frequency and wave so it can travel no faster. an Ion drive would provide propulsion continuously accelerating the vehicle past light speed...theoretically.
The most realistic current concept is the "Alcubierre Drive", which doesn't use propulsion in the traditional sense. The ufo's exhibit "warp drive" characteristics according to witnesses. An object approaching in warp drive appears blue due ionizing radiation, objects traveling away appear red, due to red shift/doppler effect induced by the technology it uses and its effect in the atmosphere.


Well-known member
and not to be ignored, some of really out there stuff that Grusch has talked about during the lead up to the hearing
numero uno imho has to be the claim that a UFO had been recovered in fascist Italy prior to WW2
it was then turned over to the US military at the end of WW2 in a deal brokered by the Vatican
interesting story - true? don't have a clue
I would need to see some more evidence on that one, a lot more evidence


Well-known member
one could actually argue Faster Than Light vehicles are a possibility with Ion Propulsion.
light is limited by frequency and wave so it can travel no faster. an Ion drive would provide propulsion continuously accelerating the vehicle past light speed...theoretically.
I would like to devote some time to this idea.

There are two camps regarding how electrons move. Power generation is the best example. We used to think the electrons traveled along, and produced a field around them. Now, more people see the field travels along, and electrons move.

This might be because we think of an electron as a physical item, which appeals to us in terms of attaching a label. Meanwhile, we look at gravity with near disillusionment. We say their are waves, and talk about what they do, but I only see this in modelling that wants gravity to fit into our world of physical matter. Back to the power generation, yes the field moves in waves. We make it so. A magnet though, presents a field I can't relate to frequency and length. It's static. I think this is why we don't understand it. We mess about with magnetism, using it's power at the point of generation, then somehow our brains think it's electrons as matter doing the work. Even after we made it happen. It's like some wiring problem in our heads, that must go to the perceivable matter based explanation. Shrugging off the magnetic, and heaven forbid gravitational, forces.

With this observed level of brain fuck (akin to the matrix not letting us know) I look at this ion drive, and I know it needs thinking about differently. Only then can we see past the laws that tie physical matter to the physical limits of light speed.

The moment we start talking of gravity in waves, the conversation turns to bending time. A distortion of our own construct, that's not a variable. Time is not bending, but as maths goes, there is possibly an explanation here of what is. If relativity is to hold firm, where actually, the mass is loosing context.

Anyway... I digress, and well away from the things I do actually know, into some topic I really should delete. I thought I would chew the fat though.

Why don't people working with such high level clearance, have to waver their human rights to live, if they talk? I wonder if there are actually secure units, for people that do actually crack up with the pressure. Or if you have to live in a gated community, with those of a similar clearance. Thus, even the bar tender can hear whatever it is they talk about out of work. Because such knowledge will taint many areas of your life. Like being an illegal grower does.


Well-known member
I would like to devote some time to this idea.

There are two camps regarding how electrons move. Power generation is the best example. We used to think the electrons traveled along, and produced a field around them. Now, more people see the field travels along, and electrons move.

This might be because we think of an electron as a physical item, which appeals to us in terms of attaching a label. Meanwhile, we look at gravity with near disillusionment. We say their are waves, and talk about what they do, but I only see this in modelling that wants gravity to fit into our world of physical matter. Back to the power generation, yes the field moves in waves. We make it so. A magnet though, presents a field I can't relate to frequency and length. It's static. I think this is why we don't understand it. We mess about with magnetism, using it's power at the point of generation, then somehow our brains think it's electrons as matter doing the work. Even after we made it happen. It's like some wiring problem in our heads, that must go to the perceivable matter based explanation. Shrugging off the magnetic, and heaven forbid gravitational, forces.

With this observed level of brain fuck (akin to the matrix not letting us know) I look at this ion drive, and I know it needs thinking about differently. Only then can we see past the laws that tie physical matter to the physical limits of light speed.

The moment we start talking of gravity in waves, the conversation turns to bending time. A distortion of our own construct, that's not a variable. Time is not bending, but as maths goes, there is possibly an explanation here of what is. If relativity is to hold firm, where actually, the mass is loosing context.

Anyway... I digress, and well away from the things I do actually know, into some topic I really should delete. I thought I would chew the fat though.

Why don't people working with such high level clearance, have to waver their human rights to live, if they talk? I wonder if there are actually secure units, for people that do actually crack up with the pressure. Or if you have to live in a gated community, with those of a similar clearance. Thus, even the bar tender can hear whatever it is they talk about out of work. Because such knowledge will taint many areas of your life. Like being an illegal grower does.
It's tech for defusing and disabling any or all nuclear first strikes. The american nuclear bases were the first "targets"(lab settings under our control.) Our own nuclear production facilities were being observed and even the top secret silos. The fact these locations kept getting spotted meant our government was leaky, due to ideological divergence, many scientists are socialists, many shared their knowledge with the ussr to prevent their annihilation. The technology/conceptual designs the nazis were able to provide were mostly kept private and were compartmentalized into quazi private/government programs. The private aspect made them free from oversight. One hand washes the other.
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Well-known member
It's tech for defusing g and disabling any or all nuclear first strikes. The american nuclear bases were the first "targets"(lab settings under our control.)
Are you saying they developed Ion canons to disrupt gravity?

That makes the leap from it being charged electron tech, through the hoop of magnetism, straight to gravity. Yet we were taught magnetism and gravity are not connected (more bad matrix wiring)


Well-known member
Are you saying they developed Ion canons to disrupt gravity?

That makes the leap from it being charged electron tech, through the hoop of magnetism, straight to gravity. Yet we were taught magnetism and gravity are not connected (more bad matrix wiring)
Not "ion cannons'(not sure if the same), they described it as a beam of plasma, it struck a dummy warhead during a video recorded test. There are military weapons today which can be shot at cars like an electric whip and it will kill your battery basically emp localized. The warheads were fried after launch. The object also didn't seem to have a visible source of propulsion, or inertia.


Kiss My Ring

i'm skeptical extraterrestrials exist also, but i would like to know for sure.
i've seen a satellite break the rules of physics but it was impossible to prove it was piloted by some being from another galaxy.
also, i'm not so arrogant to think we are the apex species in the universe, so there's that.


Well-known member
Talking of ion cannons,there was rumours awhile back that we(humans)had developed a weapon that disrupts gravity,that was used to bring down some of the ufos recovered,this was in the 40s/50s just after recovering a crashed disc 1 of the scientists got the idea to bring them down using a beam that disrupts gravity waves,thus saving them having to wait on them crashing.76