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David Grusch - Real Deal UFOs In Gov Possession?


Well-known member
They never provide evidence, it's just religious indoctrination for people prone to magical thinking.

"Ufology" is the definition of a "cargo cult". Now who's responsible for the cargo?
this may be a little different, there are serious felonies on the table
a dog and pony show isn't impossible, but that's going to look bad for all involved
so I'll admit I don't what's going on, but it looks there something here that's different

St. Phatty

Active member
How do the UFO residents deal with real problems

like if you buy a bunch of cocktail olives from Winco, and they all taste like Pepperoncini's.
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Well-known member
this may be a little different, there are serious felonies on the table
a dog and pony show isn't impossible, but that's going to look bad for all involved
so I'll admit I don't what's going on, but it looks there something here that's different
Nothing is different but the names spewing this disinformation. Only thing you can trust is internal documentation, and even that is "anecdotal evidence", the very lowest form.

These subdivisions(compartmentalized) within government agencies who are supposed to be aware of such craft as "non ufos" are pissed the people who know the identification of the vehicles are being ho Humm about this info.

All the congressional meetings and "disclosure"(psyops) is what is known as a "limited hangout".

>According to Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a limited hangout is "spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further."[1][2] While used by the CIA and other intelligence organizations, the tactic has become popularized in the corporate and political spheres.[3]

They limit the scope of what you're allowed to know, internally they're fuming at eachother. They want a unified front against a common enemy(china) and will indoctrinate Americans against an alien foe to prime them.

Start watching what Hollywood starts putting out in this genre, the cargo cult's driving ideology will be laid out for you. The Military industrial complex is heavily involved in gaming and film, they are tools of the American propaganda machine.
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Well-known member
Nothing is different but the names spewing this disinformation. Only thing you can trust is internal documentation, and even that is "anecdotal evidence", the very lowest form.

These subdivisions(compartmentalized) within government agencies who are supposed to be aware of such craft as "non ufos" are pissed the people who know the identification of the vehicles are being ho Humm about this info.

All the congressional meetings and "disclosure"(psyops) is what is known as a "limited hangout".

>According to Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a limited hangout is "spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further."[1][2] While used by the CIA and other intelligence organizations, the tactic has become popularized in the corporate and political spheres.[3]

They limit the scope of what you're allowed to know, internally they're fuming at eachother. They want a unified front against a common enemy(china) and will indoctrinate Americans against an alien foe to prime them.

Start watching what Hollywood starts putting out in this genre, the cargo cult's driving ideology will be laid out for you. The Military industrial complex is heavily involved in gaming and film, they are tools of the American propaganda machine.
so we'll put you in the skeptic's camp
nothing wrong with that, I'm a regular there myself
I'm just waiting for the evidence presented
an uber mind game? hard to see that now, but I'll keep an open mind


Well-known member
except that every state that produces cattle has USDA sections of universities that study the cattle and their food supply and digestion more or less 24/7, as well as USDA testing of the finished meat, they make an opening to view and take samples from the cattle's stomach during various stages of digestion

funnily enough, they are called "portholes"



Well-known member
so we'll put you in the skeptic's camp
nothing wrong with that, I'm a regular there myself
I'm just waiting for the evidence presented
an uber mind game? hard to see that now, but I'll keep an open mind
I'll give you an example of a limited hangout.

David fravor- Air force pilot who is in charge of training new pilots on the Nimitz aircraft carrier and regularly did flight tests off the coast of California.

In the mid 2000s I believe various agencies, notably Naval intelligence, were involved in testing a working anti-nuke drones that use technology(stealth and propulsion) as of yet unknown to the public. According to David, his group of pilots went on routine flight excercises and that for multiple days there had been reported sightings of strange flying objects "UAP" aka "unidentified aerial phenomenon"(more military jargon).

Eventually David Fravor encountered one of these "craft" and began to chase it and from his perspective he said it was faster than anything he'd ever seen.

This is a controlled interaction, as these flight excercises require they are preemptively disarmed(zero munitions) so nothing bad happens to their billion dollar toys. So safe for everyone involved, low risk of confrontation.

After he arrives at the Nimitz carrier, he is met by naval intelligence officers who immediately take all evidence(video, radar, satellite) and immediately leave.

They were aware of these craft before pilots like David were. This is where the inter-agency drama and disclosure is being originated. One military branch has the R&D division to look after the other has the dorks who joined the military from war propaganda like Top Gun.

The dorks who joined after watching top gun want to use the toys the R&D dorks invented that are unpolited drones, which the air force seems to be separated from(until space force).

Whatever the military is "encountering" is under a controlled environment, like the nuclear facilities of days past. Its one group in the military being used as test subjects by another group.
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Well-known member
except that every state that produces cattle has USDA sections of universities that study the cattle and their food supply and digestion more or less 24/7, as well as USDA testing of the finished meat, they make an opening to view and take samples from the cattle's stomach during various stages of digestion

funnily enough, they are called "portholes"

Do they study the effects of nuclear waste leakage into the water supply and its runoff effects on the animals most effected? You think these studies are available to the public, the ones where Internally they admit to poisoning swaths of American ecosystems? The feds had to be sued to admit their mistakes at camp lejune.

I don't trust the intelligence agencies. They exist to mislead the public.
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Well-known member
what seems to happen in a lot of those cases is a team that may or may not be lobbied by something like Dow chemical gets sent in to do a clean up and they say it's all good according to their standards, but then some years later independent or state scientists do further testing and find the levels to still be excessive, usually when a developer of some sort wants to use the land

what's interesting in the case of Rocky Flats where there was mass production of plutonium pits and a fire broke out, is that there is now a wildlife refuge there, to be fair though the EPA and FBI raided the plant, apparently the FBI used "clandestine aircraft with infrared surveillance" there was an outdated and unsafe incinerator that was being used after hours and the FBI actually presented the case as terrorism


Well-known member
To think this planet is the one and only place in the infinite universe that has life is truly illogical.

Columbus II will happen one day. Some space pilot is going to come back to earth one day and have discovered life, assuming human race don’t fuck each other up first. Wish I’d be around for that but I think it’ll be a while.


Well-known member

layer by layer the mystery is being revealed
Rubio has released the existence of other high clearance government officials that are corroborating Grusch's claims
no IDs yet, but looks like it's building
this shit looks to be true


Well-known member
Perhaps we do have an agency tasked with immediate response to reports of downed craft, with a degree of secrecy suited to the technological gains we hope to gain from such a find. An agency that can cover it's tracks without question. It's probably a kushty job. Sat around waiting for what never happens. We would see the fruits of any actual success, if there was any. Unexpected innovations, or new materials bought to market. If they had ftl travel, then the notion it was possible would have to creep out. The 'what if' conversations this agency would have to pose to academics, to get help. These all add up to dinner party conversation. Turning the conversation from impossible, to how.

There are just no signs of products using 'out of this world' developments.


Well-known member
Perhaps we do have an agency tasked with immediate response to reports of downed craft, with a degree of secrecy suited to the technological gains we hope to gain from such a find. An agency that can cover it's tracks without question. It's probably a kushty job. Sat around waiting for what never happens. We would see the fruits of any actual success, if there was any. Unexpected innovations, or new materials bought to market. If they had ftl travel, then the notion it was possible would have to creep out. The 'what if' conversations this agency would have to pose to academics, to get help. These all add up to dinner party conversation. Turning the conversation from impossible, to how.

There are just no signs of products using 'out of this world' developments.
I suspect that they are unable to make much sense from what they have
and have been minimal benefits(if any)
but what do I know or frankly any of us?
we need to see the goods, and you did get me thinking
if there's value how's that going to be divvied up?

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