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David Grusch - Real Deal UFOs In Gov Possession?


Well-known member
if there real i believe there,s a possibility there us from the future.
The most likely thing is that we have military apparatus that if people understood its scope, would recognize we live in a nigh totalitarian quazi-fascist police state.

The science of ufos is not magic. It's just been kept from us, and it is a "conspiracy" in the traditional sense. I'd imagine the minds capable of this kind tech are capable of concocting a sufficient enough delusion for people like us who are ignorant of electrogravitics and metal/ceramic alloys or metamaterials.


Well-known member
If the government gained knowledge, it would appear nasa created it. They are big enough to have a research center make a great leap forward, without any suspicion. It's likely nasa that has the recovery department, as it's believable one is needed for satellites that might fall out the sky. Which is likely the mechanism that covers up retrieval. Just a well timed mistake, can drop a satellite near a recovery site, and appear like the reason for the activity. It's all quite plausible. Did you know some experimental satellites were nuclear powered? It was not big news, as who needs to know. That is.. until we need an exclusion zone on land. Ronald Ray Guns secret laser experiment satellite..

I'm not sure that any foreign material, would be that foreign. Are we expecting different elements, or different mixes. A look at the latest heat shielding tiles nasa has produced, might be a good place to find foreign material science.

When we look at the debris in space, we realise that some sort of force-field will be needed. At a level of understanding, that begs the question, will there still be a hull, if the force field is that good. If we loose the hull, and think containment field, then the vehicles mass drops. Light goes light speed, but matter does not. So when we start gibbering on about time dilation fields, is it though using light and radio waves, that we actual reach light speed.
UFO's and Aliens have some of the best stories ever any how many millions of people from the past have seen something that looks to be real and either reported it or not...and the aliens they don't have a habit of getting in your face and i don't blame them for not doing that.


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Well-known member
and the aliens they don't have a habit of getting in your face and i don't blame them for not doing that.
it's almost like the Prime Directive from "Star Trek"...you can't give technology to those not mature enough to know how to use it wisely. there are probably thousands of planets capable of sustaining life out there, but "if" we found them and could go there, we'd fuck those up just like we are doing to this one. JMHO


Well-known member
That is a new word for me.

Electro-gravitics explains the behavior of the propulsion of ufos, from ionizing radiation(blue coloration) to its silent(stealth) mobility. Even it's physics of sharp right turns unbound by gravitational effects.

Geodesic path rather than conventional newtonian "inertia", the object "fall" at a chosen direction rather than recieve traditional inertia.

Electromagnetism and the gravity wave seem to have the same source, and tinkering with one effects the others.

Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Look up the Bifield Brown effect by T. Townsend Brown where he explains that capacitors exert a force in one direction when charged one way and the other direction when charged the other way, there is a video of him explaining it where he holds up a plastic disk and places a capacitor against one side then swaps it over to the other side.

Also lifters which are said to use ion wind to levitate but they produce very little wind, not enough for liftoff.


Well-known member
i think that "black hole" is just a scarier term for a "wormhole". even going at the speed of light, we would have to send a multi-generational starship to get virtually anywhere. my guess is that aliens have figured out how to NOT get crushed upon entering and passing through a black hole/wormhole, and get squirted out elsewhere in the cosmos. all of that matter ingested is going someplace, the ultimate recycling center. hasn't been that long since we puny humans figured out how to go to the depths of our own oceans safely. cutting corners on materials has recently been shown to be a false economy, as was relying on a damn o-ring on a space shuttle launch rocket. go big, or keep your ass on the porch!


Well-known member

"ER = EPR is a conjecture in physics stating that two entangled particles (a so-called Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen or EPR pair) are connected by a wormhole (or Einstein–Rosen bridge) and is thought by some to be a basis for unifying general relativity and quantum mechanics into a theory of everything."

If this is true according to leonard suskind we live in a holographic universe, and quantum computers all rely on these assumptions being true.

Very soon these hypothesis will be tested and if true, explains why einsteins interpretation was correct and that the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics is more or less inadequate.
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Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i think that "black hole" is just a scarier term for a "wormhole". even going at the speed of light, we would have to send a multi-generational starship to get virtually anywhere. my guess is that aliens have figured out how to NOT get crushed upon entering and passing through a black hole/wormhole, and get squirted out elsewhere in the cosmos. all of that matter ingested is going someplace, the ultimate recycling center. hasn't been that long since we puny humans figured out how to go to the depths of our own oceans safely. cutting corners on materials has recently been shown to be a false economy, as was relying on a damn o-ring on a space shuttle launch rocket. go big, or keep your ass on the porch!
At the centre of every galaxy is a cluster of black holes that suck time, space, matter and energy out of the universe which gets transferred through either subspace or alternate dimensions to the centre of stars which emit it back out into the universe, that is how stars are able to last billions of years which they would not do if they were burning fuel from within, it is the universe constantly recycling everything, energy can neither be created nor destroyed it can merely be transformed from one state to another, that also means death is not the end as the energy that makes up who you are does not disappear it merely transforms from one state to another, whether you go back to the mind of God, go to heaven or are re-incarnated into another body either here on Earth or another planet is unknown.
When a star goes supernova that is excess energy being fed into it, when a star collapses it is a lack of energy going into it, both repeat in cycles.


Well-known member
We do see matter being ejected from a black hole. Straight out of both poles. We don't see a lot, but then, it's not pointing at us. In an infinate universe model, one must be somewhere, but we don't seem to be aware of one. Perhaps it's just static.


Well-known member
pleased with the conjectures, people are thinking
I make no conjectures on the physics, not sure physics is involved - at least not in the way we think of physics
but let's say the government has something
and some have brought up the good point - 'no way this could be secret so long'
if this has been so well kept, it's an astounding accomplishment in security
what's the driving force? this would require extreme effort and discipline
my suspicion is fear, there're disturbing aspects that go beyond aliens


Well-known member
my suspicion is fear, there're disturbing aspects that go beyond aliens
it would utterly destroy religions, burned to the ground. this alone will keep the govt from ever coming straight out and saying "SURPRISE! we are not alone, and they are way the fuck ahead of us..."


Well-known member
Why would it mess up the church though. They just re-write stuff to suit. The church story is about us, here. After aliens come, god made that elsewhere. If the aliens are non-believers, that's no different to me being a non-believer. The church have never needed proof. Just peoples willingness to believe.


Well-known member
According to the church there is only humans,aliens don't exist,that's why churches will collapse,shit all the aliens need to do is fly into orbit,grab as many humans with transporters/tractor beams,we're that stupid u would hav us lineing up with all the religious nuts shouting its the rapture!,76


Well-known member
Any sufficiently intelligent species would know not to come into contact with humanity.

The idea the USA has actual live or dead examples of aliens is laughable.

We aren't unique to nature, of course there are other planets with the capability to produce similar outcomes given the universes immensity its true on earth already we have the conditions.

As far as religion, the CIA has been working on creating a new religion for Americans like nazis tried with Germany. They(CIA, NSA who is in charge of "crash retrievals") created a "cargo cult" based on counterintelligence/social engineering after ww2 surrounding all nuclear/ufo secrets. They're indoctrinating people into accepting ancient alien nonsense. It's a reverse engineering of religion, where the mythos is based on anecdotes made by trained liars.

Do not trust any intelligence agent's public facing commentary, it's all bullshit, especially when aliens are involved.

Fear is the main motivator of people who acquiesce to authoritarian structures(Military industrial complex) and fear of non existent aliens can provide the necessary "other" to justify any military behaviour.
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