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@laszlokovacs - Thanks! ABC is one of the few mutant strains which I still don't think we understand. It seems like the more root growth they have, the more vigorous they seem. In my experience it's a pheno related thing. While most of my ABC specimens were short bushes, I did get 2 that don't fit the normal ABC growth pattern. Both of my tall specimens will get to 6ft and taller. The male and female both. They grow more like normal cannabis in that the growth can be seen daily. The bushes though you don't really see a difference on a daily basis, but you do on a weekly basis.

Invictus will be coming down in 2 days! I will be sure to post some photos. For now I wanted to introduce a new mutant to the mix! Mnogolistka/Multileaf! I sprouted 11 seeds (2 were mangled by the post office) but I tried them anyways. While I could have germinated 9 out of 9, I've noticed that mutants with seeds that aren't vigorous.. the plants take a long time to get going. I prefer to only use mutant seeds which germinate well. My hope is that over time, I will improve germination rates based on only keeping plants that came from 'easy to germinate' seeds. Time will tell if my efforts help the cultivar. Anyways! Here I want to show them off.
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Can't wait to see what these babies grow into!

The update coming this weekend or possibly Monday should be a decent one.
Interesting leaf shapes. What is Mnogolistka? I see TLT has an ABC cross with it but besides that can't find any info online.


Well-known member
@goingrey - Mnogolistka is a semi-worked strain coming from the Russia/Ukraine area I believe. It begins with a Krasnodar landrace (which apparently was known for spreading horizontally rather than vertically) mixed with an Afghani and Turkish landrace (I believe). If you've ever done research on the "Nettle" strain, this cultivar began around the same time that Nettle surfaced. It's a mutant that looks a bit more like traditional cannabis except the leaves are smaller, and occasionally they throw extra fingers in the middle of the leaf. Here's a picture of what a traditional Mnogolistka looks like:
Mnogolistka traditional.jpeg

What's really intriguing is that the Mnogolistka x ABC cross that TLT made 'kind of' shows the mutation in the F1 progeny which is really interesting. Somehow they must be related or something.

There isn't a whole lot of information online about this cultivar so I would like to find at least one good specimen representing a plant like the one above, and then I will find it a suitable partner for outcrossing. So it doesn't really matter if I find a male or female as long as I find one that strongly resembles the traditional leaf. I'll then work towards stabilizing the leaf type in the outcross, hopefully resulting in a robust happy plant! So far I'm really enjoying the way these seedlings grow. It's more like Duckweb and GPP, that is like a normal plant.

So far, to me it seems like ABC and Freakshow grow a tad slower than traditional cannabis. That said, I do have a couple of decently fast growing specimens from both varieties so maybe it's just a matter of time with selecting the most vigorous individuals before it becomes fast growing like regular cannabis.


Well-known member
Pretty freaky trait those little extra fingers on the Mnogolistka.

Oh the Freakshow is a slow grower, that's a shame. I wonder if the Supafreak is faster growing too or just faster flowering.


Well-known member
@goingrey - Freakshow isn't that far behind regular cannabis but it is a little slower growing. Supafreak is just a highly selected Freakshow (F9 I think) which flowers faster. I would say all the pinnate varieties I've grown, grow at the same rate. You do have different phenos too, but in Supafreak/Freakshow from Humboldt I found the plants to be pretty uniform.

I can say while they grow decently fast, my Lagkitan and Invictus put them to shame in terms of new growth. In a week or so I will take clones from Menthol Skunk and V9 Tiger, with the hopes of determining sex in clone form.

Time for an update anyways so let's start with the Menthol Skunk and V9 Tiger:
IMG_5694.JPG IMG_5693.JPG

Secretly hoping V9 Tiger is a male so I can breed it to the Imperium X to result in a variegated SWAG specimen with purple flowers!! If it's a female I'll be equally as happy though, because I have Black Rose IBL which breeds purple-flower progeny. Lower right hand corner is BerryFreak, the ones on the left are Menthol Skunk. If the short suspect male does indeed turn out male, I will cull it in favor of the 2 taller males. Those 2 are on the far left. I literally chopped them in half before this photo.


Here we have the Mnogolistka seedlings doing their thing! Really hoping at least 2 specimens really resemble the traditional leaf. So far looks good! :)

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Here we have the Lagkitan which unfortunately as you can see the aphids love. I blasted them with D.earth after this photo. These little pests won't go away. :( I got the spidermites under control after about a couple applications but the aphids just keep coming back. Fortunately the clones are starting to become decently established so I'm not too worried. I do still have 2 clones which I have yet to plant. I'll be keeping the early stable male and all the females until I'm certain if I have the scorpion pheno. I have high hopes for L7/L8. Dunno which is which since I didn't label them! hahah....

All of top shelf:

Bottom shelf we have:
IMG_5695.JPG IMG_5696.JPG IMG_5697.JPG

From left to right are: Imperium X, Invictus 1, Drunken Bastard 1 (male), Double Jam, Giant Pur Pur, Invictus 2, Drunken Bastard 11 (female), Duckweb, and SubterFreak 1 & 2. In addition to the missing 2 Lagkitan clones I need another GPP and another DB11. The second clones of each will go to make some seeds. In the case of DB11, she's going to go make F4 seeds with DB1 over the winter (Nov-Feb). GPP is going to make F1 seeds with the Lagkitan male. Trying to make a wonderful cross with that one since GPP is already such a big strain. I feel like Lagkitan and GPP would make wonderful progeny. Would be extremely cool to find a GPP scorpion in F2 some day but I'm not going to get my hopes up for a plant that doesn't exist yet. I'm going to give it the opportunity to exist though!


Well-known member
Next we have the outdoor stuff. Most everything is seeded. Bees are absolutely attacking the DB1 male and Lagkitan males on a daily basis trying to collect as much pollen as possible. It's a good thing they've already both completed their mission because the bees are making sure no pollen goes anywhere.

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Here's more of just the Lagkitan.
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Last edited:


Well-known member
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It's extremely difficult to get an accurate photo of the purpling of the Lagkitan's calyxes. Either we have a steady stream of wind blowing them all over the place or the sunlight isn't exactly ideal. It's also impossible to collect pollen. The bees have been attacking the males for a couple of weeks now. While the bees are quite distracted trying to collect pollen, I'm sure they wouldn't be happy with me trying to take the same thing they're going for. Either way, it looks like I have quite a few seeds incoming, with the idea that I'm making more over the winter indoors. I have high hopes that specimens L7 or L8 is the scorpion pheno. It's extremely slow to flower, just as tall as the males, and fits the bill for all the criteria. Ultra long fingers on each leaf, a tall towering structure with medium internode spacing. The thing is.... it hasn't even hardly pushed a calyx out yet and we're at 12/12 outside now. Really hoping she shows me scorpion in the next month!!!

The Invictus are starting to become dry now. I will post photos of the plants hanging and then again once I trim and process them. I can say that it's the loudest strain I've ever grown. The resin content is off the charts and my carbon scrubber can't really mask the smell, even after 4 days of drying.

I plan on harvesting my offsite location plants (7 of them) sometime in the next few weeks. I plan on harvesting my outdoor plants (Lagkitan and mutants) by the end of Oct if possible. I'm going to be a busy guy for the next few weeks.


Active member
Next we have the outdoor stuff. Most everything is seeded. Bees are absolutely attacking the DB1 male and Lagkitan males on a daily basis trying to collect as much pollen as possible. It's a good thing they've already both completed their mission because the bees are making sure no pollen goes anywhere.

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Voici plus de la Lagkitan.
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very nice !!!!!
Bravo ;)


Well-known member
The bees don't pollinate the females at all, just eat up pollen from the males?
Sorry for the late response. Harvest season is busy season. First frost came tonight. Looks like every night from here on out has the same potential. Even though many specimens aren't ready yet, they're coming down in the next week or so. I wanted to give them as long as possible to finish producing my F1 seeds. When mister Rocky (DB#1) started dropping pollen the bees took notice. There was probably 12-15 bees literally attacking every pollen pod for pollen. I could swat them down to the ground and they literally give no cares for me. Ultra focused on pollen! Super strange though they only 'attacked' that male. The Lagkitan late males are still flowering (or trying) and the bees just don't care. Something about the DB#1 that they love. It's almost like they're in a frenzy. Now that the male has finished flowering, I'm noticing they're stealing the entire pod and taking it back to the nest... nature is so fascinating!

So this is going to be a semi-quick update. The reason I've been so busy... welll.... I got spider mites AND aphids I've been fighting. The mites are enjoying the freakshow varieties while the aphids are enjoying the Lagkitan and some of the F1 hybrids. Big mess going on... trying to stabilize several mother plants, as well as getting the Multileaf specimens big enough to where I feel confident in their survival. They're delicate right now and I'm becoming quite fond of them. So everything is super delicate in terms of watering, watching for more bugs etc...

On top of all of that I have the Invictus that I'm still freaking trimming. I never realized how highly resinous strains are quite difficult to trim, especially when the calyx ratio isn't the best. Each plant takes me about 4 hours to trim. Each singular limb requires my snips to be cleaned in between. I never really believed that Gorilla Glue #4 was that sticky but I can say now I fully understand the pains of a highly resinous strain. It's a love-hate relationship. Best plant I've ever grown/harvested in terms of THC content. I still have 5 plants to go, and on top of that I'm pulling down 6 outdoor plants from the offgrid location later today. Lots going on!

Here's some photos:
Multileaf babies:
IMG_5737.jpeg IMG_5750.JPG

Outdoor stuff:

Top veg tent:
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Last thing: I may have found the scorpion pheno! Specimen #7 seems to be a late flowering female which matches every description for the purple wheat / Scorpion phenotypes. It is easily 4 weeks behind all it's siblings in terms of flowering speed. It has even really pushed out it's first 'flush' of new calyxes. It's literally just beginning to start flowering. I am monitoring super closely to see if the new calyxes coming out take on a purple hue. So far I'm quite optimistic for it!

Not sure when the next update will come honestly. I want to get the bug situation under control, and I do want to trim some numbers down. 36 unique specimens is a bit much to care for while also trying to trim 20+ outdoor plants!


Well-known member
Fascinating indeed that those bees were only interested in the one male. Real pollen connoisseurs. Bet they'll make some tasty honey.

What's going on with the Menthol Skunk? Is it the aphids doing that? Hope you get it under control! Such a cool looking plant. Could even sell it as an ornamental at regular nurseries no doubt, if the laws allowed it...


Well-known member
Really rooting for the scorpion pheno! Seems there is no update on the quack bastards?


Well-known member
@goingrey - Since a few days have passed, the DB has about finished up. Pretty cool though with the colder temps he's turned purple too. Don't really have a good photo of it sorry. Since he's about done, the bees have moved onto the sativas. Unfortunately there's no way for me to collect their honey. I was curious if it would make good honey too. Especially considering the DB tastes so good anyways.

The Menthol Skunk and BerryFreak are both highly susceptible to spidermites. The leaf shape is really desirable for the mites, who like to make webs. Some of the other varieties the leaf/stem shape just doesn't make it easy for them, but the Freakshow varieties surely do. They look funky because I've been soo busy trimming/life I can't really treat the spidermites. They're covered in a sulfur powder to try and minimize the spread while I spend the next few weeks trimming. That's why they look a little funky. If I were to put them in the sink and wash them off they look normal and beautiful underneath... it just makes it easier for them to spread that way. So far it seems like they've mostly been contained to the Freakshow varieties and my DB male keeper. Everything else has either resisted them, or they haven't been inclined to move to those other plants yet.

@teide - It looks like the scorpion pheno may be in my bunch... but I need a couple more weeks to be certain. Right now it's just starting it's first week of flowering. We've been at less than 12 hours of light for about 2 weeks now. Most of my other plants are close to done while this one has just started throwing out calyxes. The calyxes that it's pushed out so far seem to contain seed, but they're also green. The tips of them may be starting to turn purple. The downside is, I'm getting 38-42F (3-5C) temps at night. It would be impossible for me to tell if it has naturally purple genetics or if it's purple induced by cold. That said, it fits every single criteria that TLT has given me for the scorpion pheno. Here's a photo of it:


Compared to the other plants, this one also is showing the least amount of 'autumn yellowing' compared to it's siblings. One other thing I wanted to point out here... in this photo directly to the right of L7 (the main plant) I have my male L4. Interestingly enough, he has one branch which looks exactly like the scorpion pheno. I'll try and get a photo of it before I chop him. Basically I'm like 95% certain that the male I've selected to keep is going to pass on the scorpion pheno trait to his progeny. To what degree it passes on I won't know until I sprout his progeny but at least I know he's showing it to a minor degree.

I'm going to give these babies a chance at a real run indoors this winter. I just need time to get the clone parents established and get everything from this summer trimmed and processed. I also want to see in a few weeks if L7 is indeed the scorpion pheno.

Next you were asking about the Quack Bastards. Well, out of 5 specimens I had 3 males. Due to everything I had going on, I decided to pull them, and not keep clones of them. The reason is, they grew obnoxiously slow compared to the DB. In addition, I didn't feel I got good specimens which reliably showed both mutants. I needed like 40 or 50 specimens to sort through. With the germ rates as they were I was lucky to get those 5 specimens. Because none of them resembled webbed bastard leaves (to me) I decided to scrap it and work my own projects.

Now onto the 2 females that I did keep. I regret some of the things I did in my first outdoor run this year. The first thing is, I was dumb and left all my plants in pots because I didn't till my garden this year. The ground was quite compacted and it needed to be tilled before planting anything in it. Well when I did get this structure up it was typically 90+ during the day so I didn't really feel inclined to till the ground. I should have. Anyways about the QB both of them turned purple naturally once temps got under 55F. They smell great. Unfortunately I left them all summer long in 5" square pots. They surely could have benefited from more root space, especially considering they were outside and could have had unlimited space if I wasn't so lazy...

Anyways I believe both got pollinated by my DB1 male, so I will have a bunch of seeds. Here's some photos of them. Sorry I'm not very good at outdoor photos. It's tough with outdoor conditions here. The wind is always blowing.

IMG_5763.JPG IMG_5764.JPG

Don't be disheartened that I didn't keep these. I have the exact same cross except for different P1 and P2 so I may create my own version of QB some day. The cross I have is Duckweb x Drunken Bastard and I think QB was created with Frisian Duck and Subt 1. Mine would have entirely different structure and terps. Might get to that one day once I've made my own versions of each mutant.


Well-known member
It's time for an update!

Where to begin... all of the outdoor plants at both locations (offgrid and local) have been harvested save for the Lagkitan. Last I checked seeds weren't ready so regardless of the weather situation I'm going to let them go as long as possible. I will chop them when they're covered in snow or frozen, whichever comes first. A good majority of the specimens were hermaphroditic in this location. I believe I had 6 true females, and all the males hermed. Maybe under their natural environment they would express themselves more fully.

Regrettably I've decided to not pursue this line anymore so I've culled all the clones that I had saved. I think the big letdown was not finding a scorpion pheno. It's not that I couldn't find one if I made seeds...it's just too much work for me personally to pursue when I'm so passionate about my mutants. Anyways, here's the Lagkitan that remain (1 herm in this bunch I decided to let it do whatever).



As far as all the outside mutants and everything I had... I can say that the only specimens which really did well are one of the GPP webbed variety (highest yielding by far) and the Quack Bastard. Everything else is highly seeded (which I'm grateful for). There's really not much in the way for photos since they weren't super special in my opinion. Every good photo has already been posted. I need to redesign my outdoor space next year so that the plants get 100% of the sun but they're sheltered from our nasty winds here.

Ok so when we move to indoors we have a ton of other drastic changes. First off, the Invictus strain has totally changed my thinking for what I need in my mutants. What I mean is... once you have a strain that hits really hard and has absolutely awesome taste/effects...it's really tough to go back to a lesser THC strain. I want to smoke twice as much landrace and pretty much everything other than the Invictus. It's just simply better than everything else. And the thing is.... all 9 specimens have been better across the board. What this means for my mutants is I must find a good strong male to make them all better!

Originally I had ideas to breed each one of my mutants to a male of a different cultivar (to keep them all unique). Invictus totally changed my ideas here. I need to find another male like the Invictus male. I've decided to use a 'sister' strain made with the same male. Instead of Invictus I plan on finding a good Tentazione(TZ) specimen. Both are AFC strains if inquiring minds want to research them.

With this new idea now I have 5 main mutant types that I wish to hybridize and make more potent with a Tentazione male. These 5 are: BerryFreak, Drunken Bastard, Giant Pur Pur, V9 Tiger, and Multileaf. I do not yet know the sex of the Multileaf or V9 Tiger. Here's the 5 (2 of GPP):


M1 is my selection from this batch just based on vigor and stem rub and well it's the Multileaf I was looking for! The other ones are ok I guess but I'm really only interested in M1! After the first photo I chopped off the top 1/2 of the plant so it's like M2 now. I can say the stems are definitely hollow with this individual so I'm stoked about that! Whether male or female I'm thrilled to have such a wonderful specimen of this variety.
Here's the other specimens if curious eyes want to see:

So my plan this winter is to make sure I have some Tentazione specimen to match up with my mutants. If M1 and V9T end up being male, I want to have a banger TZ female who's just nasty strong and maybe purple too. I'll find a TZ male for BF, GPP, and DB. I really just hope that all the mutant specimen I have are female and I can find a good TZ male, but we'll see if that's in the cards....

Last photo we have here is the Menthol Skunk:

I'm hoping to get these into the flower tent and repotted now that all plants have kicked the spidermites! I will take clones as flowering begins and I'll defoliate them like crazy. If I end up working with both BerryFreak and Menthol Skunk well then we'll see at the end which one ends up better. Should be a fun experiment between strains!

Last but not least I have to say I've got a pretty cool thing going on at my offgrid location this winter. We're doing an indoor seed run! The sultan is Drunken Bastard. He will be pollinating (8 total):
Invictus (2 way different phenos)
SubterFreak (2 different phenos)
Drunken Bastard #11 (clone)
Imperium X
Double Jam

If a SF turns out male I will likely bring over one of the GPP clones to replace them.

I think that's all for now. As the 5 get bigger I will post more photos of them individually. They're all beautiful and unique in their own way!


Bitter sweet end to the Lagkitan. Bitter that there was no scorpion pheno but sweet as you now get to focus on what you are more passionate about. Looks like the Lagkitan will provide a nice harvest still and I'm hoping you might provide a smoke report on it still.

I'm new to mutants but you have a pretty sweet collection of them. Will be following along on this project.



Well-known member
Bitter sweet end to the Lagkitan. Bitter that there was no scorpion pheno but sweet as you now get to focus on what you are more passionate about. Looks like the Lagkitan will provide a nice harvest still and I'm hoping you might provide a smoke report on it still.

I'm new to mutants but you have a pretty sweet collection of them. Will be following along on this project.

You know I'm not sure how much bud is even there to smoke. I chopped them recently and I held all 11 plants in one hand so idk if that says anything. These plants went through quite the ordeal to survive outdoors in my climate. It was definitely no where near close to ideal. Not sure if any of the seeds will be mature enough. Time will tell. If there is a decent enough yield I may give a smoke report, we shall see!

Thanks for your interest in my mutants! On that note it's....

Things haven't mellowed at all unfortunately! The weather and health issues have kept me from really delving into my trimming and seed sorting process. I have chopped every outdoor plant now and will work this week on processing all my plants. I have more than a few ;) most of them are 90% seeds but it's great because this is an incredible learning experience for me. First outdoor run and first seed run. Lots of experiential learning here.

I have just begun another seed run this time indoors. Here's a little pictogram showing the order of everything:
Invictus | Duckweb | Imperium X
Double Jam | Drunken Bastard (male) | Invictus
SubterFreak | Drunken Bastard (female) | Subterfreak

Really excited to get all the seeds from this little run.

Next we have the veg tent top:

Veg tent bottom:

As you can see everything looking lovely after the beneficial bug army came in and did it's job! The top is the keepers and the bottom will be flowered as soon as I process the plants hanging in my flower tent.

Here's some individual highlights on the keepers:


V9 Tiger: (95% sure she's a girl!!!)

Drunken Bastard:

Giant Pur Pur:


As I get things transplanted for flowering and get the clone parents into proper long term pots I will try to update again.


Well-known member
I really like the look of the giant purpur, it seems just as unrecognisable as the ABC. Not much info on the potency of kalyseed genetics, looking forward to smoke reports on the v9 and giant purpur.
What is the plant to the right in the last photo? It looks like quack bastard leaves, but I though you scrapped that, so I guess drunken bastard? Really nice leaves on that one! Keeper!


Well-known member
@teide - I agree! The GPP is kind of a unique plant as well. To me, it's still easy to see it's a cannabis plant. It's VERY smelly and has unique terpenes for sure. Unfortunately there won't be too much of V9 and GPP and they were mostly seeded. I'll see what I can do though! Same for the Lagkitan... too many seeds to have good smoke.

The plant in the last photo of my last post was a round leaf expression Multileaf. They were culled, as I find the regular version of Multileaf more desirable. It has a better growth structure, vigor, and terpenes.

Seems like a good time for an update so here we go. I've removed many specimens to give me room to let my keepers get really good and established so I can do some really productive clone runs.

Menthol Skunk 1-4 went into flowering along with a clone of Giant Pur Pur. They've been under 12/12 for about 4 days now. Here they are:

Next we have the keepers:
V9 Tiger:

Giant Pur Pur:


Drunken Bastard:


I've removed one specimen that was a regular one like this one because he was trying to flower. I'm searching for a keeper female with qualitative traits that I may improve and add to through breeding. In that spirit I germinated 11 more Multileaf seeds and am pleased to show most of them are plugging along!

That's all for now! I'll try to post photos of the offgrid setup after defoliation takes place.


Well-known member
Here we are again, things are moving along nicely.

4x4 flower tent: (Note the huge ABC male in the middle!)


5x3 flower tent:

Giant Pur Pur likes to get tall:

Menthol Skunk: (all 4 female....kinda wanted one male)

One of each Menthol Skunk clone: (bout a week in...another week or two and they'll be ready to plant)

Multileaf seedlings all trucking along: (will cull all round-leaf once they get big enough)

Lastly we have the P1 generation. This is likely the only photo which exists of 5 different mutant cannabis plants:

Here I have Multileaf, a variegated Duckfoot, BerryFreak, Giant Pur Pur, and Drunken Bastard.

Here are 11 more Multileaf seedlings. I will cull the round-leaf specimen and hunt for a few more regular specimens. My large female is putting off some really nice lemon-skunk kind of terpenes, as well as having a more ideal structure for my finished work.

Anyways, onwards to divulge a little of my ever changing plans... long story short I went on a good mushroom trip and decided that I was moving much too quickly to try and make outcrosses with each mutant. I was in this mad rush like a delusional freak thinking I had to get these F1s made as soon as literally possible. The trip made me realize I have some really exceptional cultivars in my tent which a lot of people would love a cutting of... and I need to explore each one on a personal level. On top of that, there's still mutant specimen from each variety which I'd like to explore more. Let's take Giant Pur Pur for example. The ones I have are F2s, so we know there's TONS of variation. I still have 30 seeds to sort through.

Moving forward I will flower all my current mutants and get to know them a bit more. By the middle of February both flowering tents should be completed. By then, I plan to have all regular Multileaf ready for flowering. In the 4x4 I plan on doing a Multileaf repro. In the 5x3 I will do all the female mutants. Then during the summer of 2023 I want to use the great outdoors to hunt through a bunch of mutant strains I have. I have about 100 mutant seeds from different varieties. It would be nice to use the great outdoors to hunt for the best females out of the bunch. If they're better than my keepers, the keepers will get replaced.

Just so everyone knows, currently I have:
Menthol Skunk & BerryFreak (Freakshow-fern leaves)
Drunken Bastard (ABC leaves)
Giant Pur Pur (serrated single-leaflet leaves)
V9 Tiger (variegated webbed leaves)
Multileaf (Multiple leaf tips)

In the seeds yet to be sprouted I hope to find a non-serrate single-leaflet female, an ABC Special female (for breeding), and possibly a high-yield, high-CBD Giant Pur Pur female. My general idea is to use ideal mutant females and breed them with a potent strain's male. I have considered working a couple of my non-mutant strains to F3 before working my mutant lines to F3, just for the breeding experience. But I may just say "f^*k it" and breed the plants and learn as I go.