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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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moose eater

Well-known member
Why did they even bother with that letter to Turds lawyers. Theres some seriously derppy people representing us. As soon as the Rep takeover anything the Dems were doing will get tossed. If the Dems have half a brain they shouldn't play ball with anything REP want, just like they did.. How many times does it take to get stabbed in the back for DEMs to get it. There was a reason why Trump switched to the REP party. He knew he could get away with a hell of a lot more illegal shit.
To formally notify them the subpoena is no more.

My guess? The Hearings have already produced ample material for the DoJ forward, and tRump would've simply used the opportunity to lie a bunch more, or, more safely, plead the 5th in record frequency for any hearing since Reagan, Poindexter, North, Hall and Iran-Contra. *Other good American patriots who knew better than ANYONE else..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Just a waste of time.. The rep would have done the same..They will do the same to any outstanding issues related to Jan 6. That's done.

moose eater

Well-known member
The alleged bribery is looking more and more daunting as well.

But the Special Prosecutor is looking pretty hard at any sense of intimidation re. Georgia and other states' election officials.

Claims of immunity might be the soft slide out of pergatory for all involved if they get cold feet and don't really want to slam dunk the SOB.

Wouldn't be the first time someone in a position of power skated away from what ought to have had them locked up in Leavenworth for life, if not executed.

Again, Iran-Contra was as brazen as it gets; agreeing to provide missiles to a declared enemy of State??!! Should have brought the entire house of cards down in flames, but it didn't. Ollie did house-arrest for a short while, Fawn Hall had every red-neck war-monger jacking off to their verison of Farah Fawcett (spelling?), and Ronnie got to skate with a bunch of "I don't recalls", well before Alzheimer's had set in. And Poindexter took the (limited) hit for the Gipper.

Never mind running a clandestine war in violation of the 'no' reply Congress had delivered, or bartering with hostage releases for the sake of an election.. Or drugs for guns, and the rest of it.

Protected criminality in leadership goes back decades in this Country, and has not been subjected to equal treatment under the law.

If I sold an unregistered select-fire weapon and got nailed, I'm eligible for some very harsh time. These guys made that look like child's play, and for the most part they skated. Reagan is still glorified and idolized to this very day.
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moose eater

Well-known member


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Or their work is done and they've more or less dissolved the committee.
Yeah that's most likely the reason, that's pretty much what it says in the copy of the letter they sent withdrawing the subpoena someone posted a few posts back.


ICMag Donor


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ICMag Donor
we could still rent her out in 5 minute blocs at RNC meetings and the nominating convention. they'd LOVE it...it would keep her off of street corners if nothing else.
Well she's better looking than Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but still,,,, she's got TrumpStench.
That's worse than stinkfoot.

Not looking good for Chumps boy Mccarthy with a small group of nut jobs holding the rest hostage. A good indicator of the end of Chump.
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