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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
George Santos is a perfect example of REP fraud/corruption they allow. How could anyone trust a party that allows a senator to claim he's a jew when not, claim he has 2 degrees when he has none. His whole resume was fabricated. These are the people that got elected to represent you. I would never allow someone to take office after learning of his betrayal. This is what the REP/GOP party has become.

moose eater

Well-known member
George Santos is a perfect example of REP fraud/corruption they allow. How could anyone trust a party that allows a senator to claim he's a jew when not, claim he has 2 degrees when he has none. His whole resume was fabricated. These are the people that got elected to represent you. I would never allow someone to take office after learning of his betrayal. This is what the REP/GOP party has become.
Hey, at least he apologized, didn't he?... :)
<sarcasm intended>


Well-known member
George Santos is a perfect example of REP fraud/corruption they allow. How could anyone trust a party that allows a senator to claim he's a jew when not, claim he has 2 degrees when he has none. His whole resume was fabricated. These are the people that got elected to represent you. I would never allow someone to take office after learning of his betrayal. This is what the REP/GOP party has become.
how can this not legally be election fraud and misrepresentation of facts? if you claim to be a damn plumber or hairdresser & go into business, you'd better be trained/licensed to do that job. does lying to the voters and everyone else prove his bona fides as a Republican "politician"...? is this the abyss in the mud to which The Chump has dragged us ? absolutely anything goes???


Well-known member
how can this not legally be election fraud and misrepresentation of facts? if you claim to be a damn plumber or hairdresser & go into business, you'd better be trained/licensed to do that job. does lying to the voters and everyone else prove his bona fides as a Republican "politician"...? is this the abyss in the mud to which The Chump has dragged us ? absolutely anything goes???

@Three Berries

saving the "Jew-ish" for last?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
how can this not legally be election fraud and misrepresentation of facts? if you claim to be a damn plumber or hairdresser & go into business, you'd better be trained/licensed to do that job. does lying to the voters and everyone else prove his bona fides as a Republican "politician"...? is this the abyss in the mud to which The Chump has dragged us ? absolutely anything goes???

At this point lying about everything is the SOP for republicans/gop. As we can see none from that party gives a shit, and no one they represent gives a shit. It should be a crime and he should be banned and tossed to the curb.. Are any really surprised how far that party has fallen?. The only way they can win is to cheat and lie.


Well-known member
The only way they can win is to cheat and lie.
"the truth shall set you free!" or put you behind bars, lol... the numbers are against them. their only path to winning on a national level is to stifle the urge/ability to vote on the other side. gerrymandering like little bitches will hold back the socialist hordes waiting to ravage their precious entitlements, but only for a little while. :petting: :biggrin:


ICMag Donor
how can this not legally be election fraud and misrepresentation of facts? if you claim to be a damn plumber or hairdresser & go into business, you'd better be trained/licensed to do that job. does lying to the voters and everyone else prove his bona fides as a Republican "politician"...? is this the abyss in the mud to which The Chump has dragged us ? absolutely anything goes???
Anywhere else you get caught lying on your resume, you get the boot right away.

In the republican party that's good for a few attaboys and you fit right in.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Robert Reich has some very real concerns about Clarence Thomas, but I suspect proving Thomas' impartiality is in question, sufficiently to prove a violation of the law, is a stretch at best, I think. Especially since it would be the same SCOTUS ultimately hearing such an allegation down the road.

The solution to the Clarence Thomas problem is to establish new rules/laws governing how ethics issues concerning the SCOTUS are handlled. That being said with how the house and senate will be set up for the next two years that's not likely to happen. We can probably count on every Republican or at least 99% of them, voting against anything that will hold the SCOTUS accountable for any ethics violations. As hard as the founders tried to set up a government with sufficient checks and balances to keep each of the branches in check, it surprises me that so often when we need to make laws to strengthen those checks and balances it involves the very bodies we want to reign in, to make or rule on the laws concerning those checks and balances. At the moment the only people who can really do anything about the SCOTUS justices violating ethics are the justices themselves but their not likely to take positions that can be turned on them later on down the road.

It's kind of like impossing term limits on the House and Senate seats, that would have to be done by legislation passed thru both the House and the Senate but what incentive does any Congressman or Senator have to pass a law that would also limit their ability to manipulate the system to their advantage?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
George Santos is a perfect example of REP fraud/corruption they allow. How could anyone trust a party that allows a senator to claim he's a jew when not, claim he has 2 degrees when he has none. His whole resume was fabricated. These are the people that got elected to represent you. I would never allow someone to take office after learning of his betrayal. This is what the REP/GOP party has become.
Yeah in pretty much any other career field if you were caught lying that blatantly on your resume/application even if after it was after you've already started working you would be immediately terminated. When it comes to political office though once they get elected they become dug in like ticks and are extremely difficult to remove.

One of my dreams for an improved government is some kind of vetting process beyond just looking at ones taxes to help the voters know who to vote for. Also that if one fails this processby lying or misrepresenting the are denied being put on the ballet.


Well-known member
is some kind of vetting process
the Bar association vets lawyers for judgeships etc & rates them. then, the Federalist Society tells The GOP which of them are in their pocket. that is who The Chump put on the Supreme court. vetting is okay, but not seating someone for lying like Santos (or some recently appointed SC justices) did would be much more preferable. it's gonna be interesting watching this play out...:tiphat: is the GOP utterly without scruples, morals, ethics of ANY kind? they're going to have to PROVE it to me now, because it looks like "win at all costs regardless of how heinous the action taken might be" is now their mantra...:snap out of it::dunno:


ICMag Donor
There must be a growing number of opportunistic republicans who have had enough and are ready to launch a hole shot in the bus over Chump.


Well-known member
There must be a growing number of opportunistic republicans who have had enough and are ready to launch a hole shot in the bus over Chump.
i'm registered as a Republican, but now vote as an independent. getting rid of The Chump is going to be frighteningly easy compared to the effort required to rid the party of Chumpism, a disease which was festering in much of the base before The Chump even lent them his name. they've ALWAYS been assholes...they just weren't visible.


ICMag Donor
i'm registered as a Republican, but now vote as an independent. getting rid of The Chump is going to be frighteningly easy compared to the effort required to rid the party of Chumpism, a disease which was festering in much of the base before The Chump even lent them his name. they've ALWAYS been assholes...they just weren't visible.
Chump helped take the party to a whole new low and welcomed the deplorables out from their holes in the ground.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the Bar association vets lawyers for judgeships etc & rates them. then, the Federalist Society tells The GOP which of them are in their pocket. that is who The Chump put on the Supreme court. vetting is okay, but not seating someone for lying like Santos (or some recently appointed SC justices) did would be much more preferable. it's gonna be interesting watching this play out...:tiphat: is the GOP utterly without scruples, morals, ethics of ANY kind? they're going to have to PROVE it to me now, because it looks like "win at all costs regardless of how heinous the action taken might be" is now their mantra...:snap out of it::dunno:
What's subtly hilarious about the whole story is that there are two groups being blamed for dropping the ball on catching this guy before he got elected. One is the Democrats and the other is the Media. Currently out there on the internet there is a debatr going on as to which is most responsible. Fair arguements could be made for either choice, the Democrats obviously didn't do much opposition research and had they done so they would have had a substantial amount of ammo to use against the guy to keep him from getting elected. The Media obviously didn't look into the guy too much otherwise the would have had all sorts of the sort of scandalous stories they like to run to keeep ratings high.

Now the subtle part is in that the groups complaining that this guy wasn't caught sooner are the Democrats and Independents and neither of them assign any blame to the Republicans which means they just accept out of hand that this is how corrupt the Republican party is that they would allow a candidate to run on such a false resume that they wouldn't even think of blaming the Republicans for allowing this, they see this as just completely normal behavior for Republicans and of course other Republicans wouldn't make waves because they see pretty much all Republicans as being this way. Which is exactly why the Republicans have to resort to attempted coups, extreme gerry mandering and extreme voting regulations at the state and local level to have any hopes of gaining power.

Now as far as the vetting process I would like to see, if anythingg was found wrong like what has turned up on this Santos guy it would automatically block him from running for office or on the chance it wasn't caught until afterwards it would be grounds for immediate removal from office without debate.
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