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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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moose eater

Well-known member
I don't think anyone actually truly believes that Trump won the election.
I think you'd be nauseatingly surprised and/or shocked.

Think of those who believe there are over 2,000 baby corpses buried in catacombs beneath the White House.

There are some frighteningly imbalanced people at large; many or most of them with voter ID cards and driver's licenses.... and firearms, and mace, and... credit card accounts, and passports. But they keep returning to the Country if they ever do travel abroad. Other countries don't seem to want them on a permanent basis

I stay home mostly. The food's better and less expensive, the craft beer's the same or better, and cheaper, the music is mine to manage, the hash smoke bothers no one else (maybe the dogs,. but they're unilingual), and if I have to ultimately 'drop' someone, I'm on much better ground legally.

Home is not just where the heart is. It's also kinda' like a soft-shelled bunker of reclusiveness, and some distant semblance of peace, establishing a barrier between my family and the bizarre idiocy that reigns all too often now..

We used to think and/or believe some strange shit years ago, but the hallucinogens usually wore off within 12 to 36 hours, depending on dosage... after which earth was still earth. I'm more inclined at times these days to simply reply with a 'Nanu nanu' in many cases. (credit to Mork of 'Mork and Mindy' fame).
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor


Well-known member
"only the best, and then under investigation..."anyone see a pattern here? have these lawyers he has been approved by the same bunch that advised The Chump on Supreme Court nominees ? just curious, you know.

moose eater

Well-known member
"only the best, and then under investigation..."anyone see a pattern here? have these lawyers he has been approved by the same bunch that advised The Chump on Supreme Court nominees ? just curious, you know.
When you owe more money than you have in liquid assets, sometimes you have to hire Saul. In fact, I suspect Trump was watching 'Breaking Bad' when he got the idea of hiring a strip mall attorney.

Next thing you know, a guy in a van who runs a vacuum repair shop will be picking him up at a suburban bus stop in Arizona, in a mini-van, and taking him to Minnesota or some place similar for a harsh winter in an off-grid cabin.
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Well-known member
It's the first-class travel in a propane truck's tank that can really cramp a guy's style.
we "lost" a guy from USAF base while i was in. poor bastard went back into a fuel tank (after safety man left hangar) for a tool he'd left behind and was overcome by fumes. next shift came on and sealed the tank, and fueled it up to leave for Germany. they had to lay over in Greenland to fix a problem in that fuel tank...:yoinks:

moose eater

Well-known member
we "lost" a guy from USAF base while i was in. poor bastard went back into a fuel tank (after safety man left hangar) for a tool he'd left behind and was overcome by fumes. next shift came on and sealed the tank, and fueled it up to leave for Germany. they had to lay over in Greenland to fix a problem in that fuel tank...:yoinks:
Cleaning out the oil tankers in the Port of Valdez at the Trans-Alaska Pipeline (TAPS) terminal, benzene is a serious concern. It's often used in-pipe to lubricate the flow of crude. The folks who do that job wear good quality respirators and they have a cool clip-on gas alarm in other areas that's electronic, yellow, and sounds an alarm, and flashes when exposed to gas of various sorts.

Like this one ($193.00; mine is older vintage, and ever so slightly different):



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Chump was buddies and indebted to Putin and more than willing to throw Ukraine to the wolves. He was also blackmailing Zelinski demanding false stories and prosecutions on Hunter Biden. Zelinski was being paraded around while knowing he and his country were getting screwed by Chump.
Oh I'm aware of all that history and the reason Trump was willing to throw Ukraine under the bus is because Zelenskyy to his credit saw everything Trump was trying to do and didn't give in even though at that moment in time it would have benefited Zelenskyy greatly to have the full support of the American President. Trump totally misread him and just figured he was an inexperienced niaeve leader who before that was a comedian and he thought he could easily bully him into giving him what he wanted.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Marjorie Taylor Greene has sent 5 impeachment articles against Biden. The latest was based on Biden selling oil to other countries LOL. Another one was based on Hunter's influence of a foreign nation and excepting benefits lol. There are some truly racist derps people placed into power. These people are truly dumbshits that others thought were competent.

Biden is an old man with serious memory issues. Being old is not a crime. Anything illegal from Biden's admin he prob doesn't even know lol. Too risky to let him know as he would prob ramble it out and not know.. At least he/others aren't announcing their crimes lol. If these are the best we got we are in serious trouble.
Biden has issues related to his age for sure but he's not that far gone. Marjorie Taylor Greene in my opinion shows far more cognitive issues then Biden, for example the impeachment article about selling oil to other countries proves she hasnt a single clue in that empty head about how the oil market operates or what the real reason is for the high gas prices we have in the US are. As for the one about Biden's son, well sure it wasn't a good look but there is nothing illegal about accepting big salaries because someone thinks they might be able to use your father's position to their advantage. Not only is there not a single shred of evidence that Hunter Biden actually gave his employers anything because of who his father was but at the time his father was the vice President of a past administration. I don't think you can impeach someone from an office they no longer hold nor can you impeach someone now for something there is no proff of wrong doing in the past.

Did Hunter get those positions and all that money because his employers thought they might leverage his relationship to a political figure? No doubt but until they can prove he actually gave his employers anything because of that relationship they got nothing. As far as his laptop, from what I've heard it does contain some evidence of rather depraved and embarrasing behavior you might expect from a drug addict but that's got nothing to do with his father. In my opinion there is far more illegal behavior in how anyone other then
Hunter came into posession of his laptop but nobody seems interested in talking about that.
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ICMag Donor
Oh I'm aware of all that history and the reason Trump was willing to throw Ukraine under the bus is because Zelenskyy to his credit saw everything Trump was trying to do and didn't give in even though at that moment in time it would have benefited Zelenskyy greatly to have the full support of the American President. Trump totally misread him and just figured he was an inexperienced niaeve leader who before that was a comedian and he thought he could easily bully him into giving him what he wanted.
And now it goes a step further as Zelinsky was the first person to unite the senate in a way we have not seen in a long time. Trump was happy to screw Ukraine for his master - Putin. United republican senators applauding Zelinski were a big backfire (one of many) for Mr. "I could shoot someone in Time Square and get away with it". Not only are we helping Zelinsky, but he has helped us by bringing people back to their senses.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think you'd be nauseatingly surprised and/or shocked.

Think of those who believe there are over 2,000 baby corpses buried in catacombs beneath the White House.

There are some frighteningly imbalanced people at large; many or most of them with voter ID cards and driver's licenses.... and firearms, and mace, and... credit card accounts, and passports. But they keep returning to the Country if they ever do travel abroad. Other countries don't seem to want them on a permanent basis

I stay home mostly. The food's better and less expensive, the craft beer's the same or better, and cheaper, the music is mine to manage, the hash smoke bothers no one else (maybe the dogs,. but they're unilingual), and if I have to ultimately 'drop' someone, I'm on much better ground legally.

Home is not just where the heart is. It's also kinda' like a soft-shelled bunker of reclusiveness, and some distant semblance of peace, establishing a barrier between my family and the bizarre idiocy that reigns all too often now..

We used to think and/or believe some strange shit years ago, but the hallucinogens usually wore off within 12 to 36 hours, depending on dosage... after which earth was still earth. I'm more inclined at times these days to simply reply with a 'Nanu nanu' in many cases. (credit to Mork of 'Mork and Mindy' fame).

This is the mightiest post that I have taken in and utterly agreed with in quite some time!!

I love your honest opinion and agree with you on so much.

I've noticed societal drift and have some thoughts on why people have withdrawn (to some degree) from society or social media, considering the degrees, both between, and disparate.

Today is not the day for such disclosure, yet I feel the spurious need to reflect my appreciation for such disclosure from yourself!

I really just wanted to say that.

Necessity be damned.

moose eater

Well-known member
This is the mightiest post that I have taken in and utterly agreed with in quite some time!!

I love your honest opinion and agree with you on so much.

I've noticed societal drift and have some thoughts on why people have withdrawn (to some degree) from society or social media, considering the degrees, both between, and disparate.

Today is not the day for such disclosure, yet I feel the spurious need to reflect my appreciation for such disclosure from yourself!

I really just wanted to say that.

Necessity be damned.
I asserted on this Forum years ago that we, as then-hunted 'dope growers', partook in online forums back then, under pseudonyms, for specific reasons that go back to the clans of cave times.. People crave connectedness. we're hard-wired for it, yet it's our Achilles tendon of vulnerability, too. A peek at testimony in divorce proceedings brings that home in punctuated form.

Black markets and 'connectedness' can get messy, as has even been recently witnessed on these boards. Friends aren't always friends later on. When felonies are involved, that can bring awkward moments, or worse.

But I think historically there was greater homeogenaity. In 1972-1975, as an example; there was a greater chance that a person's politics were understood by the presence of a symbol, whether a pony-tail or a left-ear ear-ring. Or other tell-tale signs of a 'Brother (or sister) in arms.'

Admittedly, only the first several lines in my previous post to you were meant in near-total seriousness. The remainder were a cross between sad assessment and satire. Some place in the middle. As humor is often best when reflective of reality, and sometimes that line blurrs a bit too.

Jonathon Winters, Robin Williams, Pat Paulson/Pulson, the Smothers bros., and George Carlin were all big fans of that tact, and they flew well with it. Some even helped to change the face of the Nation's politics with it.

(A former public radio talk show host told me 30-some years ago that <and it wasn't his quote>; 'More revolutions have been won with laughter than with bullets." And I suspect he was right; disempowering Darth Vader is easier when everyone is laughing at him, thus my point in the Nazi thread the other day, re. our observations during our visit there in '91).

I once wept while viewing a Robin Williams performance he recorded in Vegas, talking about aliens, cocaine, and other subject matter, but specifically when he ever so eloquently and sincerely elaborated on the meeting place of humor and reality. It was obvious he was into some somber awareness for a moment then, too. Most serious I'd ever heard him sound while trying to cause others to laugh. A beautiful man.

We're separated now, I believe, in ways that defy the previous simpler times of 'us and them', 'hippies and rednecks,' 'jocks, jets, and freaks', 'cowboys and Indians', Pigs and (what ever)'.

There's simultaneously a sense of inevitability, sadness, and a sense of expectation with multiple angles to it; good, bad, and ugly, as all societies (and governments) eventually implode... it's history.

Just wanted you to know the esteem was maybe not deserved, & that only the first part was solely based in my more straight-forward perception of reality today. The rest, while still somewhat real, was done in satire. Though I'm sure that when one of us is imbibing here, the pups likely wish we'd be empathetic to the fact that their noses are way more sensitive than ours, and they don't even typically get the advantage of an 'attitude adjustment.'

Merry Christmas, mustard. And to anyone left with a heart that remembers simpler divisions and greater sanity. Or maybe it was never really there?
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moose eater

Well-known member
I'd like to think that you were wrong on this...it looked like it was real. "beauty is only skin deep...":shucks:
It's a bitch to sometimes think we were chasing dreams of betterment that might or might not have been little more than mirages, eh? Magic that was only in the moment? I guess the rest of it is on us. And we all fall short sometimes.

Merry Christmas, hippie.
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