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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
RE my previous post...are the members of the Supreme Court subject (as attorneys after all) to being censured or had their license to practice law withdrawn by the bar association? i'm gonna google that puppy...
From what I've heard reported in the news after Ginni Thomaas's invlovement in the coup was revealled is that outside of impeachment the only real path to accountability is for the other Justices to do it based on ethics violations which seems unlikely while the court is as unbalanced as it currently is. The first thing I want to see done about the SCOTUS is for either Gorsuch or Barrett removed. Since the same arguement that got Gorsuch there should have blocked Barrett. Really it should be Gorsuch though since he was the one seated by breaking precedent. I only include Barrett because the Democrats more or less caved and allowed Gorsuch to be seated but that would make him the new precedent which should have blocked Barrett. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
if "they" is referring to GOP members of the Senate, Chump has been proven correct to date...
Well that pretty much goes without saying but i always took they to mean society as a whole. of course those wanting Trump in office were going to always look the other way to his crimes but at some point society needs to force the other side to hold him accountible.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
i think you are largely right. even looking like they were in a hurry to indict would be used against the DOJ. but now that Congress HAS investigated, i expect them to indict unless the executive branch has a contrary position, or the Supreme Court maybe. exactly what the hell happens if the Supreme Court issues an unsolicited opinion (6-3) that Chump is immune from prosecution because blahblahblah...?
Supreme Court has nothing to do with this unless Trump is convicted and tries to appeal. Then it might eventually reach them. But he'd likely be dead before the appeal process got him that far.

moose eater

Well-known member
Supreme Court has nothing to do with this unless Trump is convicted and tries to appeal. Then it might eventually reach them. But he'd likely be dead before the appeal process got him that far.
You think bounce-back Donald -wouldn't- try to appeal any convictions? His whole performance in the courts has been to drag things out as long as possible. An appeal would simply be a perpetuation of that behavior. Stalling the bad news is what he's seemingly best at..


Well-known member

I'm going to keep watching without holding my breath.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The only damage Trump appears to be doing today is destroying the GOP. And I'm OK with that.
That's true and it looks like the damage will go on for a long time. The latest thing being that Kevin McCarthy called on Trump to help him get the votes he needs to become speaker of the house, which means should tMcCarthy actually become speaker Trump will now own him and he'll expect McCarthy to do everything that Trump asks of him and knowing how Trump is that will mean all manner of revenge politics, which is exactly what has the GOp in the unfavorable position it's in. If McCarthy doesn't do Trump's bidding then of course you can expect Trump to throw him under the bus by labelling him as a traitor to the cause. The best thing that could happen to McCarthy and the GOP would be for someone else who is not beholding to Trump, to become speaker of the house. Of course the biggest losers as a result of all this is the American people because no matter who becomes speaker we can pretty much count on two years of congress being a 3 ring circus that gets little to nothing done.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It's clear Trump wanted more illegal BS than he could do legally. It should have opened everyone's eyes how many people were OK with what he wanted to do. Trump is just 1 person who conned millions into the belief that the 2020 election was a fraud. I'm aware we have a lot of naive people but I have to admit there were millions more than I thought. Their morality and knowing what he did was wrong went right out the window. To this day millions are still supporting one of the most corrupt individuals on the planet. It's sad to me that so many went along with 1 man's wrongdoings..


Well-known member
It's clear Trump wanted more illegal BS than he could do legally. It should have opened everyone's eyes how many people were OK with what he wanted to do. Trump is just 1 person who conned millions into the belief that the 2020 election was a fraud. I'm aware we have a lot of naive people but I have to admit there were millions more than I thought. Their morality and knowing what he did was wrong went right out the window. To this day millions are still supporting one of the most corrupt individuals on the planet. It's sad to me that so many went along with 1 man's wrongdoings..
Who else will protect them from all of the baby eating lizard people?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
All those people were fine with ending lifelong friendships just to be sheeple for Trump. How many people here harbor bad feelings because we spoke the truth about who Trump is? Way too many. Being a Trump loyalist became more important to so many than being friends.


Active member
All those people were fine with ending lifelong friendships just to be sheeple for Trump. How many people here harbor bad feelings because we spoke the truth about who Trump is? Way too many. Being a Trump loyalist became more important to so many than being friends.
The issue was largely responsible for fracturing an old "Invite Only" cannabis site in two last year.


ICMag Donor
There is a long list of people who were on here for years defending Chump and repeating all the lies like angry myna birds. Nothing but crickets now.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Plenty of blame on both parties. That didn't turn so many into bad people. It shouldn't matter what someone's political ideology is.. wrong is wrong, bad is bad, and a crook is a crook. I don't give a shit who's POTUS, who is in the majority, or what policies they endorse.. I'd say the same regardless of politics.. Magatards can't do that and could care less about what Trumpturd did. I stand by my opinion stated when this all went down..Republicans/GOP are far more corrupt than any other party.


ICMag Donor
The only reason we had to deal with a President Trump is because the Dems ran Hillary instead of Bernie in 2016.

Trump as President is a mistake that belongs to both parties.
I was for Bernie too, but I didn't think he had a shot to win. Too much left for most, even though it he would have benefitted the poor stupid red state Chump supporters the most. Comey cost Clinton the election as the straw that broke the camels back. I liked her policies and what she stood for. As a person she was a POS. She was smug and acted like she had it in the bag, like an entitlement. Even Chump didn't think he was going to win either.
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