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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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ICMag Donor
win, lose, or draw, i don't see how they can NOT indict Trump. whether you can get 12 honest people to sit on the jury and vote solely on the evidence is another question entirely. but...you HAVE to TRY...you just HAVE to... this is too critical to ignore. we are at the bridge...
Absolutely !

Go to Washington and see the statues, paintings, architecture, the Viet Nam monument and history all around you. Normal people can't help to be reminded of the greatness of this nation. The 1-6 committee knows their responsibility and there's no way they're going to give clown boy and his merry hucksters a pass on this one.

St. Phatty

Active member
Trumps company found guilty of tax fraud in NY.

Turns out the judicial branch has the rocks after half of the legislative branch has none.

If Trump gets off with no penalty, the whole group of trials is a scam.

He's the guy that directed the Con / Scam !

It really looks like Trump is Protected ... PENDING FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS.

What are the chances that he will do jail time or be forced to pay a personal fine of more than 10% of his wealth ?


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
This must be the criminal case and not the civil one due to the tiny ass fine of 1.61 million.

The real sting comes from the felony conviction I guess. And the civil case.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
If Trump gets off with no penalty, the whole group of trials is a scam.

He's the guy that directed the Con / Scam !

It really looks like Trump is Protected ... PENDING FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS.

What are the chances that he will do jail time or be forced to pay a personal fine of more than 10% of his wealth ?
This is the Organization (technically 2), not the Man or the family.


ICMag Donor
Step by Step.
That's the way it goes. This was a big one and getting closer to having those tiny little hands in the bracelets.
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Well-known member
If Trump gets off with no penalty, the whole group of trials is a scam.

He's the guy that directed the Con / Scam !

It really looks like Trump is Protected ... PENDING FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS.

What are the chances that he will do jail time or be forced to pay a personal fine of more than 10% of his wealth ?
You might be right. I hope he at least gets a brief trip to jail. Even if just long enough for us to enjoy the photo opportunity.

At the very least. His brand name is joke from now on. He will be paying lawyers to defend him for the rest of his life. And he has done more damage to the Republican party than they ever could do on their own.


Well-known member
I'm 42 and disabled and on SSDI. Do you think they'll really cut social security?
the GOP is willing to cut anything to look fiscally conservative...except money for aircraft carriers, tanks, B-21 Sky Raiders, Space Force, and things like that. they have been telling us what they intend to do for years, why does nobody want to believe them ? they LIKE to pick on old sick people. pay attention! what we spend on LEO in this country far out-strips the 2nd place country in MILITARY spending, fuck what WE wast... umm, spend on military hardware.

moose eater

Well-known member
If Trump gets off with no penalty, the whole group of trials is a scam.

He's the guy that directed the Con / Scam !

It really looks like Trump is Protected ... PENDING FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS.

What are the chances that he will do jail time or be forced to pay a personal fine of more than 10% of his wealth ?
One DA says tRump had "explicit knowledge" of the tax schemes.

It is clear, however, that they are seriously considering the possible damage to what ever decorum they think the Country has remaining where the political divides are concerned.

If they pretend for fear of blowback, then the answer is, there is not equal protection under the laws. And that would be a somewhat explicit admission of such, as opposed to decades of that status of unequal treatment merely being implied.
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moose eater

Well-known member
I'm 42 and disabled and on SSDI. Do you think they'll really cut social security?
Depends on how braindead they are.

They've already forfeited a signficant degree of integrity in the public's eyes, and if they're unaware of the reality of their consituents' living conditions , they might just proceed with further cutting of their own throats.

But my guess is that some or a lot of that is rhetoric and rattling of partisan sabers.

Or maybe they're really that stupid.

The consequences throughout the Nation would be big, I think, if they actually did such a thing.

Best of luck to you.
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Again showing with the GOP, every accusation is an admission.

so you're saying their weird obsession with drag queens and pedophiles really means they're a bunch of cross dressing kiddy diddlers?:oops:


Well-known member
The consequences throughout the Nation would be big
i believe that "if" they really did that, they will be forfeiting the next dozen elections or so. lose control of the House & the White House in 2024, and probably lose more seats in Senate. senior citizens vote, and do not easily forgive a slight...

moose eater

Well-known member
i believe that "if" they really did that, they will be forfeiting the next dozen elections or so. lose control of the House & the White House in 2024, and probably lose more seats in Senate. senior citizens vote, and do not easily forgive a slight...
I don't think they'd lose quite that many.

'Political amnesia' (my term) among the populace/voters, is, imo, half the reason we perpetually deal with substandard representation and used car salesman heathens in our political bodies to begin with. That, and partisan blinders across the board.

But if they cut the bread and butter for America's elderly/retired, disabled, and working poor, I would hope they'd face the political version of 'fire and brimstone' for at least a couple of elections.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm 42 and disabled and on SSDI. Do you think they'll really cut social security?
Depends on who is in control when the decision to cut it comes up for a vote. There is a valid point to be made that the Social Security system is in big trouble and will not survive as it is without major changes going forward. Now while that is very true what doesn't get reported enough with that truth is the truth that it was the mismanagement of and theft from the system as it was meant to be run that has put it in this position. Over the years many administrations have robbed the trust fund of surpluses of money that were meant to help carry it in the future when the baby boomers began to be eligible to collect and put the strain on the system that it is now under. Rather then paying the money back they left in it's place what amounts to IOU's and as a result somewhere between 20-30% and maybe more of the national debt is money that is actually owed to Social Security to replace the money stolen from it. Unfortunately it's hard to be more precise then a range because the way it's kept on the books it is lumped in with other debts due to government spending that makes it difficult to separate out precisely what is owed to Social Security. Suffice it to say that should anyone actually manage to cut Social Security and Medicare they will simultaneously significantly reduce government spending and do away with a big chunk of the national debt at the same time.

The people most willing to do this are politicians representing large percentages of younger Americans (below age 40) because most of those feel that Social Security will not be there for them when they become eligible to collect. To be fair it's hard to blame those people, not many are willing to give up a fair chunk of money from each paycheck for something that won't be there for them when they retire. Oddly enough the support for cutting those programs comes from the people least likely to vote where as the people most likely to vote (the elderly) depend on Social Security and Medicare to survive and this is why proposals of cutting these programs is generally viewed as political suicide by politicians that represent more of the elderly then those under 40.

Talk of cutting these programs has been going on for decades and mostly comes from Republicans although I'm sure there are likely some Democrats that support this but are smart enough to not talk about it. As long as the elderly continue to make up the largest percentage of likely voters any attempts to cut these programs will likely fail. As the elderly die off though at some point the dynamic will change and if something isn't done to fix the system it will likely fail on it's own even before that change in voters happens. Unfortunately as we enter further into the age of automation and workers are replaced by machines the problems will just get worse because you'll have an ever decreasing number of workers paying into the system to keep it running.

Now all of that may sound like bad news but wait, there's more. While greatly reducing government spending and getting rid of a big chunk of the national debt might seem like good things it really isn't if it's done by cutting Social Security and Medicare. There is an average of 66 Million Americans living on Social Security and the total benefits paid out each year to them exceeds 1 Trillion dollars. Most people on Social Security depend on their benefit as their sole or primary source of income. As such each month virtually every penny of benefits paid out gets spent right back into the economy to pay for the necessities of life (housing, utilities, food, healthcare, etc.) If that money was suddenly cut off by doing away with Social Security and Medicare not only would that cause millions of Americans to be left with nothing to live on but it would be a devastating contraction to the economy that would likely cause such failure it would make the Great Depression seem like better times in comparison.

The truly sad thing about all of this, the primary reason for politicians in the past to rob the Social Security Trust fund and put us on this path was to fund tax cuts to the wealthy that really didn't need it and to fund wars we really had no business being involved in.
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Well-known member
This is the Organization (technically 2), not the Man or the family.
true, but the organization has been found guilty of felony charges. this will probably prevent his businesses from getting govt contracts, and even private business if THEIR company has a code of conduct barring doing business with felons. THAT is gonna hurt the old pocketbook. as an aside, i saw where they released Ivanka from the umbrella the rest of the family is operating under. best thing the feds can do is watch for money transfers from the "family" to her in an attempt to circumvent the courts orders...
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