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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Jericho Mile

You are coming across as arrogant and conceited.

Sometimes people respond to respect much more positively than derision... usually, actually.

I think you understand that already and I believe that you know that you feel superior.

But there is that nagging fact that you claim that you are not dishonest.
You guys tell me I am a narcissist. I play my role. It’s easier for you dudes to digest. Everything I do and say on the internet is for me. Every image…every landscape…every observation. For you I self reflect.

Get some sun.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't recall calling you a narcissist but I won't argue that as I don't know what the people around you are saying.

I burned some brush today. It's been overcast here so I didn't really see the sun but received sunlight.

Don't get melanoma.

Jericho Mile

That's what he said.
I will now demonstrate how I am above you. I will ignore your retarded ass without hitting a button. Less than zero.
I don't recall calling you a narcissist but I won't argue that as I don't know what the people around you are saying.

I burned some brush today. It's been overcast here so I didn't really see the sun but received sunlight.

Don't get melanoma.
O god…..another thing to fear. Add that to the list. I’ve sacrificed my skin to the sun and lifestyle since I was a kid. And I smoke enough herb to lift a house. I figure it balances out. I run like a beast. Always an injury away.


^ Mental pictures. Frames in the mind.


Active member
I will now demonstrate how I am above you. I will ignore your retarded ass without hitting a button. Less than zero.

I know you don't believe that sweetie. After all the effort you have put into us. Sending shirtless pics of you in the mountains. The instant replies. On here 24/7 waiting for me to reply. XOXO

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I hate Trump but think charges would've already come by now. It's been YEARS. Wish we could move on from the 2020 erection

I too hope to move far away from the previous presidencies.

It's pretty disconcerting to find that Trump is still, in many voters' minds, a viable candidate for 2024.

There was something antiquated and twisted that oozed forth during his campaign and only got worse as his presidency dragged on.

It became hip to hate; people were tearing themselves and the very fabric of society to shreds.

If we can get anywhere from here I believe that we should start with agreeing that neither Biden nor Trump be on the next ballot.

But we can't seem to agree on anything anymore.

Made America great again.

Jericho Mile

That was just the democrats during the summer of love. BLM/antifa the definition of useful idiots. How many black dudes killed by cops can you name from the past 2 years? Should be like 400 of them.
The ladies at the top of BLM are millionaires.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Speaking of delusions….and things flying overhead. LOL WW111zzzzzzz with Russia (Rocky 4) ……nuclear holocaust …hide under your school desk bombs are dropping

LOL….the fear programming revisited. Calling for civil war? Media much? Wow….people are calling for civil war! O no! Not that! I vast minority of a legion of retards are calling for civil war!!! I’m shitting my freedom pants. Free speech! Let them call for war. Fear.

Hello…The United States is a fucking big bad and mean war machine, Broooooo…..it feeds on blood. It lives for war. It’s not a peace and love advocate. This is fact….not fairytale propaganda. War is the game. Since day one. Might makes Right.


You’re funny… “ O say can you seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” (wow…even the lyrics tell of our blood spilling ambitions…the tale of battle and Old Glory)

I was really awaiting your holiday weekend story about how you fed the homeless……lay flowers on some American hero’s grave….or some other spin on gratitude where you believe you are sacrificing for the greater good…the downtrodden….or kennel puppies…the mournful depths of your heart
Well like I said, you don't know me nor do you have clue one about what I think or do. You seriously expect me to feed you the very ammo you'll turn around and attempt to use against me just like you've done with a number of other people here? If you do then I stand by my claim of you being delusional.

If America was this big bad war machine whose only existence is for war then why have we not gotten more directly involved in what's going on in Ukraine? You do know that we signed an agreement when Ukraine gave up all the nuclear weapons it inherited when the USSR fell apart back in the 90's called the Budapest Memorandum. An agreement meant to make it an obligation on our part to come to Ukraine's defense should anyone invade it since by giving up the nuclear weapons it had made it vulnerable to such invasions, right? I mean if we were this nation of blood thirsty War Mongers why on earth would we pass up on an opportunity that gave us the legal and moral footing to enter into a war against Russia? Surely it couldn't possibly be because we didn't want to put Russia in a box where their only real option would be to launch a nuclear strike against us, I mean seeing as how we live for war according to you. Not enough? Okay then why would we pass on an opportunity to encourage Poland to initiate Article 5 of the NATO Treaty and rally the rest of NATO to attack Russia after they were perceived as being responsible for a missile strike against Poland? I mean that one was a perfect opportunity to attack Russia when it is totally vulnerable having depleted most of it's reserves fighting and failing against Ukraine. I mean you couldn't ask for a more perfect opportunity to engage in war against Russia and not be condemned by the rest of the world for doing so. Unless of course you were convinced that to do so would lead to a nuclear holocaust that would likely be the end to civilization as we know it.

The answer is pretty simple if you apply just a little bit of critical thinking. That answer being that while we are not the war monger nation of blood thirsty people you imagine us to be, looking for any excuse to engage in war, we (as in the military industrial complex) are number one at producing more advanced weaponry then all the other major military powers of the world combined and have no problem selling or even advancing that weaponry (Ukraine) to other countries that might need it so they can be the ones to go fight our enemies or even our allies as proven by Trump when he sold billions of dollars worth of our best military equipment to Saudi Arabia so they could go wipe the floor with Yemen who we support diplomatically and provide billions in humanitarian aid to. The truth is the US has very little stomach for war since Iraq but we have little to no problem with helping other countries engage in war and then turn around and provide aid to the very victims of those other wars.

As for the national anthem, duh, of course it glorifies war, it was written by someone witnessing the horror of our war for independence from the prison he was being help in. I mean what else would you expect from a colony that took on the world's greatest military power (at the time) to win it's independence? Something more along the line of John Lennon's "Imagine". You're hysterical trying to hold that up as evidence of America's thirst for blood and war.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I hate Trump but think charges would've already come by now. It's been YEARS. Wish we could move on from the 2020 erection
Hell they just now finally won the battle to get his tax filings after 6 years. That to an oversight position that the law gives every right and authority to have the IRS instantly produce tax returns on anyone.

We might have seen charges by now on the Mar-A-Lardo drama had things not been stuck by Trump's legal maneuvering with his bought and paid for Judge in Florida. Although now that Garland has navigated thing thru those obstacles Trump kept throwing up we can expect to see at least that indictment in the near future. Seeing as how once freed from the entanglement of appeals it's essentially an open and shut case.

The one thing I can give credit to Trump on being fairly good at is how to tie up legal actions against him for years in appeals.

Jericho Mile

Well like I said, you don't know me nor do you have clue one about what I think or do. You seriously expect me to feed you the very ammo you'll turn around and attempt to use against me just like you've done with a number of other people here? If you do then I stand by my claim of you being delusional.

If America was this big bad war machine whose only existence is for war then why have we not gotten more directly involved in what's going on in Ukraine? You do know that we signed an agreement when Ukraine gave up all the nuclear weapons it inherited when the USSR fell apart back in the 90's called the Budapest Memorandum. An agreement meant to make it an obligation on our part to come to Ukraine's defense should anyone invade it since by giving up the nuclear weapons it had made it vulnerable to such invasions, right? I mean if we were this nation of blood thirsty War Mongers why on earth would we pass up on an opportunity that gave us the legal and moral footing to enter into a war against Russia? Surely it couldn't possibly be because we didn't want to put Russia in a box where their only real option would be to launch a nuclear strike against us, I mean seeing as how we live for war according to you. Not enough? Okay then why would we pass on an opportunity to encourage Poland to initiate Article 5 of the NATO Treaty and rally the rest of NATO to attack Russia after they were perceived as being responsible for a missile strike against Poland? I mean that one was a perfect opportunity to attack Russia when it is totally vulnerable having depleted most of it's reserves fighting and failing against Ukraine. I mean you couldn't ask for a more perfect opportunity to engage in war against Russia and not be condemned by the rest of the world for doing so. Unless of course you were convinced that to do so would lead to a nuclear holocaust that would likely be the end to civilization as we know it.

The answer is pretty simple if you apply just a little bit of critical thinking. That answer being that while we are not the war monger nation of blood thirsty people you imagine us to be, looking for any excuse to engage in war, we (as in the military industrial complex) are number one at producing more advanced weaponry then all the other major military powers of the world combined and have no problem selling or even advancing that weaponry (Ukraine) to other countries that might need it so they can be the ones to go fight our enemies or even our allies as proven by Trump when he sold billions of dollars worth of our best military equipment to Saudi Arabia so they could go wipe the floor with Yemen who we support diplomatically and provide billions in humanitarian aid to. The truth is the US has very little stomach for war since Iraq but we have little to no problem with helping other countries engage in war and then turn around and provide aid to the very victims of those other wars.

As for the national anthem, duh, of course it glorifies war, it was written by someone witnessing the horror of our war for independence from the prison he was being help in. I mean what else would you expect from a colony that took on the world's greatest military power (at the time) to win its independence? Something more along the line of John Lennon's "Imagine". You're hysterical trying to hold that up as evidence of America's thirst for blood and war.

The terrifying thing : people like yourself sit in on juries

Holy shit, GI Joe
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