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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Jericho Mile

He's dead.

He got shot in the back by a small minded simpleton waiting for fame.

Enjoy yourself.

I am the walrus what’s your excuse?
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Jericho Mile

I have been telling you in my own words but it just keeps flying over your head and rather then admitting you're wrong about a whole bunch of shit you've been projecting onto everyone else to keep your delusional version of reality alive you just dismiss it as mere propaganda learned in school. I'm under no grand illusions born of fairytales of our nation's early history. I know the founders of our system of government and the creators of our constitution were less then perfect and had plenty of flaws. The only reason it comes across to you as fairytales learned in school is because I feel I have to dumb it down for you so I don't lose your attention by going well over two paragraphs which I would need to do to get into all the discussion of what ways out founding fathers were flawed. Which I really should have to do since you seem to claim some native blood in your family lines. Still being flawed men did not prevent them from creating a brand new system of government that has more or less held for 2 and a half centuries and made this country the most powerful nation in the world for the better part of the last century.

Just as you are completely clueless as to what I ate during Thanksgiving you have no idea what I've done for this country. Sure I didn't serve in the military like you but you can stop making it out like you've done all that much for your country because of it. Especially if you feel a government doing everything it can to avoid WWIII with Russia is a War mongering government and yet you turn a blind eye to people openly calling for civil war and wanting to destroy everything that made this country great all while thinking their actions are returning this country to greatness. What would you know though keeping yourself isolated running around in the mountains.

As far as Trump it's not a matter of me liking him or disliking him. Nor do I understand why you have a hard time grasping the concept of him being punished for the crimes he's committed. If any of us on this site including his adoring fans had done even a 4th of the crimes he's committed we would be in prison right now. I see no reason why him being part of the elite class or a former President should prevent him from being treated the same. What? Do you think nobody should be accountable for their actions and everyone should be allowed to remain free regardless of the crimes they've committed? The whole reason our system of justice doesn't work as good as it should is because some people are treated like they are above the law if they have enough money or influence. If it weren't for how many innocents would be screwed over if everyone was above the law I would almost wish to see that happen just so morons like yourself could see just how truly fucked our country would be.

Speaking of delusions….and things flying overhead. LOL WW111zzzzzzz with Russia (Rocky 4) ……nuclear holocaust …hide under your school desk bombs are dropping

LOL….the fear programming revisited. Calling for civil war? Media much? Wow….people are calling for civil war! O no! Not that! I vast minority of a legion of retards are calling for civil war!!! I’m shitting my freedom pants. Free speech! Let them call for war. Fear.

Hello…The United States is a fucking big bad and mean war machine, Broooooo…..it feeds on blood. It lives for war. It’s not a peace and love advocate. This is fact….not fairytale propaganda. War is the game. Since day one. Might makes Right.


You’re funny… “ O say can you seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” (wow…even the lyrics tell of our blood spilling ambitions…the tale of battle and Old Glory)

I was really awaiting your holiday weekend story about how you fed the homeless……lay flowers on some American hero’s grave….or some other spin on gratitude where you believe you are sacrificing for the greater good…the downtrodden….or kennel puppies…the mournful depths of your heart
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I didn't realize that I needed an excuse.

I believe that people can coexist peacefully.

I believe that they don't necessarily treat people on the interwebs as they would be treating them face to face.

That alone makes me feel better.

Jericho Mile

I didn't realize that I needed an excuse.

I believe that people can coexist peacefully.

I believe that they don't necessarily treat people on the interwebs as they would be treating them face to face.

That alone makes me feel better.
You canvass/pander for votes under the guise of getting people to register to vote. You are a shill. Worse than a shill. You’ve admitted this in an open forum.

Mind Games

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
In fact I have said that I want people to vote how they want, I just want them to be involved.

You are obviously not interested in participating in the electoral process.

I think you understand that so I have to consider your continued disinformation campaign willful shit slinging.

You are just as welcome as anyone else to read what has been written. You might have more trouble understanding it than most.

Jericho Mile

In fact I have said that I want people to vote how they want, I just want them to be involved.

You are obviously not interested in participating in the electoral process.

I think you understand that so I have to consider your continued disinformation campaign willful shit slinging.

You are just as welcome as anyone else to read what has been written. You might have more trouble understanding it than most.
No…..I see you very clearly. I understand the contexts you hide behind very well.

What you say and what you want are two different things. You are dishonest.

I am not.

Jericho Mile

You are only convincing yourself.

I have stated what I want.

"We are men of action, lies do not become us."
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool. Shun him.

He who knows not and knows he knows not is a child. Teach him.

* wowzie we can regurgitate just like public school curriculum


Well-known member
I didn't realize that I needed an excuse.

I believe that people can coexist peacefully.

I believe that they don't necessarily treat people on the interwebs as they would be treating them face to face.

That alone makes me feel better.
in person they would put a skirt on you and pass you round


Well-known member
I think it's time for a little analysis.

Where's the hate coming from?

The more people are writing it down the more people are able to read it.
it is just normalizing it by repetition. overexposure can bring about neglect/indifference. this is what they count on. it gets harder & harder to bring folks attention to something they really do not like, but have just gotten tired of fighting over. it's like crying "WOLF!" except there really are wolves at the door.


Active member
* wowzie we can regurgitate just like public school curriculum
It's almost like old Jericho forgot what high school was like.

This is a common tactic by people like him. Accuse others of being mindless robots from that darn public school education.

I'm pretty sure my high school experience was much like everybody else here. Just curious if anybody here remembers their fellow classmates going on how great their teachers were? I remember quite the opposite. It was a non stop make fun of the teachers on a daily basis.

But hey. When you only listen to certain media you might even get these crazy ideas like kids in high school look up to their teachers as some god like figure with all the answers. And these people call themselves enlightened . LMAO.


Active member
I have noticed a predilection for homophobic insults from a couple of members.

I feel like I'm amongst closeted frat boys at times.

It's refreshing to see the majority of folks don't have to be so narrow minded and hateful.
It's back to the free for all here like when Trump was president. When Biden was first elected you couldn't even call someone's post "bullshit" without getting banned.


Well-known member
make fun of the teachers on a daily basis.
a few no doubt deserve it. i had the impression that we only got a one-dimensional look at most of them. helped a graphic arts teacher move his dog house once in high school. (it took six of us. two story house with windows, heat, and carpet) he had a damn 6-hose hookah pipe on his coffee table. :chin:

Jericho Mile

I have noticed a predilection for homophobic insults from a couple of members.

I feel like I'm amongst closeted frat boys at times.

It's refreshing to see the majority of folks don't have to be so narrow minded and hateful.
You’re one of the most narrow minded individuals on here. One sloppy opinion after another. Verbatim soft serve nonsense.


Always push ups on the peaks. No breaks. Get up….get down and push. Calm the breathing in core forms….balance the power. Endurance, Strength, Flexibility. Discipline….

While you were whining I was working
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