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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Active member
As the genius such as yourself please explain why dragshows should be anywhere on my priority list?

Or why if it was on my priority list on things to do with my kids it would matter?

Seems like a bizarre line of questions?

Are you saying I am somehow harming my kids by not worrying about it?

My older kids are not prejudice against anyone for anything. So I think I have done a good job so far.

Would you prefer I taught them more hate? Or did I not groom them to to fit your paranoid satisfactions?

Public schools are taking it upon themselves to groom children with transgender transitioning and sexual education some even go as far as normalizing pedophilia...all without
Parental consent or knowledge...
If this is something you condone
Then carry on by all means....
Just know that most of us are not ok with this in our educational institutions
And will be aggressively fighting to
Eliminate this agenda..

Michigan Education Department’s Radical Gender Teacher Training


Well-known member
Public schools are taking it upon themselves to groom children with transgender and sexual education some even go as far as normalizing pedophilia...all without
Parental consent or knowledge...
If this is something you condone
Then carry on by all means....
Just know that most of us are not ok with this in our educational institutions
And will be aggressively fighting to
Eliminate this agenda..

Michigan Education Department’s Radical Gender Teacher Training
Your brain is rotting from all the paranoid disinformation you believe.

This is nothing but a fear campaign designed to work on the low iq and fear of their voters.

It is obvious how disconnected from reality you actually are. While election denying politicians are prepare to destroy democracy you are worrying about transgender kids.

Get a ducking brain you asshat!


Active member


Active member
I post the titty pictures for you, Love. That’s all you ever seem to remember. I give you what you need. I know you don’t fuck….but you still attempt jerk offs.

I’ll mock you clowns for being the wanks that you are. I find you embarrassing in the world order. If you read back…you’ll actually see that…I’ve detailed this already. Serve a better cause. Stop embarrassing my homelands.

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Ok then….harvest is in on time. Fuck off and wank on….and don’t forget to vote!!!!! I’ll drop back in next time I have a garden….and you can jerk me some more


I thought you might add a new flavor here.

But really you are just a bore.

Enjoy your pious soap box.

PS I did enjoy the long love reply. Shows ya still love me.


Well-known member
Slightly more then a month before GA. indicts Trump.

Oh did you think being two years out from the 2024 Election his running was going to save him from an investigation running for a year before he announced? Yeah, Trump thinks that too, boy is he going to be mad.
We will see huh lol, but I highly doubt it. Eventually Desantis will be a leading figure, if that is sooner rather then later then so be it. You will make Trump a martyr but I still doubt it happens.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
We will see huh lol, but I highly doubt it. Eventually Desantis will be a leading figure, if that is sooner rather then later then so be it. You will make Trump a martyr but I still doubt it happens.
Correction Trump will make himself a Martyr, nobody is forcing him to break the law but all you MAGA types are daft if you think him being a Martyr or running for office will stop him from being held accountable for his crimes. As for DeSantis I could care less about him but after his stunt using taxpayer money to fly people legally allowed in the country to Martha's Vineyard I don't really see him winning over enough voters outside of the MAGA faithful to win a general election.

moose eater

Well-known member
Hempy, if you become any MORE ridiculously delusional and gullible, and cloned yourself, you might have a shot at being a circus act of intellectually-challenged clowns.

Fuck me(!!), but you're simply flat-out fucking INSANE.

Please wake me when the military tribunals start, and the military brass bands play 'Hail to the Chief,' as tRump re-enters the White House.

I'll be old like Rip Van Winkle, or likely dead, when you finally realize what a fool you've been with all of this Q-shit, secretive codes, and imaginary coming of 'justice'.

moose eater

Well-known member
It's clear you guys don't know what the vaccine does. There is no cure for Covid, flu, or the common cold. It was never made to prevent transmission. Its only purpose is to help keep you from dying at worst and at best to avoid any severe symptoms that would cause a hospital stay.
They must've missed that odd, poorly circulated HUNDREDS of news casts re. the function of the vaccine.

Too busy waiting for the next Q-post, I guess....

moose eater

Well-known member
I do see that Republicans show a higher mortality rate over Dems ever since the covid vaccines arrived in town
not going to try to convince anyone that wants their world without vaccines
but the plan doesn't seem to be working out
Shhh!! Reality is sometimes too abrupt or edgy for some here.

moose eater

Well-known member
I see. So, I take time to respond to you and your nonsense. But, you find it useless to answer my questions. :biglaugh:

That makes no sense (more non-sense). So, you allege that Trump was trying to say, "Despite the negative press; Coffee."(?) Is Donald Trump that big of a coffee drinker? I think I recall that he does not drink coffee.

Still better than you sources! Do you have irrefutable evidence that Trump meant "coffee?" Do you have irrefutable evidence that Trump truly had COVID-19 or that such a virus even truly exists? Do you even know the definition of irrefutable?

You are confusing vaccines (understandable - maybe I didn't make it clear enough). I am not talking about the Russian vaccine that was put onto the russian market. That is different from the Cov FeFe vaccine (which I suggest is actually the 'omicron variant').

Your shit's so circular, Hempy, it rolls.
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