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First grow, excited! Cannabis influensed shopping 😅


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Update. Home for the weekend

Pics b4 defoliation, i will post after aswell..

Clones are alive, one of them has grown alittle and is rootbound.

Ph is high in the hydro, i am ph down to 5,5 today i think, i will adjust it in the soil nutes aswell.

Wondering if i should give the flowering autos some Bud booster.. just a individual feed

Light is ca 1m from plants at 90%, probably a bit to much


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I turned down light and raised it 80cm over canopy, i also raised the flowering plants10cm

Getting that sticky icky🤗 fingers

OH! Whats up with the color of the leaf?

Gave them ph 6 water


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Its really common for new growers to think that "more is better". If you are using soil that already contains nutes, as well as liquid feed, your worst danger is probably overfeeding, not underfeeding. Go for the lowest end of the range.
Hi! Can i ask you a question? If I mostly fed my plants Nitrogen based fertiliser. If I am giving flower feed is that not kalium and potassium?

Will the danger of excess fertilizer be there ?
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my soilmeter showed high ph, i flushed with lower ph water. Runnof was 2500ppm😅 hope i got to flush out most. Soilmeter under 7ph now.

Maybe i need to flush regulary? Bluemat system dosent flush really


Well-known member
Hi! Can i ask you a question? If I mostly fed my plants Nitrogen based fertiliser. If I am giving flower feed is that not kalium and potassium?

Will the danger of excess fertilizer be there ?
Honestly, your grow is looking pretty good :love:. But the short answer to your question is "maybe". So, yeah, IF you are using an organic compost with amendments, AND you are also adding a Nitrogen based liquid fertiliser with every watering... maybe you are in danger of over-fertilizing.

It sounds like you've got the pH of your inputs in a good range, so thats not a problem.(y)
So the next thing to check is the strength of your nutrient solution:

Assuming we're talking about plants in compost and ALSO being given added liquid feed:
  • Do you know the EC or the ppm of what you are watering them with?
  • What kind of flower feed are you using?
  • Whats the N/P/K ratio?
  • Is there a recommended dosage chart?

Most folk doing indoor grows do either compost OR hydro/coco, and in compost mixes you'll normally just use plain water, with few or no supplements because the compost already has everything the plants will need (maybe a flower boost). If your nutes are intended for hydroponic or coco grows, and you're adding them to compost pots via a blumat, you might be overfeeding. But answers to the questions above might help to know for sure.

Assuming there is decent drainage, etc. Depending on your growing medium - if you are using an automated water system with a constant drip but your medium is not very free draining, you might also be overwatering.

But really your grow looks pretty good. If you want to experiment, you can see what would happen if you watered one plant less, or without added liquid nutes, then you could compare.

Plants naturally start to look a bit tired at the end of a grow, its fall, yknow? ;)


Well-known member
Honestly, your grow is looking pretty good :love:. But the short answer to your question is "maybe". So, yeah, IF you are using an organic compost with amendments, AND you are also adding a Nitrogen based liquid fertiliser with every watering... maybe you are in danger of over-fertilizing.

It sounds like you've got the pH of your inputs in a good range, so thats not a problem.(y)
So the next thing to check is the strength of your nutrient solution:

Assuming we're talking about plants in compost and ALSO being given added liquid feed:
  • Do you know the EC or the ppm of what you are watering them with?
  • What kind of flower feed are you using?
  • Whats the N/P/K ratio?
  • Is there a recommended dosage chart?

Most folk do either compost or hydro/coco, and in compost mixes you'll normally just use plain water, with few or no supplements (maybe a flower boost). If the nutes are intended for hydroponic or coco grows, and you're adding them to compost pots via a blumat, you might be overfeeding. But answers to the questions above might help to know for sure.

Assuming there is decent drainage, etc. Depending on your growing medium - if you are using an automated water system with a constant drip but your medium is not very free draining, you might be overwatering.

But really your grow looks pretty good. If you want to experiment, you can see what would happen if you watered one plant less, or without added liquid nutes, then you could compare.

Plants naturally start to look a bit tired at the end of a grow, its fall, ykow\? ;)
Thank you for a very detailed answer, i am traveling and will read it carefully later, i JUST flushed the autos. The ph and ec was very high


Well-known member
Plagron light mix? With some small part veggiepon
OK, it sounds like that mix drains easily and has some nutrients (mostly from the veggiepon). Things can get complicated very quickly once you start mixing and matching different growing systems with extra additives, so I'd try to keep things simple and just go very lightly on any liquid feed you are using - if youre using a full dose as recommended for hydro systems, maybe use less? I'd try no more than 1/4 or 1/2 of the recommended dose and see what happens. But I grow in 100% coco now, or sometimes coco w 10-20% perlite, after doing some compost grows and losing lots of plants.


Well-known member
Thank you!! its good to hear the plants look good!

you have very good points!
i hope this will answer:)
  • Do you know the EC or the ppm of what you are watering them with?
  • What kind of flower feed are you using?
  • Whats the N/P/K ratio?
  • Is there a recommended dosage chart?
Watering with

Used a light mix of the PK 16/33Blossombuilder and N6 calmag, superthrive for micros..

I havent gone by chart, only a ppm around 600 since i overfed them on nitrogen and i could see some burn, They got 5 liters only water also over a week,
now only PK to help the flowering girls. Planning on flipping to flower maybe next week.

I have to come up with a plan by then. :)

I am using the Atami bcuzz hydro line and some sflowering addatives for my hydro, they get some A and B
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Well-known member
Buds are developing, looking better, gave them a good flush and fresh feedPK and a topdress of Compost\Veggiepon

Ph 5,7 EC2.1 Light 50%EVO6, going to flip to flower and ramp up the light, i also raiised it to the top of the tent. Going to set the blumat again, got to fill them under water, there is some air bubbles.

I will add pics, i also lollypopped and tucking under trellisnet

High ec but these plants is used to feeding from seedlings, with a high ec


Well-known member
Buds are developing, looking better, gave them a good flush and fresh feedPK and a topdress of Compost\Veggiepon

Ph 5,7 EC2.1 Light 50%->80% sunset sunrise 22min
EVO6, going to flip to flower and ramp up the light, i also raiised it to the top of the tent. Going to set the blumat again, got to fill them under water, there is some air bubbles.

I will add pics, i also lollypopped and tucking under trellisnet

High ec but these plants is used to feeding from seedlings, with a high ec
PAR 550, changed to 12/12


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Well-known member
I belive PH lockout, i hope they get well soon..

I picked off the worst leafs, some necrosis or black spots

But its stacking nicely, gave them Calmag and bloom blaster, there is some Nitrogen in the calmag. May be it will green up?


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