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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
So what you're saying is that trump knew about the pandemic and didn't warn anyone besides "covfefe"? And, he couldn't stop it?

He knew about the vaccine and couldn't stop it?

He knew about the democrat plot to steal the election and couldn't stop it?

He has the evidence of a stolen election and can't get back into office or even show anyone the proof?

He can't stop the investigations and lawsuits he's being forced to give depositions for?

Ask yourself: "What Is 'Q Fever's and how is it treated?"

Bonus Question: "What are the biowarfare implications associated with Q Fever?"


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It's clear you guys don't know what the vaccine does. There is no cure for Covid, flu, or the common cold. It was never made to prevent transmission. Its only purpose is to help keep you from dying at worst and at best to avoid any severe symptoms that would cause a hospital stay.


Well-known member
It's clear you guys don't know what the vaccine does. There is no cure for Covid, flu, or the common cold. It was never made to prevent transmission. Its only purpose is to help keep you from dying at worst and at best to avoid any severe symptoms that would cause a hospital stay.

would u like me to post some video's of sleeply or 'dr' (haha) fauci , or a dozen others touting the vaccine... ,,, get the vaccine, protect granny.... what a fucking joke

''It was never made to prevent transmission.'' ... or really...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
would u like me to post some video's of sleeply or 'dr' (haha) fauci , or a dozen others touting the vaccine... ,,, get the vaccine, protect granny.... what a fucking joke

''It was never made to prevent transmission.'' ... or really...
I've seen them. None of them ever said it's a cure. When the pandemic hit Trumptard was steering all the miss info. Lots of info was said at the start that's turned out wrong. That's what happens when more data is available to correct those false interpretations. It was never possible to prevent transition with a Covid vaccine. It's why you were told to wear a mask to keep your spit on your face, not others.

The vaccines were only effective for the reasons I stated. Only the weak minded thought otherwise.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Dude your in denial and twist people's words. Their are plenty of videos of the CDC director, dr faux, and the president all saying if you get the vaccine you won't get the virus. If your short term memory damaged from the vaccine or something. You won't even touch the subject of long term effects of the vaccine. Why? Because no one truly knows. Once again its wishful thinking at it's best. Believe a fairytale if you wish and go get your monthly booster for all I care of that's what makes you feel safe.
LOL, Uhg WHY DO I EVEN TRY. People believe what they want. No one can change that

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I've seen them. None of them ever said it's a cure. When the pandemic hit Trumptard was steering all the miss info. Lots of info was said at the start that's turned out wrong. That's what happens when more data is available to correct those false interpretations. It was never possible to prevent transition with a Covid vaccine. It's why you were told to wear a mask to keep your spit on your face, not others.

The vaccines were only effective for the reasons I stated. Only the weak minded thought otherwise.
No one is saying it is a cure.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
No one is saying it is a cure.

Its clear many of those that don't understand the data can't make any educated decisions on those facts. Sure some said incorrect statements caused by politics and the lack of data. Common sense tells us the more data we get the more accurate the info is. In reality, it wasn't hard to figure it out.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Do you not see any of the news articles that are posted everywhere about healthy athletes and normal healthy young people dropping dead? It's a non conventional vaccine utilizing untested technology to be injected into humans on a mass scale. Anyone who's a bit skeptical must be a horrible bad person huh? It's almost as bad as the mainstream push on transgender bullshit. Wait their both horrible. Best to get your monthly booster or your a piece of crap who's gonna kill someone's grandmother right?

Too many make decisions on BS info without looking it up themselves. It's really not important to me if anyone thinks the gov wanted to poison them lol... You do you. I got better things to do peace.


Well-known member
i'd think more of the people in charge, if they said...oops... the info i/we were giving is wrong... but everyone spins it...

u wanta know the truth....follow the $$$$.... it always leads to the truth...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Its clear many of those that don't understand the data can't make any educated decisions on those facts. Sure some said incorrect statements caused by politics and the lack of data. Common sense tells us the more data we get the more accurate the info is. In reality, it wasn't hard to figure it out.
That's what I was saying since before it was put out on 'the market.' Obviously, it can't be proven safe or effective until it has been tested on everyone (thus, it should absolutely not be mandatory). There were (are) cures available. But, the 'drug pushers' re-branded them as therapeutics (and made them unavailable).
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Dude go get your vaccine booster every 2 months for the rest of your life for all I care. Someone like me? Really offended by people like me huh? Damn people questioning new technology. How dare they. Best do as one is told and trust the science. Shame on me!
Easy Killer. That was directed at Hammerhead. :rasta:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I can show you plenty of articles about athletes dropping dead before Covid and the vaccines. Fact is that some who seem very fit and healthy do die early. Steroids are also a big issue amongst some athlete groups and can cause early death. There is no evidence that the vaccine causes any of the harms that you imply. People are simply using these examples as a way of pushing their agenda. Someone here tried to blame a vaccine death on a 14 year old athlete who turns out was not even vaccinated. It is appalling.
Shall we have a 'post off?' You post all the athletes who "died suddenly" pre-covid19 and I'll post them post vaccine. We can see who out posts who. The benefit to you is that you have all those historic years before 2020. Whereas, I will only have two years worth of data... Shall we?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Exactly best for you to do as your told I couldn't agree more. Trust the science! Lord Fauci is a savior. Make sure to get the flu shot too!!!! I hear at Sears supermarkets you get 20% off your cart total after you get a booster. This is the way. So fill that f-ing cart up to the brim with round up ready glyphosate tainted food so you can go feed your face after doing what's right brotha 20% off deals a deal.
Ridiculous. You don't trust science yet you have just tried to tie unrelated deaths to the covid vaccine, with zero evidence? What do you trust then? Opinions on an obscure cannabis forum? Social media? FFS, some of you are beyond stupid.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Haha you've attempted to offer one example then posted nothing to back it up other then your words. Go get your monthly booster bro it makes no difference to me. You could even up your protection and make get the pfizer and moderna shots and get a stack going.
I've shown a heap of evidence and articles in a few covid threads so not repeating them here, and tbh it is pretty pointless as no one changes anyone else's mind.
I've had boosters as have my family. I will be getting the latest one as well. Yet to get covid.

The anti science that a lot on here are touting is pretty concerning. We are racing toward being a very dumb society.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It's all been said countless times.. The same crap gets posted every time this topic gets brought up. When some set the bar so low calling themselves patriots(To Trump not country) how can any expect the USA isn't a shit whole country today. With this Dumbass population expansion it's only gonna get worse.
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