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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
You’re going to take it only one way. That’s what happens after you let old age catch up on you. Set in your views. Done expanding. Treading water. Nostalgia. Irrelevant.

* It’s why there’s such catering to senior citizen voters. They turn up and out. Dunkin’ Donuts.

Label Me!….even if I insisted on nothing

Fuck Trump!! (Something you’ll understand)

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They turn out because their parents fucked a whole bunch. There is just more of them.

Jericho Mile


Brother Nature

Well-known member
Prison Pooper

All the indictment talk can seep into yore posts if you're around it long enough, Freudian posting, no one is safe....

I'd imagine Trumps pussy looks a lot messier than that though, like a 90's public schools cafeterias sloppy Joe Wednesdays, with extra mayo.

Jericho Mile

Prison Pooper

All the indictment talk can seep into yore posts if you're around it long enough, Freudian posting, no one is safe....

I'd imagine Trumps pussy looks a lot messier than that though, like a 90's public schools cafeterias sloppy Joe Wednesdays, with extra mayo.
Put an extra stitch in it for daddy. If anyone should be pissed off in this world…it’s the women. Marginalized since day one. 2nd class citizens.

Civilization was built on rape and murder. Nothing has changed. The foundations are still…as solid…as when they were originally conceived. Let us turn to page one in our religious texts

I say…think about that….old men…while you formulate your solutions and worry about your prostates


Well-known member

Jericho Mile


Power Stones from up around Reserve, NM.

Stretch out and grind

* South of me…they are still poaching Peyote


Shit hanging, bagged, piled everywhere….plants still in the ground…scissors flying….I want to be done
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Well-known member


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Put an extra stitch in it for daddy. If anyone should be pissed off in this world…it’s the women. Marginalized since day one. 2nd class citizens.

Civilization was built on rape and murder. Nothing has changed. The foundations are still…as solid…as when they were originally conceived. Let us turn to page one in our religious texts

I say…think about that….old men…while you formulate your solutions and worry about your prostates
As I've said many times, Europeans should have learned from North America when they sneaked across the border, instead of being intent on crushing everything in sight,

I've had the privilege of learning from and being bossed by several powerful Haida women.


ICMag Donor
Trump did his deposition today on rape allegations.

He commented afterwards "It's a hoax".

I think he has a spin-O-meter on his wall for the bullshit story of the day.
The spin-O-meter has only two outcomes - Hoax or Witch Hunt.

It seems that simple people go for simple explanations.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Trump did his deposition today on rape allegations.

He commented afterwards "It's a hoax".

I think he has a spin-O-meter on his wall for the bullshit story of the day.
The spin-O-meter has only two outcomes - Hoax or Witch Hunt.

It seems that simple people go for simple explanations.
It seems stupid people go for stupid explanations.
there.fixed it for you!

Jericho Mile

Trump did his deposition today on rape allegations.

He commented afterwards "It's a hoax".

I think he has a spin-O-meter on his wall for the bullshit story of the day.
The spin-O-meter has only two outcomes - Hoax or Witch Hunt.

It seems that simple people go for simple explanations.
Thanks for the reporting. Time well spent.

Jericho Mile

Trump accused of rape - Of course you wouldn't be interested because it has something to do with Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

Now back to your spamming, my plants, my selfie, my tumbleweed, me me me,

When this doesn’t happen….are you going to apologize for being a fanatic? Of course not….you’ll be conspiring to lose your mind on…some other…soap opera.

Maybe you need some me time. That would be scary. Some self reflection.


ICMag Donor
Oh right,,,, First some deflection then back to my plants, my tumbleweed, my selfie, me, me , me.

I realize you are
desperate for attention and are grasping. Pathetic. Makes the place more uncool.
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