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Got AI to generate python code to visualize this. As you can see, the weight started off at 130 grams and dropped pretty steadily over the course of 3 days. The status of the marijuana is that it went bone dry and i stuffed it all into this 3D printed jar...

I'm making a rosin press so I'll be able to smoke all this. The ending weight is about 34 grams, initial weight was 134 grams, so it would make water content of the buds to be about 75%. But there was still a little bit of moisture trapped inside the buds.
I only messed this up because the other machine, the cannaster, was having problems (I'm overhauling the electronics now). I would've taken the buds out this morning while they were holding the humidity at 70% and had a weight of 55 grams, and used the cannaster to bring down the humidity levels over the course of the next few days. Obviously this isn't ideal, but imagine this machine in a climate controlled room with infinite electricity from the wall. You could probably get it to cover over 6 days in the budcure box, and another 6 days in the cannaster.
I'm going to wait till the temperature drops a bit, hopefully next week, before starting another harvest. The box reached over 100 degrees, so that is no good!

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