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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Jericho Mile

Well Duh............ It's the only timeline I've lived.

Just like your wife's grandma never left the belief of the 3rd Reich many others did leave. History and their time changed them. It's their stories you dismiss.

Again it's silly. Kinda like asking an abused women if their husband who abuses them is a nice guy. The answer is usually yes. So why would you take that perspective and legitimize it?????????? Don't think living it would make me change my mind. Regardless of time.
Ok. Anything else?
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Active member
You first. Of course not. Pussy.


ICMag Donor
I’m married to Swiss National whose mother is a full German from the fatherland. Her mother (my wife’s grandmother) went through both WW1 and WW2. She supported the Nazis until the day she died.

You might want to read the beginnings of the 3rd Reich from the German view. And understand where it came from…and where my wife’s grandmother’s views were established.

America is not Nazi Germany. Totally different situation and time. You pretty much repeated a standard propaganda/programming slogan when making the comparison. It’s called fear mongering. Fear begets Fear. I’m not afraid of Nazis.
This started with a statement on Proud Boys and OathKeepers providing muscle for trump in an attempted overthrow. The abundance of trump signs at white nationalist shindigs and swastikas at trump rallies shows even wider support from wackos.

This is how it started in Germany. One person gets power and intimidates the rest of government, resulting in fascist dictatorship. If trump succeeded on 1-6 we would have been well on our way.

Shovel all the shit you want but this is fact.

Jericho Mile

This started with a statement on Proud Boys and OathKeepers providing muscle for trump in an attempted overthrow. The abundance of trump signs at white nationalist shindigs and swastikas at trump rallies shows even wider support from wackos.

This is how it started in Germany. One person gets power and intimidates the rest of government, resulting in fascist dictatorship. If trump succeeded on 1-6 we would have been well on our way.

Shovel all the shit you want but this is fact.

I don’t share your view. I told you that already. Do you have any other opinions for me or of me? No? Cool.

If that was a fascist version of overthrowing the government….I’m really not concerned. Wow. Scary. Bunch of monkeys acting up. Gosh…our democracy almost toppled that cold cold cold day in January. Maybe it should be recognized as a paid holiday.
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Well-known member
one should not need to explain the differences between anarchist opportunists looting and starting fires during protests over police violence against unarmed civilians & groups violently acting together to prevent the constitutionally mandated transfer of power after an election... but some think, or pretend to, that the danger of each to the nation is the same and deserves equal response by LEO. :bigeye:

Jericho Mile

one should not need to explain the differences between anarchist opportunists looting and starting fires during protests over police violence against unarmed civilians & groups violently acting together to prevent the constitutionally mandated transfer of power after an election... but some think, or pretend to, that the danger of each to the nation is the same and deserves equal response by LEO. :bigeye:
There’s a real deal knight! Take note! Armed! Shots fired! A defender of the faith! Circle up! We ride at dawn!

…not sure where we’re going…but yeah…McDonald’s for coffee is logistically sound. 0600 hrs then

* one should not have to explain the difference between cyber fantasyland and actual real life events.

BLM, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers were probably created by the federal government. Why infiltrate when you can just create? The unrest was manufactured. On all fronts controlled. The dog and pony show at the Capitol was so ridiculous and staged…it looked like an ill acted B list movie.

The BLM organization pulled in millions upon millions of donated funds. Properties were bought. The faces of the organization made wealthy. People answered the call…and blacked out their computer screens in defiance when it was requested. Programming 101. Science. Get marching!

Were LEO agencies really defunded? Was anything at all accomplished except the image of disorder and unrest? No. No.

Rinse and Repeat until next event…the next storyline. Next need for some votes or a distraction. Next need for a vehicle to sensitive emotions.

Pat yourselves on your backs. America the culture of make believe.
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St. Phatty

Active member
This started with a statement on Proud Boys and OathKeepers providing muscle for trump in an attempted overthrow. The abundance of trump signs at white nationalist shindigs and swastikas at trump rallies shows even wider support from wackos.

This is how it started in Germany. One person gets power and intimidates the rest of government, resulting in fascist dictatorship. If trump succeeded on 1-6 we would have been well on our way.

Shovel all the shit you want but this is fact.

Actually, how "it" started in Germany is that they built the largest industrial economy in the world, from 1920 to 1933, with a "soft expel" of the Jews becoming part of German culture. Under Ebert & Hindenburg.

Meanwhile, Henry Ford was distributing "The International Jew" in the US, so the Jewish community was losing ground in the US & Germany.

THEY HAD TO DO SOMETHING. Which involved destroying Germany, and using it as a club to promote the Israel Project.

This is described further in Edwin Black's "The Transfer Agreement".

Of course, the Jewish community SUPPORTED WW2 Germany, because they were instrumental to the Israel project. Hence Wall Street was caught financing WW2 Germany in the middle of the war.



Well-known member
news this morning says that the feds now suspect The Chump of moving boxes of documents to his other residences & golf courses etc. huh...someone on here speculated about that very thing and predicted more search warrants to come... while i was at it, i'd use ground penetrating radar to check around/under his ex-wifes grave at his NJ golf course...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
news this morning says that the feds now suspect The Chump of moving boxes of documents to his other residences & golf courses etc. huh...someone on here speculated about that very thing and predicted more search warrants to come... while i was at it, i'd use ground penetrating radar to check around/under his ex-wifes grave at his NJ golf course...
Just dig her up! And, then continue on with the easter egg hunt, lol.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
news this morning says that the feds now suspect The Chump of moving boxes of documents to his other residences & golf courses etc. huh...someone on here speculated about that very thing and predicted more search warrants to come... while i was at it, i'd use ground penetrating radar to check around/under his ex-wifes grave at his NJ golf course...
They need to have someone from Trump's inner circle step forward first and say there are documents there, like what happened at Mar A Lardo. Them just saying they suspect the documents might be in NY or NJ won't cut it to get a search warrant. I have my doubts anyone else will be stepping forward. Ever since Trump found out someone on the inside snitched him out I'm sure he's been going nuts trying to figure out who it is. The number of people who travelled with him to NY or NJ is probably enough less that they would risk being caught if they snitched him out again.

I have my doubts there is anything stashed at other locations. Trump has been focusing too hard on trying to get his hands on the stuff already recovered or to at least be able to get a look at them. If there were anything of value at the other locations he's likely either destroyed them, moved them somewhere else or worse yet already sold them off.

Jericho Mile

They need to have someone from Trump's inner circle step forward first and say there are documents there, like what happened at Mar A Lardo. Them just saying they suspect the documents might be in NY or NJ won't cut it to get a search warrant. I have my doubts anyone else will be stepping forward. Ever since Trump found out someone on the inside snitched him out I'm sure he's been going nuts trying to figure out who it is. The number of people who travelled with him to NY or NJ is probably enough less that they would risk being caught if they snitched him out again.

I have my doubts there is anything stashed at other locations. Trump has been focusing too hard on trying to get his hands on the stuff already recovered or to at least be able to get a look at them. If there were anything of value at the other locations he's likely either destroyed them, moved them somewhere else or worse yet already sold them off.
….it’s almost…as if…there is a new reality series in the making. Draw up the contracts….we’ll put the first episode out on 06 Jan 2023. Spin it!

It is a phenomenon…the way a crass con man captivates and keeps his audience for decades…makes it to the high seat of the nation…mocks it…shits on it…and keeps right on going. And people keep eating from his hand. Emmy worthy.
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