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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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moose eater

Well-known member
Yet I find the neighbors who struggle a little are blessed with the greatest of empathies.
"Look to receive from those who have little..."

There's a story behind that quote, and if told publicly, it might/would draw greater doubt to my reasoning than already exists, so I'll leave it at that.. But it proved true in the instance in which the quote originated.


Well-known member
"Look to receive from those who have little..."
I took my shoes off and put on a white robe a long time ago. I made my way to New York City and I was seemingly invisible to everyone except cops and "those who have little..." Those who had little cared about me enough to share what little they had with me. One family in particular I remember invited me to share the shade of their porch with them. A cool glass of water and a chance to notice a number of ticks I had gathered as I walked along the road shoulder was priceless.

Bellevue had pretty good chow in '76.

There's another story...

Jericho Mile

That's cool. The problem comes when too many of 'them' have their brains controlled, Then they will impose their will on you.

Nazi Germany wasn't that long ago. Many people here are clueless or denying what happened in 1940. Worse yet there are many waving swastikas around with no clue.
Did you know if you regulate your calorie intake…so that before the run…your body is already depleted…and then head out and blast 3000’ of elevation gain in 12 miles…in a picture perfect New Mexico fall day…temps in the mid 70s…pushing a pace that keeps your heart rate in a higher tier…focus on your breathing…

that you might find grace and a sense of gratitude for what you have, where you live, and the short time you have in it? You may even see the beauty in life.



America is not Nazi Germany. Totally different situation and time. You pretty much repeated a standard propaganda/programming slogan when making the comparison. It’s called fear mongering. Fear begets Fear. I’m not afraid of Nazis.
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Jericho Mile

Hey, hold on a minute there 'Jer'; I really am Microbeman, donchya know?
And you are also a reasonable person. I appreciate you for that. I prefer the upfront corruption in Mexico…as opposed to let’s-pretend-everything-is-on-the-up and up system we live with in the US. Pay your bribe and continue on. Mouths to feed.

Jericho Mile

Well all I can say is if you're depending on posts in this thread and the other one you mentioned then your news source is faker then the allegedly fake news media since in those two threads what you are essentially getting is highly biased takes on news sources that are questionably ruled in their reporting.

I hope you at least got one other, more reliable source for your weather forecasts?
The news reporting on IC is just wonderful. I mean before the internet I used to believe 1/4 of the general population was heavily dependent on booze and prescription medication…dosed heavily just to get out of bed and function…

…now after a couple decades with the internet….I realize I was way off. It’s more like 3/4 are whacked out of their senses just waiting to be put down.

My personal radar has been updated. I see better what must be navigated and how it thinks. It’s dumb as hell. Dangerous but slow.

Stay spry and enjoy


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The news reporting on IC is just wonderful. I mean before the internet I used to believe 1/4 of the general population was heavily dependent on booze and prescription medication…dosed heavily just to get out of bed and function…

…now after a couple decades with the internet….I realize I was way off. It’s more like 3/4 are whacked out of their senses just waiting to be put down.

My personal radar has been updated. I see better what must be navigated and how it thinks. It’s dumb as hell. Dangerous but slow.

Stay spry and enjoy
Oh okay, well yeah if you're looking for news/information on the populous more then news information on the current events of the time then yeah the internet and a place like IC can be a wonderful resource. Provided of course you're not part of the 3/4ths whacked out of their senses waiting to be put down.

Then again if you are you probably wouldn't notice the difference and so it's all good...more or less.


ICMag Donor
America is not Nazi Germany. Totally different situation and time. You pretty much repeated a standard propaganda/programming slogan when making the comparison. It’s called fear mongering. Fear begets Fear. I’m not afraid of Nazis.
Let's put it this way, You're ignoring the fact that the only two world leaders who liked trump were the two worst authoritarian dictators in the world - Kim and Putin. The rest of the free world leaders hated trump.

Add to that, trumps support and muscle in the insurrection came from two anti government groups set on overthrow - Proud Boys and OathKeepers. The prevalence of trump signs at white nationalist events and white nationalists at trump events is unmistakable. Google search images of those two and you'll have plenty of proof. Obstructing a presidential election is overthrowing our government.

So, calling this fear mongering or a propaganda slogan is nothing more than a cop out or a dodge and ignoring the obvious.

Jericho Mile

Oh okay, well yeah if you're looking for news/information on the populous more then news information on the current events of the time then yeah the internet and a place like IC can be a wonderful resource. Provided of course you're not part of the 3/4ths whacked out of their senses waiting to be put down.

Then again if you are you probably wouldn't notice the difference and so it's all good...more or less.

Current Events in the real world. I have more rain coming this way…and a drop in temps. Took some choice tops off Sister 23 in defense of.

* The Caterpillar War continues without quarter. I am winning. I am a murderous motherfucker with scissors.


^ Still have full and partial Sisters to harvest. You poor fuckers have me for another week or two or three…..

Too High To Die

Jericho Mile

Let's put it this way, You're ignoring the fact that the only two world leaders who liked trump were the two worst authoritarian dictators in the world - Kim and Putin. The rest of the free world leaders hated trump.

Add to that, trumps support and muscle in the insurrection came from two anti government groups set on overthrow - Proud Boys and OathKeepers. The prevalence of trump signs at white nationalist events and white nationalists at trump events is unmistakable. Google search images of those tow and you'll have plenty of proof. Obstructing a presidential election is overthrowing our government.

So, calling this fear mongering or a propaganda slogan is nothing more than a cop out or a dodge and ignoring the obvious.
I just do not buy into what you buy into. Leave it at that won’t you? Fearless.


Active member
Let's put it this way, You're ignoring the fact that the only two world leaders who liked trump were the two worst authoritarian dictators in the world - Kim and Putin. The rest of the free world leaders hated trump.

Add to that, trumps support and muscle in the insurrection came from two anti government groups set on overthrow - Proud Boys and OathKeepers. The prevalence of trump signs at white nationalist events and white nationalists at trump events is unmistakable. Google search images of those two and you'll have plenty of proof. Obstructing a presidential election is overthrowing our government.

So, calling this fear mongering or a propaganda slogan is nothing more than a cop out or a dodge and ignoring the obvious.

🤣 Well dont look now but your "white nationalist" are taking Congress back
Next month....



ICMag Donor
I just do not buy into what you buy into. Leave it at that won’t you? Fearless.
You also said that you are not afraid if nazis.

Not being afraid means not knowing. If you have known people who were there or ever been to a nazi prison camp then you would know. This is not believe or make believe, it's world history. Don't try to make up a false explanation and stick some buzz word labels on it to sell it as something else.

Maybe a little narcissistic on all the selfies.


Active member
Do you want to guess how many candidates will be indicted for involvement in Jan 6?

White nationalist are a cancer to our society and culture.

After the repubs take the house..Belapelosi will be first up for the guillotine

Without a proud white patriotic majority in this country....bottom feeder commies
Like yourself would not exist


Well-known member
After the repubs take the house..Belapelosi will be first up for the guillotine

Without a proud white patriotic majority in this country....bottom feeder commies
Like yourself would not exist

After the repubs take the house..Belapelosi will be first up for the guillotine

Without a proud white patriotic majority in this country....bottom feeder commies
Like yourself would not exist
All white nationalist are decended from immigrants who came here for any number of reasons. Some to improve their life, some to claim land previously cared for by indigenous people who were being invaded themselves.

Not everyone thinks their own culture should reign Supreme above all others. Some people are actually guided by love and respect and have no desire to divide or conquer or push our ideas on anyone with the same respect for others.

Being called a bottom feeder commie by someone who thinks like you is a compliment. You have no respect for anything that does not benefit your small minded point of view.
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Active member
All white nationalist are decended from immigrants who came here for any number of reasons. Some to improve their life, some to claim land previously cared for by indigenous people who were being invaded themselves.

Not everyone thinks their own culture should reign Supreme above all others. Some people are actually guided by love and respect and have no desire to divide or conquer or push our ideas on anyone with the same respect for others.

Being called a bottom feeder commie by someone who thinks like you is a compliment. You have no respect for anything that does not benefit your small minded point of view.

If the shoe fits...lace it up comrade...
Cuz in communist ideology all land is annexed from ownership and becomes
An asset of the state
This may appeal to those who own nothing and are happy to be taken care of by the government while some of us work hard in the pursuit of happiness
No other culture has contributed more
To the betterment of mankind while still achieving the American dream
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