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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Alex Jones. Such a serious man. Such a big player. Who gives a shit?

It’s called entertainment. Are you not entertained? I’d think you’d be thanking him for his role as a villain. Maybe an award.

America…the Bubble…the culture of make believe.

Let’s get distracted further. In a few months this thread/soap opera enters its 3rd season. Who will still be here? I know who. The table is round…like the sagging bellies

View attachment 18768544
I guess the victims in this who lost children would give a shit. I know I would. They had some psychopath publicly deny it happened, and then subjected to online hate by moronic Jones supporters.
I can't think of anything worse than losing a child in such a horrific way. Then for someone to pour hatred onto that is truly vile.


ICMag Donor
Alex Jones. Such a serious man. Such a big player. Who gives a shit?

It’s called entertainment. Are you not entertained? I’d think you’d be thanking him for his role as a villain. Maybe an award.

America…the Bubble…the culture of make believe.

Let’s get distracted further. In a few months this thread/soap opera enters its 3rd season. Who will still be here? I know who. The table is round…like the sagging bellies
Jones was Captain Spew for the right wing purveyors of bullshit. Entertainment ? You mean like the 'Q' ?
His people took this bullshit to heart making death threats and attacking victims families.
This judgement will take away every penny that Big Booboo ever makes.

The make believe culture ? YES! This identifies them clearly.
Their other hero - Mr "Hide the documents" - Will be shown to be King Make-believe.
Nothing more than a bunch of low grade actors. All toast.

Jericho Mile

I guess the victims in this who lost children would give a shit. I know I would. They had some psychopath publicly deny it happened, and then subjected to online hate by moronic Jones supporters.
I can't think of anything worse than losing a child in such a horrific way. Then for someone to pour hatred onto that is truly vile.
I can think of a lot worse things actually. It’s a hardball world out there.

Why do you care though? I have no dog in the fight. Never listen to anybody who rants and shouts…
Has nothing to do with me. Doesn’t affect my life one way or the other. If I wasn’t on this forum…I wouldn’t even know.

Are you not Australian? This fascination with US politics/happenings from people not living in country blows me away. I mean…why? Out of all the things to take interest in….this is it? A Trump indictment thread.

It actually speaks a lot of your views. The climate narrative…Trump indictments…Covid vaccinations…Jones verdicts…..prequalified for a left wing idealistic view no? Like a part of the show. It’s a mold. The check list.

I am a stranger in a strange land. For sure.
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Jericho Mile

Jones was Captain Spew for the right wing purveyors of bullshit. Entertainment ? You mean like the 'Q' ?
His people took this bullshit to heart making death threats and attacking victims families.
This judgement will take away every penny that Big Booboo ever makes.

The make believe culture ? YES! This identifies them clearly.
Their other hero - Mr "Hide the documents" - Will be shown to be King Make-believe.
Nothing more than a bunch of low grade actors. All toast.
And you pay attention to it. You are fulfilling your role. Outraged.

I’ve never listened to Alex Jones. I didn’t even know if he lost whatever lawsuit. You told me. Right here.

I might be more interested if he was fucking a Kardashian…but yeah

Didn’t this shit happen a long long time ago? Shootings kids dying…man on computer says no happen but did happen families upset…sue…pay family…but not…it’s not the money it’s the principle

Guess in the scheme of things…it’s a huge deal

Alex Jones is an entertainer/salesman. That’s his gig. Like it or not.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I can think of a lot worse things actually. It’s a hardball world out there.

Why do you care though? I have no dog in the fight. Never listen to anybody who rants and shouts…
Has nothing to do with me. Doesn’t affect my life one way or the other. If I wasn’t on this forum…I wouldn’t even know.

Are you not Australian? This fascination with US politics/happenings from people not living in country blows me away. I mean…why? Out of all the things to take interest in….this is it? A Trump indictment thread.

It actually speaks a lot of your views. The climate narrative…Trump indictments…Covid vaccinations…Jones verdicts…..prequalified for a left wing idealistic view no? Like a part of the show. It’s a mold. The check list.

I am a stranger in a strange land. For sure.
There isn't much worse than having one of your children die, let alone in these circumstances.

I just care about social justice. Always have. We have our own versions of Alex Jones who may think twice about spreading lies.

US politics affect us here much more than you'd imagine. We are allies and have followed the US into every war since the second WW. Our defence depends on the US. We have a US base here. We have defence treaties. Trump being elected deeply shook the world with many potential consequences here in the Pacific, especially regarding China. As Trump turned the US inwards, China became aggressive in the Pacific in a big way. We got Trump news nightly and as he turned the US inward, it effected every US ally from Europe to Australia, Middle East. I only occasionally post in US politics threads though. What happens in the US is interesting and very relevant to Australians.

My views aren't on trial are they? No criminal indictments coming for me afaik. I care about the environment and got vaccinated. Both those views are based on science, not politics. What are your views? You seem to want to spend time running around the hills, where luckily the environment seems intact so far. You come into a political thread berating everyone that it all doesn't matter, over and over again?

I guess one day the universe will die out, so nothing matters, right? Haven't you got hills to run, buds to harvest, and more selfies to take? How's your grow thread?
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moose eater

Well-known member
Alex Jones. Such a serious man. Such a big player. Who gives a shit?

It’s called entertainment. Are you not entertained? I’d think you’d be thanking him for his role as a villain. Maybe an award.

America…the Bubble…the culture of make believe.

Let’s get distracted further. In a few months this thread/soap opera enters its 3rd season. Who will still be here? I know who. The table is round…like the sagging bellies

View attachment 18768544
The problem with Alex Jones' and similar styles of 'entertainment', is that while they hide behind the assertion of 'entertainment' to cover their inaccuracies and lies, as did Flush Limberger when he would get called out on his BS, they get wealthy (and more social esteem in the conspiracy circles) from the numskulls who think it's all real, and that Alex Jones and those like him (Q?) have some sort of secret inside scoop or key to the whole thing.

What makes folks like Jones dangerous is others' gullibility, hatred, and lack of ability to see beyond the surface. People who are angry, their fires stoked by the likes of Rush and Alex, perceiving cause and effect (wrongs) that simply likely aren't even real, and voila', you have folks going to judges' homes and pizza restaurants with firearms looking to correct problems that were never there, invented simply to generate more listeners and cash, and were conjured in the minds of nitwits such as Jones, Limberger, and their brain-dead gullible followers... a few of whom frequent these boards, and seem to have missed out on the number of incidents where their prophesying gurus have been shown to be shallow, amoral, dishonest, opportunists with their hand held out, and not even believing in their own bullshit.

I'm willing to wager heavily that if I consciously fabricate rumors and spread them to people with the clear intent of riling them to action, full well knowing the stories are false, and those persons are ultimately found to have acted on calculated untruths told to them by me, I'd bet a cool $100 or so, right now, that I'd be going to prison.
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Jericho Mile

There isn't much worse than having one of your children die, let alone in these circumstances.

I just care about social justice. Always have.

US politics affect us here much more than you'd imagine. We are allies and have followed the US into every war since the second WW. Our defence depends on the US. We have a US base here. We have defence treaties. Trump being elected deeply shook the world with many potential consequences here in the Pacific, especially regarding China. As Trump turned the US inwards, China became aggressive in the Pacific in a big way. We got Trump news nightly and as he turned the US inward, it effected every US ally from Europe to Australia, Middle East. I only occasionally post in US politics threads though. What happens in the US is interesting and very relevant to Australians.

My views aren't on trial are they? No criminal indictments coming for me afaik. I care about the environment and got vaccinated. Both those views are based on science, not politics. What are your views? You seem to want to spend time running around the hills, where luckily the environment seems intact so far. You come into a political thread berating everyone that it all doesn't matter, over and over again?

I guess one day the universe will die out, so nothing matters, right? Haven't you got hills to run, buds to harvest, and more selfies to take? How's your grow thread?
Why don’t you go look. Or don’t. You can watch videos on IG if you want. @pablopanorama Then all your questions are answered. Sorry I’m not embarrassed or shy…but yeah dude…I live a lifestyle that most can not. I do not apologize for being upfront and I back my shit.

You repeat a lot of left wing talking points. We’ve discussed this before. I couldn’t tell you who the president of Australian is without looking.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Why don’t you go look. Or don’t. You can watch videos on IG if you want. @pablopanorama Then all your questions are answered. Sorry I’m not embarrassed or shy…but yeah dude…I live a lifestyle that most can not. I do not apologize for being upfront and I back my shit.

You repeat a lot of left wing talking points. We’ve discussed this before. I couldn’t tell you who the president of Australian is without looking.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your grow thread, and think you have a great lifestyle. It's good seeing fit healthy cannabis users.

I just don't get why you're in a thread about politics when you seem not to care for it?

We don't have a President, a Prime Minister instead. We are still part of the British Commonwealth. I'm more Left leaning than Right, although I can see good and bad on both sides, and am actually a swinging voter. I make no apologies for my politics.

Jericho Mile

The problem with Alex Jones' and simil;ar style of humor is that while they hide behind the assertion of entertainment, as did EFlush Limberger when he would get called out on his fabricated BS, they get wealthy (and more social esteem in the conspirtacy circles) from the numskulls who think it's all real, and that the Alex Jones and those like him (Q?) have some sort of secret inside scoop or key to the whole thing.

What makes folks like Jones dangerous is others' gullibility, hatred, and lack of ability to see beyond the surface. People who are angry, their fires stoked by the likes of Rush and Alex, perceiving cause and effect (wrongs) that simply likely isn't even real, and voila', you have folks going to judges' homes and pizza restaurants with firearms looking to correct problems that were never there, invented simply to generate more listeners and cash, and were conjured in the minds of nitwits such as Jones, Limberger, and their brain-dead gullible followers... a few of whom frequent these boards, and seem to have missed out on the number of incidents where their prophesying gurus have been shown to be shallow, amoral, dishonest, opportunists with their hand held out, and not even believing in their own bullshit.

I'm willing to wager heavily that if I consciously fabricate rumors and spread them to people with the clear intent of riling them to action, full well knowing the stories are false, and those persons are ultimately found to have acted on calculated untruths told to them by me, I'd bet a cool $100 or so, right now, that I'd be going to prison.
I’ve never listened to him…other than…when he was a guest on Rogan’s podcast about 2 yrs ago. Tolerated about 10 minutes just to see his technique. If you’re dumb enough to listen to that shit…and buy health supplements from a fat man…

Dangerous though? Dumb people can be dangerous….true that….and complete suckers. Kind of how religious and political narratives work. Honest Opportunist lol

Crucify the motherfuckers! But then…you understand…you’d be crucifying a lot more than Alex fucking Jones.

It amuses me how worked up people get in the cyber world. I never hear this shit in the physical world. It would be embarrassing.

comfy markoth

Well-known member
And you pay attention to it. You are fulfilling your role. Outraged.

I’ve never listened to Alex Jones. I didn’t even know if he lost whatever lawsuit. You told me. Right here.

I might be more interested if he was fucking a Kardashian…but yeah

Didn’t this shit happen a long long time ago? Shootings kids dying…man on computer says no happen but did happen families upset…sue…pay family…but not…it’s not the money it’s the principle

Guess in the scheme of things…it’s a huge deal

Alex Jones is an entertainer/salesman. That’s his gig. Like it or not.

Everyone loves a bit of drama that is unrelated to their immediate lives.... EVERYONE.... it eases the tensions or just distracts you of your immediate lives....

I think you like the drama of these threads as well or you wouldn't be here.... regardless of what position you have in the thread.... whether you're trying to teach someone a lesson or shitstir or mock or just laugh....

Some small part of you is drawn here for whatever reason, to babble.... just like everyone else....

moose eater

Well-known member
I’ve never listened to him…other than…when he was a guest on Rogan’s podcast about 2 yrs ago. Tolerated about 10 minutes just to see his technique. If you’re dumb enough to listen to that shit…and buy health supplements from a fat man…

Dangerous though? Dumb people can be dangerous….true that….and complete suckers. Kind of how religious and political narratives work. Honest Opportunist lol

Crucify the motherfuckers! But then…you understand…you’d be crucifying a lot more than Alex fucking Jones.

It amuses me how worked up people get in the cyber world. I never hear this shit in the physical world. It would be embarrassing.
I don't listen to him. Nearly never. Other than when he's in the news, back-pedaling to get out of what ever hot water his shtick got him into.

Folks in here some where were talking about bees, and having them pursue a person when they were angry due to being provoked.. reminded me of the mud wasps in the ground in our fruit tree orchard in Michigan when I was a kid. We'd gather the rotting apples, plums, peaches and pears that had fallen to the ground, and from a distance we'd chuck those things at where we thought the mud wasps' nests were. Then when the swarm would threaten us, we'd run like hell, often avoiding the karma of it all, but not always.

Jones, Q, and Limberger are (were, in Flush's case) a lot like that. They like the thrill of orchestrating the build-up, leading non-thinking and gullible by their nose rings, the adrenaline rush of the mastery of it all (or so they think)... right up until they get stung, then they try 100 ways from Sunday to fabricate themselves into 'victims of the fury' when they're not victims at all; they're literally perpetrators.


Jericho Mile

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your grow thread, and think you have a great lifestyle. It's good seeing fit healthy cannabis users.

I just don't get why you're in a thread about politics when you seem not to care for it?

We don't have a President, a Prime Minister instead. We are still part of the British Commonwealth. I'm more Left leaning than Right, although I can see good and bad on both sides, and am actually a swinging voter. I make no apologies for my politics.
I don’t care. I just like fucking with the old clan of hypocrites that start these threads. The ones who have me on ignore. The ones who are reading this right now. The passive aggressive prunes…

Far as I can see…I’m the most upfront and honest bastard in this flimsy thread. The rest of most of you…are just cheerleaders…for whatever causes you think you are supporting…

My cause is simple. Fuck with the programming. Objectively.
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Jericho Mile

Everyone loves a bit of drama that is unrelated to their immediate lives.... EVERYONE.... it eases the tensions or just distracts you of your immediate lives....

I think you like the drama of these threads as well or you wouldn't be here.... regardless of what position you have in the thread.... whether you're trying to teach someone a lesson or shitstir or mock or just laugh....

Some small part of you is drawn here for whatever reason, to babble.... just like everyone else....

Drama. All day. I do not pretend. Frothing at the mouth though….and some here do…

those are targets. Culls. Dumb Bunnies. Weak links.
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Jericho Mile

I don't listen to him. Nearly never. Other than when he's in the news, back-paddling to get out of what ever hot water his shtick got him into.

Folks in here some where were talking about bees, and having them pursue a person when they were angry due to being provoked.. reminded me of the mud wasps in the ground in our fruit tree orchard in Michigan when I was a kid. We'd gather the rotting apples, plums, peaches and pears that had fallen to the ground, and from a distance we'd chuck those things at where we thought the mud wasps' nests were. Then when the swarm would threaten us, we'd run like hell, often avoiding the karma of it all, but not always.

Jones, Q, and Limberger are (were, in Flush's case) a lot like that. They like the thrill of orchestrating the build-up, leading non-thinking and gullible by their nose rings, the adrenaline ruush of the mastery of it all (or so they think)... right up until they get stung, then they try 100 ways from Sunday to fabricate themselves into 'victims of the fury' when they're not victims at all; they're literally perpetrators.

Yeah but…I like you just fine. I told you before. I’m very reasonable.

It’s a crazy world.

Trower doesn’t get enough props
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comfy markoth

Well-known member
Drama. All day. I do not pretend. Frothing at the mouth though….and some here do…

those are targets. Culls.

It may seem like it, i'm sure for many it's true, but it's pretty hard to judge someones blood pressure through text.

I think you personally come here because you're either- bored, or you need your own little drama kick.

If you were so above the whole thing i don't think you'd even participate in the thread, you'd have better things to do.

Jericho Mile

It may seem like it, i'm sure for many it's true, but it's pretty hard to judge someones blood pressure through text.

I think you personally come here because you're either- bored, or you need your own little drama kick.

If you were so above the whole thing i don't think you'd even participate in the thread, you'd have better things to do.
Once my harvest is in. You see me no more. I only come on these kinds of sites when I’m growing.

My life does not lack drama….and I am never bored. Stoned on my phone maybe.

I’ve known some of these clowns online on this site for more than a decade. I take them as serious as I do their outrageous politics. I do not. I know it doesn’t go anywhere. Sewing circle.

I bag on impotent rabble rabble

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I guess one day the universe will die out, so nothing matters, right?


moose eater

Well-known member
Once my harvest is in. You see me no more. I only come on these kinds of sites when I’m growing.

My life does not lack drama….and I am never bored. Stoned on my phone maybe.

I’ve known some of these clowns online on this site for more than a decade. I take them as serious as I do their outrageous politics. I do not. I know it doesn’t go anywhere. Sewing circle.

I bag on impotent rabble rabble
I first entered activism on the anniversary of Kent State, May 4th, 1975 or 1976.

Spent years organizing while I had commercial crops in the ground.

Did drills with my kids and wife back then, in case the doors ever imploded they were to exit a chain ladder off the upper back deck, during which for most of 2 years, I slept on the couch with an automatic rifle, in case something did go down, so that my kids and wife were upstairs and wouldn't be in any cross-fire.

Surveilled by Feds, locals and state cops when we marched on Richard Butler's Aryan Nations Church of Jesus Christ outside Hayden Lake, Idaho on Hitler's birthday in 1989.

Organized the Fairbanks Bill of Rights Defense Committee in reaction to the USA PATRIOT ACT, got more death threats than when we had talked drug medicalization/legalization/policy reform with born-again zealots who seemed to have missed the whole message re. 'the love of Christ.'

Clean adult criminal record by virtue of learning a lot of harsh lessons as a juvenille. Skinned my knees as a youth sufficiently to learn and re-learn that watching someone else skin THEIR knees is a better way to learn than sklinning your own.

Participated as a coordinator through 2+ campaigns with an Interior Alaska group looking to legalize cannabis formally... while I had crops in the ground.

Raised issues of corruption with the feds re. the 2016 election, Donna Brazille's admissions, and the DNC trying to launder donation money through state chapters after the donors in question had satisfied their maximum federal donations limits.

Lesson in the end is that humans are typically not proactive, they are reactive, lazy overall , and selfish. If someone else is willing to clean the proverbial toilet or wash the dishes, they'll gladly sit by and watch, no matter how filthy the toilet or the dishes are.

Bitching is easy.

Anger at betrayal of various sorts still persists at times, but not like it used to. Bigger fish to fry.

My resolve in the end for the apathetic who share responsibility as passive participants in the situation they failed to help correct? This is the bed you made. Why are you bitching now? Sleep in the motherfucker.

It's not warm and fuzzy, would likely get a "tisk-tisk" from Ghandi or MLK, but I figure it's more real than pie-in-the-sky pabalum.

Comfort and depression both breed apathy in their own right. The fire in the belly comes from being hungry for something that's missing, something better than mediocrity, not from having too much free time.

That was our collective sin as a species, culture, Country, etc. in my opinion. We got comfy and quit caring for much other than ourselves.

From there it's apt to be mostly down-hill.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And you pay attention to it. You are fulfilling your role. Outraged.

I’ve never listened to Alex Jones. I didn’t even know if he lost whatever lawsuit. You told me. Right here.

I might be more interested if he was fucking a Kardashian…but yeah

Didn’t this shit happen a long long time ago? Shootings kids dying…man on computer says no happen but did happen families upset…sue…pay family…but not…it’s not the money it’s the principle

Guess in the scheme of things…it’s a huge deal

Alex Jones is an entertainer/salesman. That’s his gig. Like it or not.
The event happened a decade ago and for two years I'd guess afterwards Jones did his thing calling it all fake and his audience started harassing and in some cases threatening the parents of the murdered children accusing them of being crisis actors faking it all to give the government an excuse to take peoples guns away. Yet congress accomplished nothing in terms of gun reform. The law suits were filed and for the most part the controversy surrounding Jones faded away and he went on promoting other conspiracies and sell his vitamins and medicines and whatever else he sold. Unless you followed his show you didn't hear much about him except for every now and then he would pop up on Joe Rogan's podcast. Then it came back in the mainstream the past couple of years as the cases reached their conclusions and Jones lost having judgements placed against him. He then tried claiming he was bankrupt all the while shuffling his money around thru multiple accounts like some hustler on the street with the three cups and you have to guess which one the ball is under. which is why you hear so much about him now so long after the incident that started it all.

Not really hard to know if one pays attention I never watched his show, nor did I follow the lawsuits against him. Nor do I really care that much about what he did. Sure it was wrong but him being sued will do nothing for the children and it really won't do much for the parents beyond maybe making them think they punished someone who cashed in on their tragedy, if they every actually get any money from him. I figure he'll get his eventually, I'm a big believer in Karma.

In many ways I feel the same about Trump and if I knew he was never going to try to be President again I would care as little about Trump as I do Jones. Trump unfortunately has a very real chance of becoming President again and that does concern me a lot and should concern all of us. Trump did a lot of harm to this country and it's politics. Sure it was a mess before Trump and that's why the whole MAGA thing was so popular but if anything Trump made America worse then before rather then Great Again. The only real successes of his Presidency weren't even accomplished by him but by the Republicans in Congress many of whom he's now turned against for not kissing his ass often enough. He could have been as great a President as he and many of his followers believe him to be if he wasn't so incompetent unfortunately he screwed up pretty much everything he got involved in because he had no clue as to what he was doing beyond finding ways to profit himself from his time in Office.
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