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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Jericho Mile

I first entered activism on the anniversary of Kent State, May 4th, 1975 or 1976.

Spent years organizing while I had commercial crops in the ground.

Did drills with my kids and wife back then, in case the doors ever imploded they were to exit a chain ladder off the upper back deck, during which for most of 2 years, I slept on the couch with an automatic rifle, in case something did go down, so that my kids and wife were upstairs and wouldn't be in any cross-fire.

Surveilled by Feds, locals and state cops when we marched on Richard Butler's Aryan Nations Church of Jesus Christ outside Hayden Lake, Idaho on Hitler's birthday in 1989.

Organized the Fairbanks Bill of Rights Defense Committee in reaction to the USA PATRIOT ACT, got more edath threats than when we had talked drug medicalization/legalization/policy reform with born-again zealots who seemed to have missed the whole message re. 'the love of Christ.'

Clean adult criminal record by virtue of learning a lot of harsh lessons as a juvenille. Skinned my knees as a youth sufficiently to learn and re-learn that watching someone else skin THEIR knees is a better way than sklinning your own.

Participated as a coordinator through 2+ campaigns with an Interior Alaska group looking to legalize cannabis formally... while I had a crop in the ground.

Raised issues of corruption with the feds re. the 2016 election, Donna Brazille's admissions, and the DNC trying to launder donation money through state chapters after the donors in question had satisfied their maximum federal donations.

Lesson in the end is that humans are not proactive, they are reactive, lazy overall , and selfish. If someone else is willing to clean the proverbial toilet or wash the dishes, they'll gladly sit by and watch, no matter how filthy the toilet or the dishes are.

Bitching is easy.

Anger at betrayal of various sorts still persists at times, but not like it used to. Bigger fish to fry.
My resolve in the end for the apathetic who share responsibility as passive participants in the situation they failed to help correct? This is the bed you made. Why aer you bithcing now? Sleep in the motherfucker.

It's not warm and fuzzy, would likely get a tisk-tisk from Ghandi or MLK, but I figure it's more real than pie-in-the-sky pabalum.

Comfort and depression both breed apathy in their own right. The fire in the belly comes from being hungry for something that's missing, something better than mediocrity, not from having too much free time.

That was our collective sin as a species, culture, Country, etc. We got comfy and quit caring for much other than ourselves.

From there it's apt to be mostly down-hill.
I realized that I’m very capable of suffering. I see the value of being hungry and uncomfortable. I like it. Good at it. Pain is life. Meditating and understanding your pain is bliss. Pushing the body and mind through the wall is pure dedication to the discipline. The path is long. Time in the bliss…fleeting. The addiction to finding the way back…a serious drug. The Holy Grail.

But it’s about me. And I do not care for those who refuse to care for themselves. I am not their brother. I see no value in being a humanitarian….for the sake of humanity. The world will see itself through with or without a nod of our approval. So I do not worry. I maintain my end of the bargain. Upkeep the temple….no cheating…respectful efforts towards health and happiness….

…yet…I have to navigate fools. I won’t suffer those. I’d flush them down the shitter if I could….but since I’m not allowed to do that…I attempt to reason with them objectively. You can’t though. Reasoning requires a control over the chimp emotional brain…which…is the part of the brain fried by the social engineering. Here we are.

….then it’s just a frustrating (nah I don’t get frustrated any longer) fuck around predicting their next response…and attempting a straight face

How’s that?

Jericho Mile

The event happened a decade ago and for two years I'd guess afterwards Jones did his thing calling it all fake and his audience started harassing and in some cases threatening the parents of the murdered children accusing them of being crisis actors faking it all to give the government an excuse to take peoples guns away. Yet congress accomplished nothing in terms of gun reform. The law suits were filed and for the most part the controversy surrounding Jones faded away and he went on promoting other conspiracies and sell his vitamins and medicines and whatever else he sold. Unless you followed his show you didn't hear much about him except for every now and then he would pop up on Joe Rogan's podcast. Then it came back in the mainstream the past couple of years as the cases reached their conclusions and Jones lost having judgements placed against him. He then tried claiming he was bankrupt all the while shuffling his money around thru multiple accounts like some hustler on the street with the three cups and you have to guess which one the ball is under. which is why you hear so much about him now so long after the incident that started it all.

Not really hard to know if one pays attention I never watched his show, nor did I follow the lawsuits against him. Nor do I really care that much about what he did. Sure it was wrong but him being sued will do nothing for the children and it really won't do much for the parents beyond maybe making them think they punished someone who cashed in on their tragedy, if they every actually get any money from him. I figure he'll get his eventually, I'm a big believer in Karma.

In many ways I feel the same about Trump and if I knew he was never going to try to be President again I would care as little about Trump as I do Jones. Trump unfortunately has a very real chance of becoming President again and that does concern me a lot and should concern all of us. Trump did a lot of harm to this country and it's politics. Sure it was a mess before Trump and that's why the whole MAGA thing was so popular but if anything Trump made America worse then before rather then Great Again. The only real successes of his Presidency weren't even accomplished by him but by the Republicans in Congress many of whom he's now turned against for not kissing his ass often enough. He could have been as great a President as he and many of his followers believe him to be if he wasn't so incompetent unfortunately he screwed up pretty much everything he got involved in because he had no clue as to what he was doing beyond finding ways to profit himself from his time in Office.
I don’t believe in Karma. Jones can pay a trillion or none…Trump can be president again or not….crass men in a crass world saying crass things doing crass deeds…one step forward two steps back and so on and so on….until the next big hype…or ugly distraction.

You dudes are my news. Between two threads (this one and the awakening thing) I can tell exactly what’s happening without really paying attention or following any other media. Textbook separation of common social narratives. The great divide…as they say.

You got it covered. That’s all this is. IC News American Style….with commentary. Programming 101. I hope to be enlightened by something. Anything. Let me walk away with something positive for my time.

It’s not personal. I have nothing against you. Believe and do as you do….but be good with it…legit
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moose eater

Well-known member
I realized that I’m very capable of suffering. I see the value of being hungry and uncomfortable. I like it. Good at it. Pain is life. Meditating and understanding your pain is bliss. Pushing the body and mind through the wall is pure dedication to the discipline. The path is long. Time in the bliss…fleeting. The addiction to finding the way back…a serious drug. The Holy Grail.

But it’s about me. And I do not care for those who refuse to care for themselves. I am not their brother. I see no value in being a humanitarian….for the sake of humanity. The world will see itself through with or without a nod of our approval. So I do not worry. I maintain my end of the bargain. Upkeep the temple….no cheating…respectful efforts towards health and happiness….

…yet…I have to navigate fools. I won’t suffer those. I’d flush them down the shitter if I could….but since I’m not allowed to do that…I attempt to reason with them objectively. You can’t though. Reasoning requires a control over the chimp emotional brain…which…is the part of the brain fried by the social engineering. Here we are.

….then it’s just a frustrating (nah I don’t get frustrated any longer) fuck around predicting their next response…and attempting a straight face

How’s that?
I think you're more self-serving than many would admit about themselves, but you're fairly honest about it.

'The body as the temple' opens itself up to you either being metaphorical, or somewhat scriptural in the Biblical sense. Maybe both?

I think in our culture it would be (in a broad general sense) more honest or accurate to say 'the body is the dumpster of the soul.'

There's plenty of room for over-blown ego in believing that any of us can turn the direction of culture, planet, politics, etc., on a dime. Won't happen like that, or very rarely.

My more or less quitting politics after Bernie's run in 2016 and after our SB21 oil tax referendum about 9 years ago or so, was, in part, due to ego, personalizing failures of the whole, contending with partisanism that clouds issues, etc. Fools by any other name. In one way or another, all of us.

All of humanity suffers from hypocrisy, dishonesty, self-interest, poor 'third-eye vision' where balanced assessment of the self and others is concerned, and, in general, treachery.

But all together, they have the capacity to push large boulders uphill.. if/when they decide to work together.

Brother's keeper? I don't think it needs to come to that, necessarily. More an issue of there needing to be openness to identifying needs, concerns, circumstances, avenues for support, etc., so they can be the best they can be.

Somewhat like the platform and discussion behind Prop 13 in California years ago; when everyone is better educated, we all are served better, including those of us who have no kids in public schools. We still benefit.

When life is cohesive, there's less conflict, less crime, etc. (not withstanding sociopaths, et al) No need to be in an ownership struggle or debate of any burdensome connections to others. When others near me are doing better, there's a greater chance that I will also do better.


ICMag Donor
And you pay attention to it. You are fulfilling your role. Outraged.

I’ve never listened to Alex Jones. I didn’t even know if he lost whatever lawsuit. You told me. Right here.

I might be more interested if he was fucking a Kardashian…but yeah

Didn’t this shit happen a long long time ago? Shootings kids dying…man on computer says no happen but did happen families upset…sue…pay family…but not…it’s not the money it’s the principle

Guess in the scheme of things…it’s a huge deal

Alex Jones is an entertainer/salesman. That’s his gig. Like it or not.
I don't pay attention to him, but I do pay attention to the damage that he causes and the people who he empowers by conning millions of people out of their money, votes and beliefs.

Alex Jones is a salesman. The problem is who he sells for and what he sells.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
And you pay attention to it. You are fulfilling your role. Outraged.

I’ve never listened to Alex Jones. I didn’t even know if he lost whatever lawsuit. You told me. Right here.

I might be more interested if he was fucking a Kardashian…but yeah

Didn’t this shit happen a long long time ago? Shootings kids dying…man on computer says no happen but did happen families upset…sue…pay family…but not…it’s not the money it’s the principle

Guess in the scheme of things…it’s a huge deal

Alex Jones is an entertainer/salesman. That’s his gig. Like it or not.
Except when his words or the Q words or the lefty words cause your neighbor to lose his shit and shoot yer dog or his kids or something.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I first entered activism on the anniversary of Kent State, May 4th, 1975 or 1976.

Spent years organizing while I had commercial crops in the ground.

Did drills with my kids and wife back then, in case the doors ever imploded they were to exit a chain ladder off the upper back deck, during which for most of 2 years, I slept on the couch with an automatic rifle, in case something did go down, so that my kids and wife were upstairs and wouldn't be in any cross-fire.

Surveilled by Feds, locals and state cops when we marched on Richard Butler's Aryan Nations Church of Jesus Christ outside Hayden Lake, Idaho on Hitler's birthday in 1989.

Organized the Fairbanks Bill of Rights Defense Committee in reaction to the USA PATRIOT ACT, got more death threats than when we had talked drug medicalization/legalization/policy reform with born-again zealots who seemed to have missed the whole message re. 'the love of Christ.'

Clean adult criminal record by virtue of learning a lot of harsh lessons as a juvenille. Skinned my knees as a youth sufficiently to learn and re-learn that watching someone else skin THEIR knees is a better way to learn than sklinning your own.

Participated as a coordinator through 2+ campaigns with an Interior Alaska group looking to legalize cannabis formally... while I had crops in the ground.

Raised issues of corruption with the feds re. the 2016 election, Donna Brazille's admissions, and the DNC trying to launder donation money through state chapters after the donors in question had satisfied their maximum federal donations limits.

Lesson in the end is that humans are typically not proactive, they are reactive, lazy overall , and selfish. If someone else is willing to clean the proverbial toilet or wash the dishes, they'll gladly sit by and watch, no matter how filthy the toilet or the dishes are.

Bitching is easy.

Anger at betrayal of various sorts still persists at times, but not like it used to. Bigger fish to fry.

My resolve in the end for the apathetic who share responsibility as passive participants in the situation they failed to help correct? This is the bed you made. Why are you bitching now? Sleep in the motherfucker.

It's not warm and fuzzy, would likely get a "tisk-tisk" from Ghandi or MLK, but I figure it's more real than pie-in-the-sky pabalum.

Comfort and depression both breed apathy in their own right. The fire in the belly comes from being hungry for something that's missing, something better than mediocrity, not from having too much free time.

That was our collective sin as a species, culture, Country, etc. in my opinion. We got comfy and quit caring for much other than ourselves.

From there it's apt to be mostly down-hill.
The Great Awakening?

Jericho Mile

I don't pay attention to him, but I do pay attention to the damage that he causes and the people who he empowers by conning millions of people out of their money, votes and beliefs.

Alex Jones is a salesman. The problem is who he sells for and what he sells.
If people fall for his con…that’s on them. The entire world and your person is for sale. You might not like that…but there it is.

Jericho Mile

I think you're more self-serving than many would admit about themselves, but you're fairly honest about it.

'The body as the temple' opens itself up to you either being metaphorical, or somewhat scriptural in the Biblical sense. Maybe both?

I think in our culture it would be (in a broad general sense) more honest or accurate to say 'the body is the dumpster of the soul.'

There's plenty of room for over-blown ego in believing that any of us can turn the direction of culture, planet, politics, etc., on a dime. Won't happen like that, or very rarely.

My more or less quitting politics after Bernie's run in 2016 and after our SB21 oil tax referendum about 9 years ago or so, was, in part, due to ego, personalizing failures of the whole, contending with partisanism that clouds issues, etc. Fools by any other name. In one way or another, all of us.

All of humanity suffers from hypocrisy, dishonesty, self-interest, poor 'third-eye vision' where balanced assessment of the self and others is concerned, and, in general, treachery.

But all together, they have the capacity to push large boulders uphill.. if/when they decide to work together.

Brother's keeper? I don't think it needs to come to that, necessarily. More an issue of there needing to be openness to identifying needs, concerns, circumstances, avenues for support, etc., so they can be the best they can be.

Somewhat like the platform and discussion behind Prop 13 in California years ago; when everyone is better educated, we all are served better, including those of us who have no kids in public schools. We still benefit.

When life is cohesive, there's less conflict, less crime, etc. (not withstanding sociopaths, et al) No need to be in an ownership struggle or debate of any burdensome connections to others. When others near me are doing better, there's a greater chance that I will also do better.
Everybody in this thread is self serving. And besides me…conveniently hidden behind avatars and anonymity…even when they do not have to be. People hide themselves online for more reasons than just their sense of security. Empowers some. Emboldens others. Allows them to mouth off without repercussions. Some fat blob…heart attack victim…for example attempting to sell me on health or a Covid vaccination….from behind their cloak….or the classic shut in basement dweller weed grower attempts to push their political views…well you know the conversation is secondary

I never come on a site where people are hiding themselves and take it serious….dude. I get what this is. I’m the one pointing it out…after all. Sewing circle.

It’s all good online. Cyber world where you don’t actually have to produce results or lift more than a finger….to promote your views.
Not my person, but there is no shortage of weak minds that are there for the taking.
not my concern. I don’t tell people what to believe. The concept of free will.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don’t believe in Karma. Jones can pay a trillion or none…Trump can be president again or not….crass men in a crass world saying crass things doing crass deeds…one step forward two steps back and so on and so on….until the next big hype…or ugly distraction.

You dudes are my news. Between two threads (this one and the awakening thing) I can tell exactly what’s happening without really paying attention or following any other media. Textbook separation of common social narratives. The great divide…as they say.

You got it covered. That’s all this is. IC News American Style….with commentary. Programming 101. I hope to be enlightened by something. Anything. Let me walk away with something positive for my time.

It’s not personal. I have nothing against you. Believe and do as you do….but be good with it…legit
Well all I can say is if you're depending on posts in this thread and the other one you mentioned then your news source is faker then the allegedly fake news media since in those two threads what you are essentially getting is highly biased takes on news sources that are questionably ruled in their reporting.

I hope you at least got one other, more reliable source for your weather forecasts?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The same issues have been there since the beginning of civilization. Money rules the world. Those that have it make the rules. The only way to move the goalposts is to have it. That's why we have these same issues. Nothing gets done unless you have Elon money..

St. Phatty

Active member
The same issues have been there since the beginning of civilization. Money rules the world. Those that have it make the rules. The only way to move the goalposts is to have it. That's why we have these same issues. Nothing gets done unless you have Elon money..

Rothschild knew this. That's why he worked so Focussed to control England's money supply.

That's why his partners in Crime worked so Focussed to control the US money supply, i.e. the Federal Reserve.

Of course, Rothschild was not entirely Covert. He openly stated what his plan was and is,
"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"


ICMag Donor
not my concern. I don’t tell people what to believe. The concept of free will.
That's cool. The problem comes when too many of 'them' have their brains controlled, Then they will impose their will on you.

Nazi Germany wasn't that long ago. Many people here are clueless or denying what happened in 1940. Worse yet there are many waving swastikas around with no clue.
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