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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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St. Phatty

Active member
Regardless of if he goes to prison or not the most important thing is that he is never taken seriously by anyone ever again and his brand name is permanently associated with garbage humans.

But those garbagey humans Vote.

As long as they pay their taxes on time, they are allowed to run around without a straitjacket.

At this point there is a hard core of Trump supporters that will send him $millions - for his political "work" - if he is imprisoned.

They are willing to spend $$ so that they can tell themselves that they said "F-ck You" to whom they perceive as the Liberals.

81 Million for Biden, 74 Million for Trump, in 2020.

How many of those 74 Million are Christian Morons ?

Had a guy at the rifle range yesterday tell me about his belief in Obadiah 1-4

"Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD."

Does this mean that the "Lord" is going to "bring down" those who "set their nest among the stars" ?

What the Hell does that mean ?

What is the overlap between the Rapture-believing Christians and the Trump electorate ?

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Well-known member
But those garbagey humans Vote.

As long as they pay their taxes on time, they are allowed to run around without a straitjacket.

At this point there is a hard core of Trump supporters that will send him $millions - for his political "work" - if he is imprisoned.

They are willing to spend $$ so that they can tell themselves that they said "F-ck You" to whom they perceive as the Liberals.

81 Million for Biden, 74 Million for Trump, in 2020.

How many of those 74 Million are Christian Morons ?

Had a guy at the rifle range yesterday tell me about his belief in Obadiah 1-4

"Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD."

Does this mean that the "Lord" is going to "bring down" those who "set their nest among the stars" ?

What the Hell does that mean ?

What is the overlap between the Rapture-believing Christians and the Trump electorate ?

Personally I hope this is the beginning of the end for the republican party. And every should pay close attention as it fails so we can take out any crooked democrats next.


Well-known member
What is the overlap between the Rapture-believing Christians and the Trump electorate ?
anyone that truly believes the Bible has long since given up on The Chump. it is the mainly the delusional self-appointed "moral guardian" types trying to make everyone follow THEIR religious beliefs that still cling to his coattails. the rest are at home praying that God will forgive them for bowing down before false idols...


ICMag Donor
Personally I hope this is the beginning of the end for the republican party. And every should pay close attention as it fails so we can take out any crooked democrats next.
They know it is the end. No way they can win without selling out to wacko groups like the anti abortion religious nuts. Trying to kill social security is one more nail in their coffin. The only big money they get comes through dark money originating from places like Russia who hope to trash democracy. As this gets exposed it will be all over.


Well-known member
an aside...(bear with me) a Russian oligarch has been indicted for bypassing US laws regarding sanctions etc after his girlfriend attempted to enter the US to give birth. (they managed to get away with it in 2020, kid is US citizen) this time, the feds caught on and she had to return to Turkey. come to find out, he owns a shell co. here secretly doing business (homes etc > $10 million), and an enabler who buys properties & sends out "gift baskets" to his pals here, including a former member of Canadas parliament, and an as-yet unnamed "former television show host"...huh...i wonder who THAT might be ? :shucks::biggrin:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
….I will not hold your hand. If you are insulted by anything I have typed in this thread…that’s on you. View attachment 18762788


Your Ego

* experiencing changes in weather. Last few days influences arriving out of the SE 10-20 mph winds upper 70s days 50s nights rh in the 30s…landing strip in sight through distant mountain passes
I would have to care about your opinion to be insulted by anything you've typed in this thread, which this all started with my stating that I was ignoring your opinions. But putting all that aside you haven't even come up with anything worthy of feeling insulted. You're just an annoying little fungus gnat buzzing around trying to get everyone to notice you.

Jericho Mile

I would have to care about your opinion to be insulted by anything you've typed in this thread, which this all started with my stating that I was ignoring your opinions. But putting all that aside you haven't even come up with anything worthy of feeling insulted. You're just an annoying little fungus gnat buzzing around trying to get everyone to notice you.
You got me! I want to be noticed! It’s so important to be noticed on an site where everyone hides behind avatars anonymously.

There is nothing more to come up with. Correct! Ding Ding Ding!!!!!!

Nothing will come of these investigations or indictments. My point. This thread was created for no other reason…than…so you Blues you could go on bagging on the Reds in a round and round and round circle jerk. Just like it is. Nothing else will happen. Just a stitch and bitch sewing circle made up of middle age white male potheads past their legitimate primes…thinking they have an outraged clue

* I appreciate your single paragraph. We’ve progressed you. Wowzies! Look at you! A true Freedom Fighter!!!!!!!


What were you going on about again? Politics? Trump? Democracy?

….such fun times to be alive? Smoke some herb…and get a grip, son.

Did you really read this?…or did you just skim it for buzz words

because I mean…that’s all you do really…listen for the dog whistles

woof woof woof…good boy! Let me pet your head and give you good stroke…wet food and a cup of knowledge
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Jericho Mile

Daily derps
And you comment. Like Groundhog Day. You’d think you’d see the symbolism.

Get out and vote!

rabble rabble rabble rabble jerk jerk jerk jerk stitch stitch stitch

Fuck Trump!

rabble rabble jerk jerk stitch stitch

no ending

…and then to think…you have a point

Get over it already
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Well-known member
If you have a kid that young…you are most likely…too young to be posting in this thread.

I can’t remember…were you one of the Knights of the Round Table?
My table is round? I consider myself more kf a prankster than a knight.

Not sure what the age limit to be here is. I have a kid in college, one just graduated, one in middle school and one in kindergarten. Surprisingly all with the same mama.

Little hippy tribe
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