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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Hempy McNoodle

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor


Active member
Well wouldu look at that....done pushed document inspection deadline back..to Jan 2023...
The DOJ and the FBI might need to pencil in some time for a thorough deep clean
Right about that time..

Storm is commin

Judge again sides with Trump in Mar-a-Lago documents fight - POLITICO


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You got me! I want to be noticed! It’s so important to be noticed on an site where everyone hides behind avatars anonymously.

There is nothing more to come up with. Correct! Ding Ding Ding!!!!!!

Nothing will come of these investigations or indictments. My point. This thread was created for no other reason…than…so you Blues you could go on bagging on the Reds in a round and round and round circle jerk. Just like it is. Nothing else will happen. Just a stitch and bitch sewing circle made up of middle age white male potheads past their legitimate primes…thinking they have an outraged clue

* I appreciate your single paragraph. We’ve progressed you. Wowzies! Look at you! A true Freedom Fighter!!!!!!!

View attachment 18763088 View attachment 18763089 View attachment 18763090

What were you going on about again? Politics? Trump? Democracy?

….such fun times to be alive? Smoke some herb…and get a grip, son.

Did you really read this?…or did you just skim it for buzz words

because I mean…that’s all you do really…listen for the dog whistles

woof woof woof…good boy! Let me pet your head and give you good stroke…wet food and a cup of knowledge
Whatever, we'll see I suppose. Even Trump's best lawyer is telling him he needs to cool his attacks on the DOJ and FBI if he wants to have any shot of walking away without any indictments or convictions. Of course Trump doesn't like that idea and so neither do the other lawyers all who are facing their own indictments.

Of course instead of heeding the advise Trump decided to keep doing what he's been doing and has sidelined his best chance at beating the document case. Of course that's all normal for Trump, instead of admitting what he did was wrong and trying something different he doubles down and ignores the best advice he's been given so far.

You and Trump seemed to have that in common, here you try to take over a thread that even you say will likely keep going on the same as it has from the start until at least 2024 but rather then just going somewhere else to do something more to your tastes you just stay here and keep telling people how wrong they are for continuing this discussion. Seems pretty foolish to me if you are firm in your stated convictions, but hey if it floats your boat go for it I guess.

Jericho Mile

Whatever, we'll see I suppose. Even Trump's best lawyer is telling him he needs to cool his attacks on the DOJ and FBI if he wants to have any shot of walking away without any indictments or convictions. Of course Trump doesn't like that idea and so neither do the other lawyers all who are facing their own indictments.

Of course instead of heeding the advise Trump decided to keep doing what he's been doing and has sidelined his best chance at beating the document case. Of course that's all normal for Trump, instead of admitting what he did was wrong and trying something different he doubles down and ignores the best advice he's been given so far.

You and Trump seemed to have that in common, here you try to take over a thread that even you say will likely keep going on the same as it has from the start until at least 2024 but rather then just going somewhere else to do something more to your tastes you just stay here and keep telling people how wrong they are for continuing this discussion. Seems pretty foolish to me if you are firm in your stated convictions, but hey if it floats your boat go for it I guess.
In the scheme of things affecting my health and happiness (the real stuff…the stuff that is actually important) it does not matter.

I could care less whether Trump is hung out to dry or not. Does not have any bearing on my life what’s so ever. Like I said…I’m not a member of a political party…don’t vote…definitely do not believe in the USA being the beacon of civilization. Never bought into the wholesome mom and apple pie sales pitch.

I realize my age. I realize my prime time to step up and participate has passed. I did all that…the serving/sacrifice and putting my life on the line for “the good of the country” a long time ago. I didn’t believe in the bullshit then…and I’m certainly not buying in now.

It’s amusing to me watching people get all involved in patriotism and politics from their computer keyboards. All the talk. All the concerns. All the deep research. All safely done with no actual commitment or sacrifice. It’s a farce. Entertainment. I’ll fuck with that farce and those people participating in it…on general principle…because it’s lame.

I’m not emotionally involved. Not politically aligned. Just objective and blunt. You people are too old to be this gullible…and too old to actually do anything about it except bitch. Stitch and Bitch Sewing Circle

You should in able your Ignore Option if you don’t like the light of reality I am shining. It won’t work…but at least make your announcement so I can feel hurt and disregarded. My electronic person and its opinions marginalized because you don’t want to hear it or agree with it.

….hey you missed a stitch
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
In the scheme of things affecting my health and happiness (the real stuff…the stuff that is actually important) it does not matter.

I could care less whether Trump is hung out to dry or not. Does not have any bearing on my life what’s so ever. Like I said…I’m not a member of a political party…don’t vote…definitely do not believe in the USA being the beacon of civilization. Never bought into the wholesome mom and apple pie sales pitch.

I realize my age. I realize my prime time to step up and participate has passed. I did all that…the serving/sacrifice and putting my life on the line for “the good of the country” a long time ago. I didn’t believe in the bullshit then…and I’m certainly not buying in now.

It’s amusing to me watching people get all involved in patriotism and politics from their computer keyboards. All the talk. All the concerns. All the deep research. All safely done with no actual commitment or sacrifice. It’s a farce. Entertainment. I’ll fuck with that farce and those people participating in it…on general principle…because it’s lame.

I’m not emotionally involved. Not politically aligned. Just objective and blunt. You people are too old to be this gullible…and too old to actually do anything about it except bitch. Stitch and Bitch Sewing Circle

You should in able your Ignore Option if you don’t like the light of reality I am shining. It won’t work…but at least make your announcement so I can feel hurt and disregarded. My electronic person and its opinions marginalized because you don’t want to hear it or agree with it.

….hey you missed a stitch
You just don't get it, you go on and on with you're highly irritating twattle thinking you got it all figured out. You know the real deal about everyone in here, and political parties and politicians, about the country and everything. What the hell is the matter with you? Did you lose your binky and just won't shut the hell up until you get it back? Rather then me having to put you on ignore why don't you move on to a thread more to your suiting? I mean for Christ's sake, why hang out in a thread all about a topic you don't like and or believe in when you could be in a thread that you actually enjoy and you might not feel the need to annoy the fuck out of everyone with your constant whining? I mean for real, why on earth would you want to remain in a thread where most people wish you would just shut up and the few who actually like what you have to say don't realize you dislike them just as much but they enjoy seeing your posts because they see it as you owning some libs. I get why you don't like the topic or politics or America (The government not the country) and really I can understand that opinion and would be willing to respect it if it weren't for the fact that you're constantly disrespecting everyone else's opinions and putting them down because they don't see things the way you do. You obviously see yourself as enlightened but you really aren't, you're just another schmuck who thinks he is one of the few that has it all figured out. Sure maybe you got some points about politics and politicians in general but when it comes to the people here or at least most of them you don't know shit. Maybe what motivates us has nothing at all with the things you think it does. The world does not fall into the nice and simple opposing sides of black and white or red and blue. Maybe some of us just don't like Trump because he's a lying, thieving scumbag that never offered society anything worthwhile and everything he holds out as badges of honor he got not thru honest work and effort but by always trying to game the system usually at the expense of someone who didn't deserve to be screwed over but he did it just because he could. Several people here have already told you they do not fit into your cookie cutter view of red and blue but you'll never accept that because if you do that means you don't really have it all figured out. So what if people here argue back and forth over issues they'll never reach an accord on. Just move the hell on, you're pictures are okay enough that I know there are threads that people would oooo and ahhh over your pictures. You appear to know what you're doing when it comes to growing so you could hang out in other forums helping people to be better growers. So go do that. Why constantly waste your time trying to change the minds of people you've already decided will never change even if they actually might some day given the right reasons? Or if you really must hang out here in this thread centered on a topic you clearly don't like or agree with and post pictures then just post your pictures and keep your thoughts to yourself about what motivates everyone else.

Jericho Mile

You just don't get it, you go on and on with you're highly irritating twattle thinking you got it all figured out. You know the real deal about everyone in here, and political parties and politicians, about the country and everything. What the hell is the matter with you? Did you lose your binky and just won't shut the hell up until you get it back? Rather then me having to put you on ignore why don't you move on to a thread more to your suiting? I mean for Christ's sake, why hang out in a thread all about a topic you don't like and or believe in when you could be in a thread that you actually enjoy and you might not feel the need to annoy the fuck out of everyone with your constant whining? I mean for real, why on earth would you want to remain in a thread where most people wish you would just shut up and the few who actually like what you have to say don't realize you dislike them just as much but they enjoy seeing your posts because they see it as you owning some libs. I get why you don't like the topic or politics or America (The government not the country) and really I can understand that opinion and would be willing to respect it if it weren't for the fact that you're constantly disrespecting everyone else's opinions and putting them down because they don't see things the way you do. You obviously see yourself as enlightened but you really aren't, you're just another schmuck who thinks he is one of the few that has it all figured out. Sure maybe you got some points about politics and politicians in general but when it comes to the people here or at least most of them you don't know shit. Maybe what motivates us has nothing at all with the things you think it does. The world does not fall into the nice and simple opposing sides of black and white or red and blue. Maybe some of us just don't like Trump because he's a lying, thieving scumbag that never offered society anything worthwhile and everything he holds out as badges of honor he got not thru honest work and effort but by always trying to game the system usually at the expense of someone who didn't deserve to be screwed over but he did it just because he could. Several people here have already told you they do not fit into your cookie cutter view of red and blue but you'll never accept that because if you do that means you don't really have it all figured out. So what if people here argue back and forth over issues they'll never reach an accord on. Just move the hell on, you're pictures are okay enough that I know there are threads that people would oooo and ahhh over your pictures. You appear to know what you're doing when it comes to growing so you could hang out in other forums helping people to be better growers. So go do that. Why constantly waste your time trying to change the minds of people you've already decided will never change even if they actually might some day given the right reasons? Or if you really must hang out here in this thread centered on a topic you clearly don't like or agree with and post pictures then just post your pictures and keep your thoughts to yourself about what motivates everyone else.
Stop speeding and break up your ranting.

I’ve told you my position. If you don’t like it….piss off.

Damn dude. Get a grip…because you are slipping away pretty fast. This is a public forum….and a general off topic thread. Stop pretending you are in an argument. You are just drooling hyperbolic rhetoric

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Active member
This is part of the problem..the left is pompous enough to think they alone
Can control narratives and wish to cancel
Any who dare to disagree and speak truth
They squirm and whine when their weakness is exposed...mass dysphoria complex
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