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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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St. Phatty

Active member
They are terrified of the most extreme far left liberals.

I think they are terrified because they know the US is following Thelma & Louise off the cliff ...

which is a bit like being lost at sea in a storm.

So, LIKE THE "LIBERALS", they cling to the life raft they consider to be safe.

it's a good time to be an Independent.

I have seen one Repug friend declare Jihad on his Democratic friends,
and one Demo* friend declare Jihad on his Repug friends,
since the start of Covid19 and all the economic disintegration that has
accompanied it.

People see the country doing this \/
and they cling even harder
to the life raft they know.

And they lash out because they feel "they have to do something"
or simply have been pushed beyond a reasonable amount of stress
to an overwhelming stress situation.



Well-known member
Yeah but it's sort of funny to watch.
But the reaction of the fan-boy trumphumper's is strange.
They are strangely PROUD if they have donated money to Mr. Trump.
I think those brain cells are intertwined with the Democrat-trashing brain cells.

When they give Trump money, it creates the same Dopamine rewards as if they told Nancy Pelosi to Jump in a Lake - in person.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Specifically you. Yes!

If only I could be accepted. I try so hard. I repeat myself (in cadence) so often…refuse to be swept into Ignore lists..just a crack…a little crack of light seeping in to light the dark recesses of what used to be

Have a good day gentlemen. It’s not personal.

View attachment 18760702
Goddammit I thought I saw you. And I just love those egg mcmuffins but I'm with Bigtaco on the coffee. BTW, they're plannin a commando on your crop tonight.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Pretty sure tRump's legal team and tRump himself, have now irritated even his own chosen special master. My understanding is that she drew a line at the references to the FBI planting stuff, and told Team tRump to either put up or shut up re. the allegations of planted evidence.

I believe she more or less told them to "Prove it."

Their wrangling and fairly obvious efforts to burn up the clock before the election, is even pissing off the folks he -thought- were on his side.

And if his attorneys take such allegations too far, who knows?
Well first off the Special Master is a he not a she, not really a significant point but just for the sake of accuracy. Yeah the way the media is reading it the Special Master got fed up with Trump making the allegations of planting evidence publicly while his lawyers refused to really make that claim, likely because they could be disbarred if it proved to be false.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I’m laughing at you ignoring me you, fool. When you’re really not.

I’m laughing at you for taking politics serious. For taking yourself serious. For being sadly typical. For being caricatures of mainstream America. For being predictable.

I bet nobody in this thread is under 40. It’s a bunch of middle age (and over middle age) white males meeting at 6:00 AM for coffee at McDonald’s bitching and whining about the state of the world…eating their egg McMuffins and waiting for their heart attacks.

Lighten up….accept your station

Every time I distract you from the Criminal Indictments Coming For Trump…should be a breath of life saving air….you keep forgetting to breathe in your anticipation of nothing.

Left Right Pepsi Coke
You're the fool for thinking I'm ignoring you. If I was ignoring you I never would have ever replied to you. I'm just ignoring your opinions because they're mainly opinions about the people in this thread rather then opinions about the topic.

You're also a fool for thinking I'm taking politics serious or that I'm left or right. Or for thinking I would waste my money at McDonalds, the only thing you got right is that I'm not under 40, I'm in my 60's. Oh and I already had my heart attack about 30 years ago. I can't imagine the mental gymnastics you must go thru to convince yourself that I'm taking politics seriously. To me this thread isn't really about politics, it's about the corrupt behavior of a former President, Donald J Trump and whether or not he'll finally get the punishment he deserves for his crimes. I mean anyone else would have long ago been thrown in jail for what Trump has done, if he were a true elite rather then just one on paper (which is one of his many crimes) I might understand better although I still believe in the concept that nobody is above the law. If that were true, Bernie Madoff wouldn't have died in prison at age 82. I get why he didn't get locked up when he was President because of that stupid unwritten rule, that I don't agree with. Personally I think that if it can be proven someone committed a crime before they're elected that should disqualify them from running and if they commit a crime and is convicted of it while in office he should be impeached automatically and the Vice President should take over.

You probably think like some other in this thread do that I just hate Trump, I don't hate or like him and when he was fairly elected I was ready to accept he was the legitimate President for the next four years. I didn't take to the streets the day after he was sworn in protesting and calling for his impeachment like about a million in DC alone did. In fact in the early days I defended him on a number of occasions when the left leaning media would twist his words around and distort things much the same way that Faux News now does with Biden. I did quickly get fed up with him though mainly for his incompetence with enacting the agenda he campaigned on. Not to mention the damage he was doing to the already tarnished image America had in the world amongst foreign leaders that were our allies. Also the way he tried to smooze up to several of our worst enemies who anybody with an open mind could see were playing him for a fool.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Donald Trump’s ferocious money-raising machine, powered in equal measure by grassroots giving and large individual and corporate donations, has never really stopped turning – and it is currently raising huge sums of cash.
As of March 2022 Trump has $108,046,100 saved in his Save America political fund, more than the Republican and Democratic national committees combined, and 12 times as much as the fund – Pac for the Future – for the Democratic House speaker, Nancy Pelosi.
You should be questioning were nearly $150,000,000 went because it's common knowledge that the month after January 6th Trump raked in $250,000,000 in a month for a legal defense fund that never existed.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That is pretty weird. It's not like the Special Master is Trump's personal attorney... Very strange!
That's what you get for staying stuck in that information silo you're in, otherwise you would know that a condition set by the Judge who granted Trump the Special Master was that Trump pay him for whatever expenses he incurs.


Well-known member
That is pretty weird. It's not like the Special Master is Trump's personal attorney... Very strange!
what does be careful what you ask for mean?

It means that the strong desire to acquire something is often better than actually having that thing. After obtaining the object of a person's desires, the person discovers unpleasant consequences.

who pays for a special master?

(b) Order Appointing a Master.

(1) Notice. Before appointing a master, the court must give the parties notice and an opportunity to be heard. Any party may suggest candidates for appointment.

(2) Contents. The appointing order must direct the master to proceed with all reasonable diligence and must state: ...
(E) the basis, terms, and procedure for fixing the master's compensation under Rule 53(g).


Active member
You should be questioning were nearly $150,000,000 went because it's common knowledge that the month after January 6th Trump raked in $250,000,000 in a month for a legal defense fund that never existed.

How do you know it never existed?...does it surprise you that he needs a legal defense fund..!?
The more shit he gets accused of...the
More people give him cash...that phenomena will never change...you should read "The Art of the deal"...
Theres no such thing as good or bad publicity for him...Trump capitalizes on both
Any time you see him at an event or gives one of his rhetorical speeches or rallies
He makes millions...people pay it...
Think about it..if your looking for a headline for your event...have Trump show up...your plastered all over
The media from here to China
Like a horrible commercial jingle that gets stuck in your head...you hate it...
But everyone knows the brand behind it

Sing it with me..."you have a structured settlement but you need cash now"...
😖not only do you know who to call...
But you got 877 CASHNOW embedded in your brain too

Jericho Mile

You're the fool for thinking I'm ignoring you. If I was ignoring you I never would have ever replied to you. I'm just ignoring your opinions because they're mainly opinions about the people in this thread rather then opinions about the topic.

You're also a fool for thinking I'm taking politics serious or that I'm left or right. Or for thinking I would waste my money at McDonalds, the only thing you got right is that I'm not under 40, I'm in my 60's. Oh and I already had my heart attack about 30 years ago. I can't imagine the mental gymnastics you must go thru to convince yourself that I'm taking politics seriously. To me this thread isn't really about politics, it's about the corrupt behavior of a former President, Donald J Trump and whether or not he'll finally get the punishment he deserves for his crimes. I mean anyone else would have long ago been thrown in jail for what Trump has done, if he were a true elite rather then just one on paper (which is one of his many crimes) I might understand better although I still believe in the concept that nobody is above the law. If that were true, Bernie Madoff wouldn't have died in prison at age 82. I get why he didn't get locked up when he was President because of that stupid unwritten rule, that I don't agree with. Personally I think that if it can be proven someone committed a crime before they're elected that should disqualify them from running and if they commit a crime and is convicted of it while in office he should be impeached automatically and the Vice President should take over.

You probably think like some other in this thread do that I just hate Trump, I don't hate or like him and when he was fairly elected I was ready to accept he was the legitimate President for the next four years. I didn't take to the streets the day after he was sworn in protesting and calling for his impeachment like about a million in DC alone did. In fact in the early days I defended him on a number of occasions when the left leaning media would twist his words around and distort things much the same way that Faux News now does with Biden. I did quickly get fed up with him though mainly for his incompetence with enacting the agenda he campaigned on. Not to mention the damage he was doing to the already tarnished image America had in the world amongst foreign leaders that were our allies. Also the way he tried to smooze up to several of our worst enemies who anybody with an open mind could see were playing him for a fool.
You think I read that? All that multiple onslaught of paragraphs says to me is : “I’m too tightly wound to be living in America”

The essence of freedom has passed you by

…I’m sure you are proving a point though…changing perceptions…making a difference…lol…my gosh I hope so…there’s a book in there somewhere. Sign the deal!
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