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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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moose eater

Well-known member
is it bank fraud if all the $$$ plus interest was paid back... i gotta know ... as i said i have fudged some numbers on a loan , which i paid back in full + the interest.... is the AG going to be knocking, or busting down my front door....
If you fibbed, it's technically fraud.

If you've given them no reason to look at you, and your account doesn't come up in some bank audit, then they shouldn't notice.

But yeah, it's a hella bad idea to lie to the banks.

When they steal from you, they're "too big to fail". When you steal from them (or commit perjury) and the US Gov finds out (the unfortunate fellow holding the bag in many cases), then you might find yourself doing some quaking and quivering.

As far as maximum penalties are concerned, on the blemished side of things, I don't think a significant Wall St. name has done any real time since the Keating 5 in the 1980s. Wall St. has its talons into both sides of the aisle in DC.

On the further blemished side of things, you're not likely a Wall St. broker or CEO as far as we know. So you won't have that particular Congressional no-stick teflon coating, and no one at the SEC's enforcment arm making sweetheart deals on your behalf with a Federal judge, so, there's -that-.

But in reality, should someone like yourself, in a modest income bracket, with some fudging on your applications, no other felonies on premises when they have their discourse with you (which isn't likely, but....), and things were to go wrong, and they were onto your 'crime', then I would personally wager you'd be looking at something like several thousand dolars in fines (maybe a bit more) and a token stay in some mid-grade cell, just to "teach you your lesson."

There are likely other factors as to how that might play out, but I'll leave them by the side of the road for now.

Perjury is (quite frankly) rarely prosecuted, but when it is, your lies were either notably offensive to someone with some authority, or you pissed someone off in some other way.. Kinda' like how tRumps is busily pissing off several judges (or more) at the moment. Always a bad idea. Like pissing off your local newspaper editor; rarely does it end well.
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ICMag Donor
In all fairness, the previous recession was helped along by huge numbers of bad mortgages. Mortgage companies were taking applications at face value with little checking or verification. Later these loans were sold with high ratings when in fact they were junk and took big financial institutions down. I don't think applicants or mortgage companies were ever prosecuted. As a result, scruitany on applications was increased but, as far as I know, the worst result was being turned down for the loan without further penalties.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Of course you ignore opinion that doesn’t jibe with your own. And of course I don’t care.

Maybe you could have me banned/canceled. That would work just peachy for you.

Silence the voices of reason. Works every time.

Fucking hypocrite
You.re the only one talking about banning anyone. I'm just ignoring you because your opinion seems to amount to bitching about what everyone else is saying or to put it another way your opinion is about disrespecting everyone else's opinion. You don't like what people are saying in this thread, fine, move along, don't read this thread. Pretty much nobody will miss you with the exception of maybe Got_Bud who finds the way you attack everyone amusing.

moose eater

Well-known member
What? I thought about it as I was typing wasn't that good enough?
Pretty sure tRump's legal team and tRump himself, have now irritated even his own chosen special master. My understanding is that she drew a line at the references to the FBI planting stuff, and told Team tRump to either put up or shut up re. the allegations of planted evidence.

I believe she more or less told them to "Prove it."

Their wrangling and fairly obvious efforts to burn up the clock before the election, is even pissing off the folks he -thought- were on his side.

And if his attorneys take such allegations too far, who knows?
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Well-known member
"is it fraud?" absolutely, even if you paid the money back and on time. you knowingly exposed them:shucks: monetarily & legally for lying on the application for a loan. if it HAD gone bad and you pulled a Trump on them, they're screwed. i don't believe that "they should have known better" is not much of a defense in a courtroom. same as a car thief claiming "i brought it back, didn't i? WTF you mad about?:shucks::chin:


Well-known member

Jericho Mile

You.re the only one talking about banning anyone. I'm just ignoring you because your opinion seems to amount to bitching about what everyone else is saying or to put it another way your opinion is about disrespecting everyone else's opinion. You don't like what people are saying in this thread, fine, move along, don't read this thread. Pretty much nobody will miss you with the exception of maybe Got_Bud who finds the way you attack everyone amusing.
I’m laughing at you ignoring me you, fool. When you’re really not.

I’m laughing at you for taking politics serious. For taking yourself serious. For being sadly typical. For being caricatures of mainstream America. For being predictable.

I bet nobody in this thread is under 40. It’s a bunch of middle age (and over middle age) white males meeting at 6:00 AM for coffee at McDonald’s bitching and whining about the state of the world…eating their egg McMuffins and waiting for their heart attacks.

Lighten up….accept your station

Every time I distract you from the Criminal Indictments Coming For Trump…should be a breath of life saving air….you keep forgetting to breathe in your anticipation of nothing.

Left Right Pepsi Coke
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
You.re the only one talking about banning anyone. I'm just ignoring you because your opinion seems to amount to bitching about what everyone else is saying or to put it another way your opinion is about disrespecting everyone else's opinion. You don't like what people are saying in this thread, fine, move along, don't read this thread. Pretty much nobody will miss you with the exception of maybe Got_Bud who finds the way you attack everyone amusing.
I wouldn't say I'd miss him per se. But at least his attacks and diatribes are grounded in reality as opposed to some here. And he does get a good quip in now and then.

I'd sum it up as - I've worked with a lot of concrete guys so his barking doesn't annoy or offend me.

Jericho Mile

I wouldn't say I'd miss him per se. But at least his attacks and diatribes are grounded in reality as opposed to some here. And he does get a good quip in now and then.

I'd sum it up as - I've worked with a lot of concrete guys so his barking doesn't annoy or offend me.
I’m actually the voice of reason. Like it or not. I’m not emotionally involved in this bullshit. Everybody else seems to be ruled by them. Emotions. Powerful stuff.
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