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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

I've learned to avoid Fox.

The auto-loading videos are not pleasant.

They have an interesting business model. Hire writers & editors to craft taglines for news stories on the home page - titles that make you want to click through to the article.

Then when you click through, you get a video that auto-plays in your face.

Maybe the general public likes those videos ?
Well I think General Public is probably the wrong way to phrase it because that could include anyone. Certainly those members of the General Public who routinely tune in to Faux news seems to like it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
they claim to be "entertainment"...which has nothing to do with "believable" or "factual"... :tiphat: in their defense, some of them WERE entertaining at one time. i used to enjoy watching OReilly twist himself into dogknots...but he got old quick claiming that weed was addictive, lead to heroin use etc...it was like he morphed into the asshole that runs the drug testing clinics, Kevin Sabet.
Yeah, that's their claim but then they should call themselves Fox Entertainment rather then Fox News. Although at this point their regular viewers are so accepting of everything they say, I doubt changing their name would make much if any difference. I get what you're saying I used to also like Tucker Carlson although it was back when he was at CNN on a show called Crossfire.


Active member
By the way, it seems some connecting of dots is required re. the Gov's interest in falsified loan and similar forms.

Who guarantees the bank for losses, theft, etc.? We do; the US People, with our tax dollars, via the TARP bail-outs, FDIC, etc.

Donald tRump (and his orgs) has filed for bankruptcy how many times? (*Yes, I know the answer, do you?)

We just came away from a major worldwide economic melt-down about 14 years ago (2008), and ONE common denominator in that seriesof destructive events involved banks and others playing fast and loose with similar numbers. And many of those were simple common home mortgages.

tRump tends to role the dice (often using others' money) in deals worth tens and hundreds of millions, with the banks and their investors, (or Russian Oligarchs) holding the notes and potential losses, which, as noted above, there have been more than a few incidents of such losses..

Or is this the Koch Bros. semi-private 'club' where the Oligarchy and their minions and sock puppets openly discuss "socializing losses and privatizing profits"?

Maybe one day you guys will find a real hero to worship, with decent integrity, ethics, honesty.. shit like that... You know.. Stuff that really matters beyond spray-on tans and make-up and half-hearted speech writers pushing hollow promises and lies, like tRumps and his 'visionaries' have been doing for WAY too fucking long now..
Trump has played the system by the rules
That were set up by our government...
Many push the limits and boundaries of that system..
Trump didn't make the rules or invent
Business strategies that push the envelope
What's more curious is you Democrats
So worried about crimes by Trump..
But turn a blind eye to the very real
And very prosecutable crimes committed
By the Biden cartel...some of which are directly Adverse to and damaging to our nation
Why would you not be concerned with that?
It makes people wonder about your loyalty to country
I dont accept the notion that seemingly intelligent folks are Ignorant to these
Obvious real crimes that can potentially
Bring our country down
Unless that is your intention


Active member
Yeah, that's their claim but then they should call themselves Fox Entertainment rather then Fox News. Although at this point their regular viewers are so accepting of everything they say, I doubt changing their name would make much if any difference. I get what you're saying I used to also like Tucker Carlson although it was back when he was at CNN on a show called Crossfire.
And still crushing all the other liberal fake news garbage stations

Fox News becomes first cable news network to finish No. 1 for 20 straight years with dominant start to 2022


moose eater

Well-known member
Trump has played the system by the rules
That were set up by our government...
Many push the limits and boundaries of that system..
Trump didn't make the rules or invent
Business strategies that push the envelope
What's more curious is you Democrats
So worried about crimes by Trump..
But turn a blind eye to the very real
And very prosecutable crimes committed
By the Biden cartel...some of which are directly Adverse to and damaging to our nation
Why would you not be concerned with that?
It makes people wonder about your loyalty to country
I dont accept the notion that seemingly intelligent folks are Ignorant to these
Obvious real crimes that can potentially
Bring our country down
Unless that is your intention
So the rules included fraudulent appraisals, selling products as something they aren't, and filing for loans based on incomes and values of property that aren't real?

Whose rules are those? Must be Donny's rules.

Because the various AGs who have prosecuted his various cases of fraud and bankruptcy, as well as those who are preparing to indict the peckerwood, don't see those as 'the rules' at all, apparently.

Nice attempt at deflection and projection, by the way, but no score. I'm not uncertain of my love of Country, or my dislike for dishonest manipulators and nutcases who attempt to perpetuate and perpetrate their lunacy by pretending it's the Holy Grail of truth. My ego's not that weak or injured just quite yet to need to glom onto such assinine efforts..
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ICMag Donor
Well unfortunately what Letitia James is handling is just in civil court so while their may be no way for Trump to pull tricks that worked in the past it everything she's doing won't put him in jail. That's not to say what she's doing won't hurt, she's suing for a 1/4 Billion and she's working on Blocking Trump and Family from ever doing business in New York for themselves or on behalf of other companies. She's also asking that they be blocked from any real estate purchases for 5 years. Given that Trump has lots of debts that have been coming due that he's struggled to raise cash for, if she wins this case it could wipe him out and that just might hurt him more then losing his freedom. Which is still a possibility because Letitia James has also made criminal referrals to SDNY and IRS for the criminal levels of fraud Trump has been committing. The charges claim that in the past 10 years there have been over 200 separate cases of fraud committed by the Trump Organization. Which will be difficult for Trump to deny or prove different considering his CFO, Weisselberg has pleaded guilty to tax fraud. I mean it's just astounding the degree to which Trump took things. Like his Penthouse Apartment in a 30+ year old building he claimed to be 30,000 Sq. Feet when in reality it is more like 11,000 Sq. feet and he placed it's value at over 350 Million which is way more by a lot then any other Penthouse Apartment ever in NY.

As for the Special Master, no that's not working out at all, he's ordered both Trump and his lawyers to go on record with sworn statements by the end of the month detailing exactly what their claims are about the various documents. Basically telling them to put up or shut up. The consensus in all the news reports I've seen is today was the worst day in Trumps life legally.
Good analogy.

The best assessments that I heard from people who read the entire complaint / criminal referral stated that there was so much detail that it effectively made it impossible not to prosecute. If a prosecutor tried to pass due to pressure then it would be on him. Further, so many from SDNY will be following the case that with the facts given by James, mishandling of the case is not likely.

It could have been bravado and enthusiasm, but it sounded like James had had him tied up and gift wrapped with a bow on top. The testimony from Weiselberg will be more than damaging and unlike Cohen, Weiselberg still has credibility as a witness.

After all the bankruptcies trump still managed to find money from Russia. Considering the bang for the buck that Putin has recieved as far as damaging a democracy, it seems likely that trump will again be covered for financial damages on this one. It's incredible that massive amounts of money can move through PACs and dummy corporations while my charitable donations over $500 are scrutinized.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Ignorance of the law doesn't make you innocent. How far would that take you in a trial.. Sorry Judge I dint know that was illegal lol..

I bet turd lied his ass off in his bankruptcy fillings.


Active member
So the rules included fraudulent appraisals, selling products as something they aren't, and filing for loans based on incomes and values of property that aren't real?

Whose rules are those? Must be Donny's rules.

Because the various AGs who have prosecuted his various cases of fraud and bankruptcy, as well as those who are preparing to indict the peckerwood, don't see those as 'the rules' at all, apparently.

Nice attempt at deflection and projection, by the way, but no score. I'm not uncertain of my love of Country, or my dislike for dishonest manipulators and nutcases who attempt to perpetuate and perpetrate their lunacy by pretending it's the Holy Grail of truth. My ego's not that weak or injured just quite yet to need to glom onto such assinine efforts..

Valuations and appraisals are largely subjective
If your neighbor sells his house for 100 grand over the median market value and gets it ...you think you can sue him for fraudulently over valuing his home?
There are inherent risk for lenders and buyers...do you think a large loaning
Institution is not assessing their exposure on very large loans or doing their own valuations of collateral? Of coarse they do
As I stated if no one can claim a monetary loss or harm in a civil suit...no harm no foul
Ghetto ho AG is persecuting a civilian for political gain and malice...something she openly pledged to do in her campaign
There are very strict guidelines for prosecutors and AGs not to abuse their position for personal vendettas and overreach
She is being beaten in the current bid for
Her seat and will likely lose because she spends her time going after Trump while NY is being ravaged by unprecedented real crime
Surely you dont think this is the first time Trump is being sued...he probably knows more about the legalities of what he does
Than some one term ghetto ho AG
AGs are voted into office,just because she
got the votes,dosnt make her a good one
As I think you will see in Nov
You say you dont like dishonesty and manipulators who perpetrate their lunacy
As if it's the holy grail of truth...
Have you listened to what Biden says and claims? A lot of people in this country do
And their sick of this cocksucker pissing on their necks and telling them it's raining
Being a hypocrite is not a valued character trait nor something one should strive to be
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good analogy.

The best assessments that I heard from people who read the entire complaint / criminal referral stated that there was so much detail that it effectively made it impossible not to prosecute. If a prosecutor tried to pass due to pressure then it would be on him. Further, so many from SDNY will be following the case that with the facts given by James, mishandling of the case is not likely.

It could have been bravado and enthusiasm, but it sounded like James had had him tied up and gift wrapped with a bow on top. The testimony from Weiselberg will be more than damaging and unlike Cohen, Weiselberg still has credibility as a witness.

After all the bankruptcies trump still managed to find money from Russia. Considering the bang for the buck that Putin has recieved as far as damaging a democracy, it seems likely that trump will again be covered for financial damages on this one. It's incredible that massive amounts of money can move through PACs and dummy corporations while my charitable donations over $500 are scrutinized.
Well I've heard 2 things, on the possibility of SDNY picking it up so far there has been no word but it has been pointed out that while they haven't been moving on it, at least not publicly SDNY still has it as an open case which means they could move ahead at any time regardless of the referral from Letitia James. On the possibility of IRS picking it up again there have been no announcements yet but these fraud issues over the unusual and ever changing valuations of his property assets is nothing new for the IRS and they've looked into it before. Therefore the feeling is that IRS is unlikely to do anything unless they get new information they've never seen before. The "experts" trying to read the tea leaves do seem to feel though that Weiselberg's confession does count as new information.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And still crushing all the other liberal fake news garbage stations

Fox News becomes first cable news network to finish No. 1 for 20 straight years with dominant start to 2022

Ratings does not equal accuracy or truthfulness.


ICMag Donor
Well I've heard 2 things, on the possibility of SDNY picking it up so far there has been no word but it has been pointed out that while they haven't been moving on it, at least not publicly SDNY still has it as an open case which means they could move ahead at any time regardless of the referral from Letitia James. On the possibility of IRS picking it up again there have been no announcements yet but these fraud issues over the unusual and ever changing valuations of his property assets is nothing new for the IRS and they've looked into it before. Therefore the feeling is that IRS is unlikely to do anything unless they get new information they've never seen before. The "experts" trying to read the tea leaves do seem to feel though that Weiselberg's confession does count as new information.
I heard that too. Part of the delay seems to be the amount of information James had that SDNY didn't. They still have to process the additional info.
My impression is that, just like James, all players are holding their cards close, knowing that leaks are damaging.
Weiselberg is in a tough situation. Don't be surprised if this guy 'Jumps" out a window.

Jericho Mile

Rabble Rabble Rabble sewing circle…indictments….rabble rabble…fuck Trump…rabble rabble…freedom…rabble rabble…for god and country…rabble rabble…


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Valuations and appraisals are largely subjective
If your neighbor sells his house for 100 grand over the median market value and gets it ...you think you can sue him for fraudulently over valuing his home?
Managing to find some sucker willing to pay you $100,000 more then the current market value is not the same thing as lying about the value of a property in order to qualify for something you wouldn't otherwise qualify is a totally different matter. You're trying to compare apples to oranges. One is being lucky enough to find a sucker willing to pay more then something is worth the other is fraud. If it were a matter of having something that is appraised for say $147,000 and you round it up to $150,000 nobody would bat an eyelash, that sort of thing happens all the time. Claiming something is worth 1000% more then it's actual value (which was the markup he made on one of his properties) is something someone will notice and take exception to. Still even that wouldn't be so much of an issue if he kept the values the same when it came time to pay taxes. That's were the real issue is, inflating the value when it would benefit him and then later deflating the value to avoid taxes. Just because Trump has gotten away with it before doesn't make it legal, it just means he got lucky or more likely paid someone off to look the other way. Face it, Trump got cocky and greedy and he finally got caught. The question now is will someone have the courage to take it to criminal court? Chances are in favor of it not going very well for him if someone does take it to court. The only remote shot at a defense he has is if he decides to throw one or more of his children under the bus to save his own ass. If he does that though he'll be proving to the world he is the piece of crap everybody but people like you already knows him to be.
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Active member
Good analogy.

The best assessments that I heard from people who read the entire complaint / criminal referral stated that there was so much detail that it effectively made it impossible not to prosecute. If a prosecutor tried to pass due to pressure then it would be on him. Further, so many from SDNY will be following the case that with the facts given by James, mishandling of the case is not likely.

It could have been bravado and enthusiasm, but it sounded like James had had him tied up and gift wrapped with a bow on top. The testimony from Weiselberg will be more than damaging and unlike Cohen, Weiselberg still has credibility as a witness.

After all the bankruptcies trump still managed to find money from Russia. Considering the bang for the buck that Putin has recieved as far as damaging a democracy, it seems likely that trump will again be covered for financial damages on this one. It's incredible that massive amounts of money can move through PACs and dummy corporations while my charitable donations over $500 are scrutinized.

Deutsche bank is not Russian..Einshtein
The only people getting money from Russia is the Biden cartels crackhead son
Along with China. Mexico. Ukraine....the list goes on
And if ghetto ho had the goods on Trump
She would not be filing a civil case

Jericho Mile

Thank you, your opinion has been duly noted and ignored.
Of course you ignore opinion that doesn’t jibe with your own. And of course I don’t care.

Maybe you could have me banned/canceled. That would work just peachy for you.

Silence the voices of reason. Works every time.

Fucking hypocrite


ICMag Donor
Deutsche bank is not Russian..Einshtein
The only people getting money from Russia is the Biden cartels crackhead son
Along with China. Mexico. Ukraine....the list goes on
And if ghetto ho had the goods on Trump
She would not be filing a civil case
Here ya go Genius. Look it up.

Deutsche Bank handles stolen Russian money and loans it to trump. It's like a money toilet.
In fact Justice Anthony Kennedy suddenly resigned from the Supreme Court as part of a deal to shield his son who works at Deutsche Bank in the department handling the Russian money.
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