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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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See the world through a puff of smoke
Okay obviously you don't know how to read graphs and charts correctly so no point in discussing them with you any further. As for your point that there is a natural componant to Climate change, yes that is true and no climate scientist anywhere, ever, has tried to say there wasn't. What people like you miss all the time is that what we are experiencing now is happening sooner then expected if it was all just up to the natural cycles of the world. The reason it's happening sooner as well as to a greater extent then ever expected is because of man made contributions accelerating the natural cycle.

As for the coldest September 18th in history, where are you getting that information from? I just did a search and I can't find anyone, posting anywhere on the internet that yesterday was the coldest September 18th ever in history. If that were true there would be climate change deniers posting all over the place in droves about how yesterday was the coldest September 18th on record and therefore climate change is false. I suspect you just misread another graph of chart somewhere. Let's set that aside for the moment though, let's say that yesterday was the coldest September 18th ever anywhere on the planet, that still doesn't disprove climate change because it isn't based on single days, it's base on averages and the trends those averages reveal. A single record cold day in history doesn't prove climate change is getting better, just as a single hot day in history doesn't prove it's getting worse. All a single day proves is that weather and temperatures fluctuate from day to day, week to week, month to month and year to year. A fact that has been known to man since the beginning of mankind's existence.

"The global average and combined land and ocean surface temperature show a warming of 1.09 °C (range: 0.95 to 1.20 °C) from 1850–1900 to 2011–2020, based on multiple independently produced datasets.[28]: 5  The trend is faster since 1970s than in any other 50-year period over at least the last 2000 years.[28]: 8  Within this long-term upward trend, there is short-term variability because of natural internal variability (e.g. ENSO, volcanic eruption), but record highs have been occurring regularly."

Photo from Greenland in 1931.As you can see open water and no snow on the mountains.Whats happening sooner? we had a great summer like 1976, good growing weather and not much rain too.

That graph is just showing ice is coming back again at the places where it is gone.The Sahara was once green too, just like Greenland.

The Dutch weather service btw announced it was the coldest day in history.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I’m not helping anyone who can’t help themselves. I’m not pushing off my perceptions of the world on anyone else to attempt to get them to see things like I do.

None of you folks in here…no offense…seem to know what the hell you are even talking about. You dudes just have very set views and then find other people with the same set views…then you hook into medium programming to maintain and justify set views…and then you argue with those who do not share your views.

The culture of make believe redux
Just watch the movie wouldja


Well-known member
Oh well that explains it, it was on Faux News. I make it a point not to watch news channels who when in a court of law put up the defense that nobody with a reasonable mind watching their show would believe what is being said.
they claim to be "entertainment"...which has nothing to do with "believable" or "factual"... :tiphat: in their defense, some of them WERE entertaining at one time. i used to enjoy watching OReilly twist himself into dogknots...but he got old quick claiming that weed was addictive, lead to heroin use etc...it was like he morphed into the asshole that runs the drug testing clinics, Kevin Sabet.

St. Phatty

Active member
Oh well that explains it, it was on Faux News. I make it a point not to watch news channels who when in a court of law put up the defense that nobody with a reasonable mind watching their show would believe what is being said.

I've learned to avoid Fox.

The auto-loading videos are not pleasant.

They have an interesting business model. Hire writers & editors to craft taglines for news stories on the home page - titles that make you want to click through to the article.

Then when you click through, you get a video that auto-plays in your face.

Maybe the general public likes those videos ?


ICMag Donor
I think Trump's chances of indictment have increased substantially. First we should look at what indictment means, all it means is to be charged and while it's something there isn't any real history of with Presidents or former Presidents it's not really something that should be so inconceivable, an indictment is a long way from a conviction or a sentence either of which is much more questionable then a mere indictment in my opinion. The reason I say it's more likely he'll be indicted though comes from the way Trump's own lawyers responded to the Special Master's request that they take a formal position on whether Trump declassified the 100 documents in question or not. Now sure they worded it in lawyer speak or legalese which makes it harder to understand but they basically told the judge that if he or anyone wanted to know if Trump declassified the documents or what his claims were to them then whoever wanted that information needs to indict Trump first. I could be wrong here as I have no crystal ball but when your own lawyers are basically daring the courts to indict their client indictment seems almost like a certainty. The way I see it the question never was if Trump will be indicted but rather when he is, if he is found guilty, will he be punished the same as anyone else convicted of the same charges?
NY Attorney General Letitia James looks to have written up the complaint and allegations very thoroughly so that it must be prosecuted. There will be no way to buy off or pressure people to drop the case as has happened so many times before. This time the prosecutors will have no choice because it will cost them their license, their career and possibly their freedom if they don't move on it. On the stolen documents the 'Special Master' doesn't seem to be working out very well either.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
NY Attorney General Letitia James looks to have written up the complaint and allegations very thoroughly so that it must be prosecuted. There will be no way to buy off or pressure people to drop the case as has happened so many times before. This time the prosecutors will have no choice because it will cost them their license, their career and possibly their freedom if they don't move on it. On the stolen documents the 'Special Master' doesn't seem to be working out very well either.
Do they use prosecutors in civil cases?


Active member
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Active member
Trump was spot on again

New DHS report..."their not sending their finest...rapist,murderers...."

DHS Report Indicates Venezuela Sending Flood of Violent Prison Inmates to U.S. Border – The Published Reporter®


Active member
Shit is always going to happen…whether you are paying attention…whether you believe you are participating…whether you agree….or whether you don’t. The only thing that changes is the seasons…and your time left on the planet.

There are people out there in La La Land who actually perceive Donald Trump as being punk rock. Some even see him as a savior to the country…no wait…to the world. Have no doubt though. Just like in the movies…the world always needs saving.

The punk rock scene was just like the hippie scene…sounds all good while you are young. But in the end…we all know deep down…if we’re even1/2 smart..it’s a culture of make believe and we are not even coming close to winning. And even if we did….we wouldn’t want to…or know what to do with the win. Winning is a ruthless business.

I recognize…that here in the States…we have it pretty fucking good. I appreciate what I have. I’m enjoying it. Bitching about what fuck head figure head the corporation places in the top seat of the illusion does not fucking matter. If you really believe you are living in a republic where democracy rules…I have news for you : democracy has never worked at anytime anywhere…other than…presenting the perfect illusion that citizens run the show. It’s format social engineering.
Protest against the pot laws lead to your legal grow. You’re welcome.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Trump was spot on again

New DHS report..."their not sending their finest...rapist,murderers...."

DHS Report Indicates Venezuela Sending Flood of Violent Prison Inmates to U.S. Border – The Published Reporter®
FAKE NEWS - plus your link is nothing but a cookie machine - over 50
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