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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
NY Attorney General Letitia James looks to have written up the complaint and allegations very thoroughly so that it must be prosecuted. There will be no way to buy off or pressure people to drop the case as has happened so many times before. This time the prosecutors will have no choice because it will cost them their license, their career and possibly their freedom if they don't move on it. On the stolen documents the 'Special Master' doesn't seem to be working out very well either.

holy shit... when i bought my house, i fudged my income ... will she be coming after me next... holy shit


ICMag Donor
NY Attorney General Letitia James looks to have written up the complaint and allegations very thoroughly so that it must be prosecuted. There will be no way to buy off or pressure people to drop the case as has happened so many times before. This time the prosecutors will have no choice because it will cost them their license, their career and possibly their freedom if they don't move on it. On the stolen documents the 'Special Master' doesn't seem to be working out very well either.

holy shit... when i bought my house, i fudged my income ... will she be coming after me next... holy shit
I can see your confusion. Fudge and mile high shit pile smell very similar.

moose eater

Well-known member
Technically speaking, many of the bank loan forms (and similar, including IRS and state income tx forms, as well as various financial disclosure forms re. conflict of interest vetting, etc.) have had notices on them re. penalties for filing false information.

Lying to beat the system is often punishable by virtue of it constituting the crimes of fraud and perjury, both. Sometimes both felonies, depending on the specific form and the amounts of money involved in the deception.

St. Phatty

Active member
Technically speaking, many of the bank loan forms (and similar, including IRS and state income tx forms, as well as various financial disclosure forms re. conflict of interest vetting, etc.) have had notices on them re. penalties for filing false information.

Lying to beat the system is often punishable by virtue of it constituting the crimes of fraud and perjury, both. Sometimes both felonies, depending on the specific form and the amounts of money involved in the deception.

It's important to play with a Level playing field.

For the US government & corporate America, Telling Lies is often their first choice.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Trump was spot on again

New DHS report..."their not sending their finest...rapist,murderers...."

DHS Report Indicates Venezuela Sending Flood of Violent Prison Inmates to U.S. Border – The Published Reporter®

You talk tough and you have the respect for lofty cloth.

Shouldn't you be excited to get tougher stock? Through legal means? How are you being an American by freaking out about possible economic recovery?


Active member
You talk tough and you have the respect for lofty cloth.

Shouldn't you be excited to get tougher stock? Through legal means? How are you being an American by freaking out about possible economic recovery?
Shouldn't you be finding inventive ways to stretch your foodstamps and heating
Your trailer home this winter?


Active member
Technically speaking, many of the bank loan forms (and similar, including IRS and state income tx forms, as well as various financial disclosure forms re. conflict of interest vetting, etc.) have had notices on them re. penalties for filing false information.

Lying to beat the system is often punishable by virtue of it constituting the crimes of fraud and perjury, both. Sometimes both felonies, depending on the specific form and the amounts of money involved in the deception.
Civil lawsuits are not victimless...no bank or lending institute are complaining about
Being paid back in full with handsome interest rates ...
As for the ghetto ho AG...she may just find herself in peril for singling out a citizen for political persecution...
The scotus is very clear on this..so is the bar association

New York AG's Trump lawsuit should be dismissed as politically punitive and an unethical abuse of power


moose eater

Well-known member
Civil lawsuits are not victimless...no bank or lending institute are complaining about
Being paid back in full with handsome interest rates ...
As for the ghetto ho AG...she may just find herself in peril for singling out a citizen for political persecution...
The scotus is very clear on this..so is the bar association

New York AG's Trump lawsuit should be dismissed as politically punitive and an unethical abuse of power

You guys MUST be into yoga. That kind of flexibility in paradigm shift and excuse making, all while pivoting to defend a person who has gotten away with fraud for decades, requires being -very- limber.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You guys MUST be into yoga. That kind of flexibility in paradigm shift and excuse making, all while pivoting to defend a person who has gotten away with fraud for decades, requires being -very- limber.
I almost accidentally 'liked' that post because I thought you were talking about Joe Biden for a minute there! :biglaugh:

moose eater

Well-known member
I almost accidentally 'liked' that post because I thought you were talking about Joe Biden for a minute there! :biglaugh:
If not for partisanism and the delusions you, 3berries, and m4u cling to, you might've just liked it for being the truth.

But truth doesn't sell all that well, especially to MAGAts these days. They have their own alternative 'facts' that seems to ignore the reality that the rest of the planet is viewing.

Which might be why they continue to find themselves as members in an ever and rapidly shrinking minority.

Strange perceptions and standards such as the example you gave on the previous page, where you stated that tRump only called names when character was/is in question. I asked if that was the case with the person with DD's at the rally. You skipped it. Violated the delusional narrative, eh?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
But truth doesn't sell all that well, especially to MAGAts these days. They have their own alternative 'facts' that seems to ignore the reality that the rest of the planet is viewing.
Logically speaking, wouldn't it be the TRUTH SEEKERS who have the 'alternative facts?'

And wouldn't the people who wish to remain unaffected by truth also be devoid of 'alternative facts (due to a lack of interest in research)?'

moose eater

Well-known member
By the way, it seems some connecting of dots is required re. the Gov's interest in falsified loan and similar forms.

Who guarantees the bank for losses, theft, etc.? We do; the US People, with our tax dollars, via the TARP bail-outs, FDIC, etc.

Donald tRump (and his orgs) has filed for bankruptcy how many times? (*Yes, I know the answer, do you?)

We just came away from a major worldwide economic melt-down about 14 years ago (2008), and ONE common denominator in that seriesof destructive events involved banks and others playing fast and loose with similar numbers. And many of those were simple common home mortgages.

tRump tends to role the dice (often using others' money) in deals worth tens and hundreds of millions, with the banks and their investors, (or Russian Oligarchs) holding the notes and potential losses, which, as noted above, there have been more than a few incidents of such losses..

Or is this the Koch Bros. semi-private 'club' where the Oligarchy and their minions and sock puppets openly discuss "socializing losses and privatizing profits"?

Maybe one day you guys will find a real hero to worship, with decent integrity, ethics, honesty.. shit like that... You know.. Stuff that really matters beyond spray-on tans and make-up and half-hearted speech writers pushing hollow promises and lies, like tRumps and his 'visionaries' have been doing for WAY too fucking long now..

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
By the way, it seems some connecting of dots is required re. the Gov's interest in falsified loan and similar forms.

Who guarantees the bank for losses, theft, etc.? We do; the US People, with our tax dollars, via the TARP bail-outs, FDIC, etc.

Donald tRump (and his orgs) has filed for bankruptcy how many times? (*Yes, I know the answer, do you?)

We just came away from a major worldwide economic melt-down about 14 years ago (2008), and ONE common denominator in that seriesof destructive events involved banks and others playing fast and loose with similar numbers. And many of those were simple common home mortgages.

tRump tends to role the dice (often using others' money) in deals worth tens and hundreds of millions, with the banks and their investors, (or Russian Oligarchs) holding the notes and potential losses, which, as noted above, there have been more than a few incidents of such losses..

Or is this the Koch Bros. semi-private 'club' where the Oligarchy and their minions and sock puppets openly discuss "socializing losses and privatizing profits"?

Maybe one day you guys will find a real hero to worship, with decent integrity, ethics, honesty.. shit like that... You know.. Stuff that really matters beyond spray-on tans and make-up and half-hearted speech writers pushing hollow promises and lies, like tRumps and his 'visionaries' have been doing for WAY too fucking long now..
Koch bros were Deep State financiers. Republicans hate them (I think). MAGA is definitely against them. Their influence has dwindled.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
NY Attorney General Letitia James looks to have written up the complaint and allegations very thoroughly so that it must be prosecuted. There will be no way to buy off or pressure people to drop the case as has happened so many times before. This time the prosecutors will have no choice because it will cost them their license, their career and possibly their freedom if they don't move on it. On the stolen documents the 'Special Master' doesn't seem to be working out very well either.
Well unfortunately what Letitia James is handling is just in civil court so while their may be no way for Trump to pull tricks that worked in the past everything she's doing won't put him in jail. That's not to say what she's doing won't hurt, she's suing for a 1/4 Billion and she's working on blocking Trump and Family from ever doing business in New York for themselves or on behalf of other companies. She's also asking that they be blocked from any real estate purchases for 5 years. Given that Trump has lots of debts that have been coming due that he's struggled to raise cash for, if she wins this case it could wipe him out and that just might hurt him more then losing his freedom. Which is still a possibility because Letitia James has also made criminal referrals to SDNY and IRS for the criminal levels of fraud Trump has been committing. The charges claim that in the past 10 years there have been over 200 separate cases of fraud committed by the Trump Organization. Which will be difficult for Trump to deny or prove different considering his CFO, Weisselberg has pleaded guilty to tax fraud. I mean it's just astounding the degree to which Trump took things. Like his Penthouse Apartment in a 30+ year old building he claimed to be 30,000 Sq. Feet when in reality it is more like 11,000 Sq. feet and he placed it's value at over 350 Million which is way more by a lot then any other Penthouse Apartment ever in NY.

As for the Special Master, no that's not working out at all, he's ordered both Trump and his lawyers to go on record with sworn statements by the end of the month detailing exactly what their claims are about the various documents. Basically telling them to put up or shut up. The consensus in all the news reports I've seen is today was the worst day in Trumps life legally.
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