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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Active member
It’s a damn shame what happened to Jello.…60 pounds overweight and still whining…still thinks he’s relevant.

Sometimes it’s best not to meet the heroes of your youth.

* that being said…everything the DKs did up to Bedtime for Democracy was intelligent and scary stuff. Fresh Fruit is still the most game changing album of my life. First time I heard it…I was like…yep…there it is.

He was a child hood hero of mine. Met Jello back in 1991 at Michigan State when he first started doing his spoken word tour. Back when he had some humor left in him. Agree with you about him just whining now.
Fresh Fruit almost sounds like easy listening now. But back then............


Active member
Not really a true punk rock fan I recognize it as an answer to complacency amongst a generation overwhelmed from messaging in media. Almost every show, movie, record album was pushing some sort of message along with a variety of products. Friendly cops on motorcycles to a mixed family of 3 boys and 3 girls not having sex. Rock and roll narcos in high dollar cars. Seriously WTF?
Rock is dead. Punk is dead. It was replaced by complacency. It gets us all. Trump becomes president. That was complacency. When you just let shit happen, it happens. Every once in a while, we get rude reminders.

Jericho Mile

Not really a true punk rock fan I recognize it as an answer to complacency amongst a generation overwhelmed from messaging in media. Almost every show, movie, record album was pushing some sort of message along with a variety of products. Friendly cops on motorcycles to a mixed family of 3 boys and 3 girls not having sex. Rock and roll narcos in high dollar cars. Seriously WTF?
Rock is dead. Punk is dead. It was replaced by complacency. It gets us all. Trump becomes president. That was complacency. When you just let shit happen, it happens. Every once in a while, we get rude reminders.
Shit is always going to happen…whether you are paying attention…whether you believe you are participating…whether you agree….or whether you don’t. The only thing that changes is the seasons…and your time left on the planet.

There are people out there in La La Land who actually perceive Donald Trump as being punk rock. Some even see him as a savior to the country…no wait…to the world. Have no doubt though. Just like in the movies…the world always needs saving.

The punk rock scene was just like the hippie scene…sounds all good while you are young. But in the end…we all know deep down…if we’re even1/2 smart..it’s a culture of make believe and we are not even coming close to winning. And even if we did….we wouldn’t want to…or know what to do with the win. Winning is a ruthless business.

I recognize…that here in the States…we have it pretty fucking good. I appreciate what I have. I’m enjoying it. Bitching about what fuck head figure head the corporation places in the top seat of the illusion does not fucking matter. If you really believe you are living in a republic where democracy rules…I have news for you : democracy has never worked at anytime anywhere…other than…presenting the perfect illusion that citizens run the show. It’s format social engineering.


Well-known member
Shit is always going to happen…whether you are paying attention…whether you believe you are participating…whether you agree….or whether you don’t. The only thing that changes is the seasons…and your time left on the planet.

There are people out there in La La Land who actually perceive Donald Trump as being punk rock. Some even see him as a savior to the country…no wait…to the world.

The punk rock scene was just like the hippie scene…sounds all good while you are young. But in the end…we all know deep down…if we’re even1/2 smart..it’s a culture of make believe and we are not even coming close to winning. And even if we did….we wouldn’t want to…or know what to do with the win. Winning is a ruthless business.

I recognize…that here in the States…we have it pretty fucking good. I appreciate what I have. I’m enjoying it. Bitching about what fuck head figure head the corporation places in the top seat of the illusion does not fucking matter. If you really believe you are living in a republic where democracy rules…I have news for you : democracy has never worked at anytime anywhere…other than…presenting the perfect illusion that citizens run the show.
You are supposed to create the culture not just watch it go by. Help create community that provides as much for itself as possible. Ignore their money culture every opportunity you can. Help their children become punks and hippies. Help make it trendy to ignore their broken reality every chance you get and live your own reality. Just stay out of jail and don't pass them off so bad you get yourself shot.

It's easier for some people than others. But if you know better. Stop following their rules and paying their cooperation. And tell anyone that will listen.

Jericho Mile

You are supposed to create the culture not just watch it go by. Help create community that provides as much for itself as possible. Ignore their money culture every opportunity you can. Help their children become punks and hippies. Help make it trendy to ignore their broken reality every chance you get and live your own reality. Just stay out of jail and don't pass them off so bad you get yourself shot.

It's easier for some people than others. But if you know better. Stop following their rules and paying their cooperation. And tell anyone that will listen.
I’m not helping anyone who can’t help themselves. I’m not pushing off my perceptions of the world on anyone else to attempt to get them to see things like I do.

None of you folks in here…no offense…seem to know what the hell you are even talking about. You dudes just have very set views and then find other people with the same set views…then you hook into medium programming to maintain and justify set views…and then you argue with those who do not share your views.

The culture of make believe redux


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Trump's lawyer got $3 million up front. My guess is he knows Trump's guilty as hell and is only doing this for the payday.
Ah, I didn't know that, smart move on his part. You might be over thinking it though on why he demanded to be paid upfront. Trump has a well established history of not paying people for services rendered especially if they can't provide what Trump is expecting. Fortunately for the attorney Trump was having such a hard time getting a lawyer he probably saw where he could demand payment up front and get it. Not only was it smart because of Trump's payment history but if he had any sense of where the other cases against Trump were headed, especially the one from the NY AG he might have been concerned Trump would be bankrupt by the time this trial finished if they were able to slow things down the way Trump wanted them to.


Well-known member
I’m not helping anyone who can’t help themselves. I’m not pushing off my perceptions of the world on anyone else to attempt to get them to see things like I do.

None of you folks in here…no offense…seem to know what the hell you are even talking about. You dudes just have very set views and then find other people with the same set views…then you hook into medium programming to maintain and justify set views…and then you argue with those who do not share your views.

The culture of make believe redux
Agreed that talk is just talk and around here the stupidity can get thick sometimes.

I'm talking about living an example that reflects your beliefs. And it is my belief that healthy communities providing for themselves and trading with other likeminded communities is the most logical way to make the current system obsolete.

I had a realization about all the products I use. And I know as one person I could never make everything I need and live a happy life. But by networking with others can replace the majority of what I don't want to pay for from some billionaire.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Ah, I didn't know that, smart move on his part. You might be over thinking it though on why he demanded to be paid upfront. Trump has a well established history of not paying people for services rendered especially if they can't provide what Trump is expecting. Fortunately for the attorney Trump was having such a hard time getting a lawyer he probably saw where he could demand payment up front and get it. Not only was it smart because of Trump's payment history but if he had any sense of where the other cases against Trump were headed, especially the one from the NY AG he might have been concerned Trump would be bankrupt by the time this trial finished if they were able to slow things down the way Trump wanted them to.
I wasn't trying to impy he got paid up front because he knows Trump is guilty. We all know Trump doesn't pay his legal bills. I'm saying he took the money knowing Trump is guilty and no amount of legal maneuvering he attempts is going to save his client.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If, should, might, may, possibly, maybe, none of these words are definitive. Want in one hand and shit in the other, see which fills up first? Trump is as likely to be indicted as Putin is to lose this war in Ukraine. Funnily enough, you read articles about both you see a shit load of the same presumptive manipulative language. It's almost like your opinions aren't your own..
I think Trump's chances of indictment have increased substantially. First we should look at what indictment means, all it means is to be charged and while it's something there isn't any real history of with Presidents or former Presidents it's not really something that should be so inconceivable, an indictment is a long way from a conviction or a sentence either of which is much more questionable then a mere indictment in my opinion. The reason I say it's more likely he'll be indicted though comes from the way Trump's own lawyers responded to the Special Master's request that they take a formal position on whether Trump declassified the 100 documents in question or not. Now sure they worded it in lawyer speak or legalese which makes it harder to understand but they basically told the judge that if he or anyone wanted to know if Trump declassified the documents or what his claims were to them then whoever wanted that information needs to indict Trump first. I could be wrong here as I have no crystal ball but when your own lawyers are basically daring the courts to indict their client indictment seems almost like a certainty. The way I see it the question never was if Trump will be indicted but rather when he is, if he is found guilty, will he be punished the same as anyone else convicted of the same charges?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Did Trump really say he thought the FBI raid at MAL was about finding Hilary's emails? :ROFLMAO:
That's not something I've heard anyone report yet but that being said, it wouldn't surprise me if he did. Trump's come up with some pretty bizarre claims over the years.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
POTUS has authority to declas.
Only the current POTUS not a former one, but none of that matters since nothing about the charges hinge on whether something was classified or not. Even if Trump had declassified them (something of which there is no evidence) declassification doesn't change ownership. Declassifying a document that might pose a threat to national security doesn't eliminate the threat to national security. Trump and you Trump Humpers are desperately trying to grasp a piece of straw that won't save him.
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Well-known member
If he had Hillarys emails or any substantial evidence of them he would have told the entire world within moments.

About a thousand times more likely he is trying to benefit financial from some country run by a dictator.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Remember, the "intelligence community" refused to declas because it would reveal embarrassing info about a foreign ally?

It was not up to the intel community and that is an illegal justification.
Nobody has made any claims that the documents found at Mar-A-Lago had any connection to Crossfire Hurricane. Even if they did though they're still the property of the Federal government. They are not, never were and never will be Trump's personal property.
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