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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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the perception of DT is creeping forward where he might be looked upon as a disgraced politician
what would an honorable man do in this place?
some have chosen to take the final exit - you know
so Donald, are you going to cheat us out of our fun?
and if it's cheating DT is drawn like a moth to the flame


Well-known member
Though the MAGA R's are likely too caught up in hero-worship to realize the DoJ and the various state AGs are actually doing them a solid favor by removing a rather putrid fly from the ointment.

Now if thry could catapult Lindsey and Mitch into some quagmire with no bottom some place, many might even take the leap of trying to see them as actual human beings.
they need to chuck out more than those 3 before i'd ever consider them "cleansed"... a LOT more!
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Trump is the defendant..defendants are not required to present proof of innocents
The DOJ must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the documents were not declassified...again the president has total and complete authorization to declassify all documents with no permissions nor notifications....


ICMag Donor
Trump breaks the law 200X and they bring a law suit. Any one else breaks the law and they get charged. WTF?

It looks like charges are coming too. For now, NY is seeking $250m in lost tax revenue.
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Active member
Trump is the defendant..defendants are not required to present proof of innocents
The DOJ must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the documents were not declassified...again the president has total and complete authorization to declassify all documents with no permissions nor notifications....
Try again Skippy.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump’s legal team has told a newly appointed independent arbiter that it does not want to answer his questions about the declassification status of the documents seized last month from the former president’s Florida home, saying that issue could be part of Trump’s defense if he’s indicted.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
No POTUS can do whatever he wants. There are procedures to get top secret doc declassified. He doesn't get to wave his hands and call it declassified LMAO. There's no way the info he stole would ever be declassified. Only Fascists think a PUTUS can do anything he wants. It sure as hell will never fly in the USA. The United States government is who puts the classification on doc lol. How nuts does one need to be to think the GOV agency has to prove the doc's they marked top secret are? That's just off your rocker nuts. They are the people that are taking Turd to court. All of those doc were marked TOP SECRET before Trump stole them.. Why are some of those folder empty? Why that alone doesn't bother you boot lickers says it all.
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Well-known member
Trump is the defendant..defendants are not required to present proof of innocents
The DOJ must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the documents were not declassified...again the president has total and complete authorization to declassify all documents with no permissions nor notifications....

innocents. lol

11th circuit disagrees. Unanimous. Two trump appointees too


Active member
No POTUS can do whatever he wants. There are procedures to get top secret doc declassified. He doesn't get to wave his hands and call it declassified LMAO. There's no way the info he stole would ever be declassified. Only Fascists think a PUTUS can do anything he wants. It sure as hell will never fly in the USA. The United States government is who puts the classification on doc lol. How nuts does one need to be to think the GOV agency has to prove the doc's they marked top secret are? That's just off your rocker nuts. They are the people that are taking Turd to court. All of those doc were marked TOP SECRET before Trump stole them.. Why are some of those folder empty? Why that alone doesn't bother you boot lickers says it all.
Why dont you look up what the president
Can do with declassifying documents...
So you can crush your own dumbass
Hopes and dreams...


Active member
A sitting U.S. president has wide-ranging authority to classify and declassify certain documents, but former presidents do not have authority over classification and declassification.

Current presidents can classify documents as long as they can “make a plausible argument that it is related to national security.” On the other hand, the president “doesn’t have to give any reason for declassifying” information, according to McClanahan.

“He can just say, ‘I decide that this should be declassified,’ and it’s declassified,” McClanahan said.

A 2009 executive order directs the head of a government agency that originally deemed information classified to oversee its declassification, and sets some rules for that process. But those protocols outlined in the executive order don’t apply to the president, McClanahan said


Well-known member
Trump is the defendant..defendants are not required to present proof of innocents
The DOJ must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the documents were not declassified...again the president has total and complete authorization to declassify all documents with no permissions nor notifications....
Actually he is not. He requested the special master as a complaint against the FBI. They even made him pay for it. And he hand picked his judge who is is now pissing off.

Ha ha. Going to jail.

St. Phatty

Active member
Actually he is not. He requested the special master as a complaint against the FBI. They even made him pay for it. And he hand picked his judge who is is now pissing off.

Ha ha. Going to jail.

Would be very interesting to have a GoPro running to capture the conversation, possibly just attempted, between Trump and the Judge.

Even if his attorney is the only one who is supposed to address the Judge.

The moment before Trump is sentenced, if he is.

Does he call the Judge, "Judge".

If there's a sentence of jail time, does he start pleading in a higher voice, "Your Honor".

GOD ALMIGHTY, What has come to us, that we spend so much time thinking about the Degenerate Richie Rich named Donald Trump.


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