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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member

Remember, the "intelligence community" refused to declas because it would reveal embarrassing info about a foreign ally?

It was not up to the intel community and that is an illegal justification.
You don't seem to realize. If these were the same documents in question this would nor be an issue. His lawyers will not even say he declassified the documents in question.


Well-known member
Both of the top two 2024 Republican frontrunners are under criminal investigation.

Let that sink in.
it's what is called a "good start". got a few GOP senators that need talking to as well for aiding and abetting the Jan. 6th horseshit...toss in a few state legislators & election officials that are blatantly still trying to destroy our voting rights & democracy. that should keep judges, attys, assorted grand juries, prison officials, and headline writers/political cartoonists busy for years...


ICMag Donor
New York Attorney General Letitia James announced a lawsuit against Trump for violating the law as part of his efforts to generate profits. She gives the example that Mar-a-Lago was valued as high as $739M when it should've been at $75M. In a more than 200 page lawsuit, the Attorney General said that Donald Trump, his family, and the Trump Organization committed more than 200 criminal acts by falsifying asset evaluations to inflate their wealth.

No, He doesn't get another pass on this one.

moose eater

Well-known member
POTUS has authority to declas.
According to DoJ and National Archives there's a procedure for declassifying, and tRump didn't use it.
In fact, by current appearances, it seems that "they were declassified" is nothing but a last ditch (or, hopefully, near last ditch) attempt to make it look as though "it's all just one big misunderstanding." A lot like most of tRump's claims when he gets inconveniently noticed with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar..

Which, if you look at his past, has been too many times.

moose eater

Well-known member
he'll be too busy fighting this for the next couple of years and most likely won't get nominated by his party now that he's a liability.

This is a win for the Republicans!
Though the MAGA R's are likely too caught up in hero-worship to realize the DoJ and the various state AGs are actually doing them a solid favor by removing a rather putrid fly from the ointment.

Now if thry could catapult Lindsey and Mitch into some quagmire with no bottom some place, many might even take the leap of trying to see them as actual human beings.
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