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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I don't think any would be surprised if that was true. Trump's whole family is corrupt and used the GOV to make them more money. Don't forget Jared's dad was found guilty of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering and was sentenced to two years imprisonment. Then Trump pardoned him as he had done with many crooks. No other POTUS has pardoned known guilty criminals.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member


Well-known member
So now the Saudi crown prince is claiming that Jared Kushner handed him US Intelligence.

fucking amateur
I don't think any would be surprised if that was true. Trump's whole family is corrupt and used the GOV to make them more money. Don't forget Jared's dad was found guilty of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering and was sentenced to two years imprisonment. Then Trump pardoned him as he had done with many crooks. No other POTUS has pardoned known guilty criminals.
folks like us and The Chump have a distinctly different definition of "criminal".


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So now the Saudi crown prince is claiming that Jared Kushner handed him US Intelligence.

Wouldn't be surprising given that Kushner received 2 Billion from the Saudi's to start up an investment firm which was done against the advice of all the Saudi financial experts who found that Kushner had no real talent for running an investment firm. Looks like in this case that's maybe at least one investment that paid off for the Saudi's.

St. Phatty

Active member
How about letting him be President of a Night Club with both sexes of topless dancers, and a really good Foosball table ?

He's been training for that job his whole life !


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
At the rate the polar ice caps are melting all this corruption will get drowned out soon. Anyone with seaside property better sell that shit.
Yeah, it will totally redefine the meaning of "Deep State" except this time it won't be some paranoid fiction being discussed on conspiracy sites.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It's just plain stupidity at this point. These dumbasses will kill this planet. Most are now only about the money. That's never been my vibe. Being kind is now not exceptable. Stop trying to please others and focus on our own happiness.
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Well-known member
It's just plain stupidity at this point. These dumbasses will kill this planet. Most are now only about the money. That's never been my vibe. Being kind is now not exceptable. Stop trying to please others and focus on our own happiness.
this is gonna sound odd, but...i enjoy helping others. when i do things like help someone change a flat, jump-start their car, whatever...i like the feeling. it does not bother me in the least if they are leaving and thinking "boy, that dude is dumb! anyone else would have asked me for $10 for doing that.." :tiphat: we used to load up in our jeeps when it snowed & head out hunting poor bastards that had slid into ditches...
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