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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
she's bending over backwards trying to look "fair" and prevent The Chumps idiot supporters from claiming that SHE (a Chump appointee) is biased against him... maybe hoping for a cushier chair on down the line from a future GOP administration. it will end up at the SC if the Chumpites can't find a way to keep all of the evidence away from the Justice dept..."deny, delay, deflect" it's the Chumpion way, baby!
Well if that's the case I feel sorry for her because many of the talking heads on the left are calling her a corrupt judge and saying she only did this because Trump appointed her so she's kind of in a damn if she does damned if she doesn't situation. Still the people that should be knowledgeable about the law like Bill Barr or George Conway are talking more from the perspective that the need to even have a special master is all wrong and and improper view of that whole process and they seem to think DOJ should appeal it right away and have strong grounds on which to appeal it. The irony of the whole situation is that what Trump hoes the Special Master might protect him from are all a result of his own measures he signed into law regarding cases involving classified materials which he did in response to the whole Hillary's emails thing. I think it will be hilarious if what he did in response to Clinton is ultimately what brings him down.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
A special master is necessary because Trump is accusing the DOJ of corruption. It would be a conflict to allow them custodial control over evidence which could clear Trump.

Michael Cohen was a Deep State NeverTrumper. Trump knew this.
Once again you are proving to be clueless about the things you are talking about. The job of the Special Master is not about preventing the DOJ from withholding evidence that could clear Trump. It's about determining what evidence isn't admissible because it's protected by attorney client privilege or executive privilege. Which is why if the Special Master finds anything covered by executive privilege it only serves to strengthen the DOJs case because anything covered by executive privilege is by definition Presidential records that was never Trumps property to take with him and retain. Further if the Special Master finds that evidence recovered by the search warrant is covered by executive privilege then because of the signed statement of Trumps lawyer who was named as the caretaker of these documents, that stated they had previously turned over all classified documents and Presidential records back in July then that's proof of obstruction of justice which is the most serious charge Trump is facing out of the three statutes cited as the reason for approving the search warrant. The only way Trump could squirm out of that is if he made a compelling argument that he didn't know any of these documents were covered by executive privilege. Which would be a tough argument to make because it would have been his executive privilege. Plus if he honestly didn't know any executive privilege applied he never would have made the request for a Special Master. Like I told you before, this whole Special Master thing isn't going to work out the way Trump or you think it will.

moose eater

Well-known member
she's bending over backwards trying to look "fair" and prevent The Chumps idiot supporters from claiming that SHE (a Chump appointee) is biased against him... maybe hoping for a cushier chair on down the line from a future GOP administration. it will end up at the SC if the Chumpites can't find a way to keep all of the evidence away from the Justice dept..."deny, delay, deflect" it's the Chumpion way, baby!
B... B.. But, isn't ANYONE who rules against Donald Jesus Christ tRump merely proving their membership in the Derp State by the very fact that they ruled against the Holy Grifter? :)
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Well-known member
Well if that's the case I feel sorry for her because many of the talking heads on the left are calling her a corrupt judge and saying she only did this because Trump appointed her so she's kind of in a damn if she does damned if she doesn't situation. Still the people that should be knowledgeable about the law like Bill Barr or George Conway are talking more from the perspective that the need to even have a special master is all wrong and and improper view of that whole process and they seem to think DOJ should appeal it right away and have strong grounds on which to appeal it. The irony of the whole situation is that what Trump hoes the Special Master might protect him from are all a result of his own measures he signed into law regarding cases involving classified materials which he did in response to the whole Hillary's emails thing. I think it will be hilarious if what he did in response to Clinton is ultimately what brings him down.
i have not read about anyone saying she is a "corrupt" judge, but virtually every former judge/AG etc has said that her ruling is so fundamentally flawed legally that it is not sustainable in a court of law. is she corrupt? i have no evidence. is she full of shit & an obvious partisan hack trying to protect the dimwit that gave her the job? that seems fairly obvious...


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Any comment from the MAGA faithful on the newest video released from Georgia?

In the surveillance video, which was obtained by CNN, Cathy Latham, a former GOP chairwoman of Coffee County who is under criminal investigation for posing as a fake elector in 2020, escorts a team of pro-Trump operatives to the county's elections office on January 7, 2021, the same day a voting system there is known to have been breached.

The two men seen in the video with Latham, Scott Hall and Paul Maggio, have acknowledged that they successfully gained access to a voting machine in Coffee County at the behest of Trump lawyer Sidney Powell.
Text messages, emails and witness testimony filed as part of a long-running civil suit into the security of Georgia's voting systems show Latham communicated directly with the then-Coffee County elections supervisor about getting access to the office, both before and after the breach. One text message, according to the court document, shows Latham coordinating the arrival and whereabouts of a team "led by Paul Maggio" that traveled to Coffee County at the direction of Powell.

moose eater

Well-known member
Not a MAGA faithful, obviously, but I'm pretty sure that a federal conspiracy charge used to be good for up to about a 10 year stint.

I'd strongly suggest, however, that if all of these weasels are sent where they need to be sent to.. (Hell, prison, where ever), someone should make certain that each of them is sentenced to a unique facility where they can have no contact with the other parties to the offenses, and preferably where there's -LOTS- of federal hardcore cases serving time..

Though the feds are known for running a bit cleaner operation than the states and localities where what might be karmic experiences are concerned.

Edit: Though this would obviously be a state charge.. Ooops.
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Well-known member
Not a MAGA faithful, obviously, but I'm pretty sure that a federal conspiracy charge used to be good for up to about a 10 year stint.

I'd strongly suggest, however, that if all of these weasels are sent where they need to be sent to.. (Hell, prison, where ever), someone should make certain that each of them is sentenced to a unique facility where they can have no contact with the other parties to the offenses, and preferably where there's -LOTS- of federal hardcore cases serving time..

Though the feds are known for running a bit cleaner operation than the states and localities where what might be karmic experiences are concerned.

Edit: Though this would obviously be a state charge.. Ooops.
doesn't Georgia still use chain gangs? :whistling:

St. Phatty

Active member
If Biden and/or Trump end up on the main ticket in 2024, that's like the US holding a razor blade & slashing its wrists ... AGAIN.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Once again you are proving to be clueless about the things you are talking about. The job of the Special Master is not about preventing the DOJ from withholding evidence that could clear Trump. It's about determining what evidence isn't admissible because it's protected by attorney client privilege or executive privilege.
This is closer to what I was saying. Glad we can agree on something. And, of course there is more to it than that too.


Well-known member
If Biden and/or Trump end up on the main ticket in 2024, that's like the US holding a razor blade & slashing its wrists ... AGAIN.
i would agree if folks were stupid enough to elect The Chump after all of the damage he has done to our political system, which was already reeling from his bullshit election lies.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This is closer to what I was saying. Glad we can agree on something. And, of course there is more to it than that too.
That is nothing like what you were saying, you were saying the complete opposite in fact, so we aren't agreeing on anything. And no there isn't anything more to it.
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