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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
it is that very level of ignorance that shows when morons propose seat belts on motorcycles and such. just a matter of time before some idiot proposes timers on guns so you have to wait 5 minutes between shots. of course, the military & LEO will be exempt... they'll go screaming into the hills when they realize there are adjustable multi-lobed cam-like assemblies that can be mounted inside of a trigger guard & spun by a small electric motor for nearly full-auto performance... the Glock pistol attachment has already been outlawed...if you don't have a class 3 license. folks already 3-d printing them now though...
That's the problem with most approaches to gun control, where there is a will there is a way. Just from what's been posted in the last few entries on this thread, if I'm understanding it correctly there are multiple ways around what prevents an assault rile that is semi auto from being made fully auto with the only real limiting factor being how much it costs a person to get around what prevents an assault rifle from being converted to a fully automatic weapon. Although again not being all that knowledgeable about such things I could be misunderstanding what I'm reading.

Got_Bud I'm also not too knowledgeable about 3D printing materials but as I understand it there are types of materials one can get for their 3D printers that are much more heat resistant then the typical material available for 3D printers. Also again something I could be wrong about or misunderstanding but aren't there 3D printers that can use a metal based filament?


Active member
If your at a Biden rally...
And one of the six people there has a gay pride flag...


Well...that means you also suck cock...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Weird how people who don’t want to be called fascist act mighty fascist when after being called fascist.

Big difference between the "POTUS" calling the people a clear and present danger and one citizen calling Biden the enemy, which he is. Trump is the commander in chief and is in a unique position to make such a declaration.

Jericho Mile

Big difference between the "POTUS" calling the people a clear and present danger and one citizen calling Biden the enemy, which he is. Trump is the commander in chief and is in a unique position to make such a declaration…after I bounce my head in his lap…murmuring adoration and complete obedience in between hempy slurps lol jesus fucking christ…hempy can’t swallow fast enough
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